PRTG Version 2024/11/12
New Sensors:
- Script v2 sensor: You can now create the Script v2 sensor (BETA) when you execute the Run Auto-Discovery with Template function on a device. The sensor will be created only when you have Python installed on the probe system.
- SNMP Disk Free v2: We fixed an issue for the SNMP Disk Free v2 (BETA) that displayed wrong values in certain cases when you updated to PRTG version The issue occurred in cases when you monitored disks with a larger volume. The sensor then reported wrong values like 0% for the percentage channel Free Space and went into error status. Additionally, the absolute values in the channel Total were displayed as negative. The issue happened because the value calculation in the sensor was exceeded by the large values and the sensor could not handle the value overflow correctly.
- SNMP Traffic v2 sensor: You can try out our experimental Soffico Orchestra Scenario sensor that we introduce with this PRTG version. This sensor monitors the status of processes within an Orchestra scenario. The sensor comes with the channels Aborted Count, Downtime, Finished Count, Paused Count, Running Count and Warning Count. Please note that this sensor requires a Soffico license and as of Orchestra
Soffico Orchestra Scenario sensor: You can now create the Script v2 sensor (BETA) when you execute the Run Auto-Discovery with Template function on a device. The sensor will be created only when you have Python installed on the probe system. - Local Folder sensor and Network Share sensor: You can now add the sensor types Local Folder Sensor (BETA) and Network Share Sensor (BETA) to your device template when you select the function Create Device Template in the device tree. This enables you to create these sensors afterwards with the option Run Auto-Discovery with Template.
PRTG Version 2023/11/15
New Sensors:
- Script v2 sensor: You can now create the Script v2 sensor (BETA) when you execute the Run Auto-Discovery with Template function on a device. The sensor will be created only when you have Python installed on the probe system.
- SNMP Disk Free v2: We fixed an issue for the SNMP Disk Free v2 (BETA) that displayed wrong values in certain cases when you updated to PRTG version The issue occurred in cases when you monitored disks with a larger volume. The sensor then reported wrong values like 0% for the percentage channel Free Space and went into error status. Additionally, the absolute values in the channel Total were displayed as negative. The issue happened because the value calculation in the sensor was exceeded by the large values and the sensor could not handle the value overflow correctly.
- SNMP Traffic v2 sensor: You can try out our experimental Soffico Orchestra Scenario sensor that we introduce with this PRTG version. This sensor monitors the status of processes within an Orchestra scenario. The sensor comes with the channels Aborted Count, Downtime, Finished Count, Paused Count, Running Count and Warning Count. Please note that this sensor requires a Soffico license and as of Orchestra
Soffico Orchestra Scenario sensor: You can now create the Script v2 sensor (BETA) when you execute the Run Auto-Discovery with Template function on a device. The sensor will be created only when you have Python installed on the probe system. - Local Folder sensor and Network Share sensor: You can now add the sensor types Local Folder Sensor (BETA) and Network Share Sensor (BETA) to your device template when you select the function Create Device Template in the device tree. This enables you to create these sensors afterwards with the option Run Auto-Discovery with Template.
PRTG Version 2023/05/24
New Sensors:
- NetApp v2: The new NetApp v2 sensors NetApp Aggregate v2, NetApp I/O v2, NetApp LIF v2, NetApp LUN v2, NetApp NIC v2, NetApp Physical Disk v2, NetApp SnapMirror v2 Sensor, NetApp System Health v2 and NetApp Volume v2 support the new ONTAP REST API as of ONTAP 9.6.
- We first introduced the new NetApp v2 sensors as experimental with PRTG version since NetApp delivers a new RESTful API for ONTAP based storage systems and former ONTAPI will reach end of availability soon. We received valuable feedback and in addition to the functionality that the sensor already had in the last PRTG version, we resolved one more issue for this release.
- Your NetApp Volume v2 sensor now reports volumes correctly in a NetApp MetroCluster configuration setting. Previously, the sensor displayed an error with the message The queried field "space.available" is empty. when it was used in cluster configurations.
- Note: Your running NetApp v1 sensors will no longer work when you update to ONTAP version 9.13.1. We already announced the deprecation of NetApp v1 sensors with PRTG version
Improved Security:
- SNMP v3:PRTG now supports the following encryption methods for SNMP v3 communication in the Credentials for SNMP Devices settings: AES192 and AES256 (Advanced Encryption Standard), SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 (Secure Hash Algorithms). Previously we only supported AES128 for encryption.
- PRTG status page:We hardened PRTG against possible data extraction from instances on the PRTG status page.
Improved Sensors:
- Sensor Security:We improved the sensor types SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor, SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor and SMTP sensor which were not compliant to the Internet Message Format RFC 2822. Outgoing emails from PRTG to your (SMTP) server will no longer set a Message-ID field itself, but let the remote server add it. This applies to any other mail client.
Fixed Server:
- Map Layout:You can now enter only valid pixel sizes for Map Width and Map Height in the Map Layout settings that range from 1 (min.) to 2147483647 (max.). Before it was possible to enter and save large numbers without limitation or negative numbers with the result that the map was not working afterwards.
