Acunetix 網頁弱點掃描
Acunetix 是一款強大的網站安全測試工具,可檢測及掃描網站的安全漏洞和弱點。Acunetix 可以進行全面的網站掃描,自動建立您所有網站、應用程式和API列表,並檢測網站是否存在 SQL 注入、跨站腳本攻擊、文件包含漏洞、XSS 攻擊等常見安全漏洞。Acunetix 採用了最先進的技術和漏洞資料庫,可在短時間內快速找到網站中使您面臨風險的安全漏洞,輕鬆掃描大多數漏洞掃描程式無法察覺的弱點,並提供詳盡的解決方案。Acunetix 也提供簡單易用的介面,可讓您輕鬆地管理和監控網站的安全性。如果您是一名網站管理員或安全專家,Acunetix 將是您不可或缺的工具,讓您24小時全天候地持續保護網站及資料安全。
Advanced Encryption Package 2021 Professional 檔案加密軟體
Advanced Encryption Package 2009 lets you encrypt/decrypt/shred/make sfx .exe/zip files. This program was included into PCWorld's 5 top encryption tools of the year. This program has a nice and clean user-friendly interface and full ZIP files support.
Dynamic Data Protection 數據保護軟體
Prepare for the next level in user and data security with Forcepoint Dynamic Data Protection. Significantly reduce time to discovery, holistic forensic investigations, and alert burdens caused by false positives, allowing you to quickly respond to risk while maintaining optimum business efficiencies.
Symantec Endpoint Encryption v11 資訊防護軟體
Disk encryption protects a hard drive in the event of theft or accidental loss by encrypting the entire disk including swap files, system files, and hibernation files. If an encrypted disk is lost, stolen, or placed into another computer, the encrypted state of the drive remains unchanged, ensuring only an authorized user can access its contents.