LinkCAD v9 圖像轉換軟體

LinkCAD v9 圖像轉換軟體

LinkCAD v9 圖像轉換軟體

  • LinkCAD v9 圖像轉換軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    LinkCAD是最強大的,功能強大的CAD翻譯可用,並支持廣泛的文件格式。它具有一個非常直觀 的用戶界面,它將引導您完成轉換過程中的每一步。
  • 價格

LinkCAD 圖像轉換軟體

LinkCAD是最強大的,功能強大的CAD翻譯可用,並支持廣泛的文件格式。它具有一個非常直觀 的用戶界面,它將引導您完成轉換過程中的每一步。
正確的常見設計問題,如開放或 自相交 多邊形。
從運行它集成LinkCAD在您的工作流程命令行 和自定義用戶界面。

LinkCAD is the most robust and powerful CAD translator available and supports a wide range of file formats. It features a very intuitive user interface, which guides you through each step of the conversion process.
But LinkCAD is much more than a converter:
  •   •   Display the loaded drawings in the built-in CAD viewer, measure distances and highlight broken polylines.
  •   •   Use several tools to merge overlapping polygonsjoin adjacent wiresauto-detect holes and perform many other operations.
  •   •   Correct common design problems, such as open or self-intersecting polygons.
  •   •   Convert several files without user intervention in batch mode.
  •   •   Integrate LinkCAD in your workflow by running it from the command line and customizing the user interface.
  •   •   Fix damaged files, which cannot be read by other software.
Download LinkCAD today and try it out for free during 5 days.

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UnGraph 數位化繪圖軟體

Often you see a graph, chart, picture or drawing and wish you could easily get hold of the X,Y data from which it was drawn. Now, you can scan such material with any scanner or photo- graph it with a digital camera and UnGraph will be able to give you the coordinates with a high degree of precision.

UnGraph  數位化繪圖軟體