- Scanning Interval:We fixed an issue in the Monitoring settings for the Scanning Intervals section. In previous PRTG versions you could enter and save an already existing scanning interval to Available Intervals with the same or with a different unit. For example, if you had a scanning interval of 60s you could add 60s as interval again or equivalent to it 1m.
- Security:We fixed an issue for Microsoft 365 credentials that were displayed in a readable format in the Core Log. The issue only occurred for the Log in Debug Level.
Fixed Sensors:
- Docker Container Status: Your Docker Container Status sensors work properly again. In the previous PRTG version 23.2.83 they ran into an error with the message bad certificate in some cases.
- Filtering and libraries:Filter by type option in the main menu bar and in libraries now properly works for all sensors. Filtering by certain sensor types previously showed no sensors directly after PRTG updates and only after a server restart.
- IPMI System Health sensor: We fixed an issue that appeared in the IPMI System Health sensors that caused increased mutex timeouts.
Changed PRTG Desktop:
- Probe Transfer:You can now find the feature Probe Transfer in the Probe Connection Settings as it has left the Experimental Features section in the PRTG setup. This feature allows PRTG Desktop to access the configuration files of your probes to transfer a probe to another server. You still need to enable the feature first for your server in the Probe Connection Settings.
NOTE Installer:
- Security:You can verify the authenticity of the PRTG installer with the Secure Hash Algorithms for the following versions and release channels:
Preview sha256_exe
571020D5363B56692249F190B0728560A60C590EB89B0F7F63AEBFF791D5F210 - sha256_zip
Stable sha256_exe
36E6237485ADFEECEB198038FD1040DAA42894B81A9325CCE9323EC17E326EE1 - sha256_zip
- sha256_exe
Lab Sensors:
- Cisco Meraki:We added a new setting Meraki Dashboard API EndPoint in the section Credentials for Cisco Meraki devices. With this field you can define your API endpoint for the sensor types Cisco Meraki License (BETA) and Cisco Meraki Netwok Health (BETA) after unlocking it. The setting resolves any issues on a device or group level where the API url has an extension other than .com.
- REST Custom v2:You can now select unit types and lookups for each channel in the Channel Settings of your REST Custom v2 sensor. Input fields for Channel # Lookup ID and Channel # Custom Unit are now available. For custom units you can set a unit name now. Currently, all settings are visible when you enable the Channel # Custom Unit with Absolute (integer), Absolute (float) and Delta (counter) as value types. If you select lookup as channel type the sensor will be created using the given lookup file. Please note that you have to provide the name of the lookup during sensor creation for now when you want to select a lookup file and that the lookup can only be edited in the channel settings after sensor creation.
- We improved the error handling of the REST Custom v2 sensor that will now display an according error message in case of an error and will run into an error status. For example, the error message will include the HTTP status code of the REST response in case the parsing fails due to invalid JSON.
- SNMP Custom v2:You can try out the experimental SNMP Custom v2 sensor that we have rewritten to work on the Multi-Platform Probe. This sensor type comes with the same basic settings as the already existing SNMP Custom sensor. The SNMP Custom sensor monitors a single parameter that is returned by a specific object identifier (OID). The experimental SNMP custom v2 sensor will use both OID and MIB files.For more information about MIBs and how to use them please see our Knowledge Base article:https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/91688.
- SNMP Uptime v2:You can try out the experimental SNMP Uptime v2 sensor that we have rewritten to work on the Multi-Platform Probe. This sensor type comes with the same basic settings as the already existing SNMP System Uptime sensor including the additional Data Source setting under the section SNMP Uptime Specific, where you can select the object identifier (OID) the sensor gets its uptime from. The Data source is also depicted in the sensor status.
- Script v2:We improved the Script v2 sensor that now supports the new sensor result JSON schema that allows you to use custom scripts. The Type field in the sensor Settings has a new option Lookups. When you use lookups for Script Specific Type you need to set the lookup_name as property which defines the used lookup file. The Script v2 sensor now also supports unit kinds for the Type field that determine how a value is interpreted and therefore displayed. Kind can be custom, count, percent, for example. Additionally we updated the example scripts that are available during sensor creation. For available example scripts and how to use them, see the Knowledge Base article https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/91349.
Lab New UI:
- Device Settings: We improved the Priority setting in the device Settings where you now can select a star rating.
- We added the section Additional Device Information that displays the Service URL.
- Web Interface: We fixed an issue with the Keyword filter action on sensor and channel lists. Previously the filter input would not return results with the search term from the primary channel column. With the new fix the filter returns the results from a group that includes the search term in the primary channel column. This action was fixed in a group, device, probe and sensor level.
- We fixed an issue for the Automatic Refresh option in the PRTG Web Interface settings that occurred when you had the radio button Do not automatically refresh pages selected in the classic UI. The refresh timer was displayed in the new UI and returned an unknown error when you activated it. It is now hidden in the new UI when you have deactivated the Automatic Refresh option
- We fixed an issue for the link different endpoints on the PRTG APIv2 card that did not open in a new browser tab before.
- You can now clone a group with sensors that have channel limits without losing the given settings. Previously, the channel limits of a sensor were not adopted if you cloned the group of the sensor what could result in a wrong sensor status.
Improved Various:
- All parts of PRTG: Various other minor fixes and improvements.
- Languages: We updated the Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish language files.