Norton 防毒軟體-資訊資安軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Norton 360 防毒軟體

Norton 360 防毒軟體

  • Norton 360 防毒軟體
  • 編號
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  • 介紹
    全方位的諾頓 360 應運而生。可提供裝置安全,實現全方位的保護,包括防毒以及 VPN、密碼管理員等諸多功能,全部整合在單一解決方案中。
  • 價格

Norton 360 antivirus software

All-round Norton 360 
Now, in a single solution, you can defend against viruses, phishing, and other online threats, thereby
gaining advanced device security, providing a VPN to ensure online privacy, as well as password managers and many other functions.

Norton 360 can provide all-round
protection for your device and online
Device safety 

Perform online banking, browsing and online shopping from your device. We will ensure that the process is safe and sound.
Norton 360 can provide real-time protection for
your PC, Mac®, smartphone or tablet from ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats; monitor and block unauthorized traffic, And
protect your private and financial information security when you are online.

Online privacy 
Wi-Fi can be used more safely in any location. 

With just one click, Norton Secure VPN can help ensure your connection is safe every time, even if you use public Wi-Fi, you don’t have to worry about it. Your personal information is encrypted to help prevent cybercriminals from intercepting your connection and obtaining your valuable personal information.
Real-time threat protection 
Advanced security and anti-virus functions can also protect your device from existing and emerging online threats, and protect your privacy and financial information when you are online.
Personal computer cloud backup 
Store important data and documents as a preventive measure to avoid data loss due to hard drive failure, device theft, or even ransomware.
Smart firewall for personal computer or firewall
for Mac

Monitor the communication between your computer and other computers, and help block unauthorized traffic.
Password manager 
Use this tool to easily create, store and manage your passwords, credit card information and other certificates online more securely.
100% virus protection commitment
From the moment you order the license, Norton antivirus experts can help your device stay away from viruses, otherwise you will be refunded.
Parental protection net 
Manage children's online activities.
Help children explore, learn and enjoy the online
world more safely on their personal computers or
smart phones.

Secure VPN 
Use an unlogged virtual private network (VPN) to
browse anonymously and more securely. Add bank-level encryption to help protect the security of personal data, such as passwords and bank account details.

SafeCam for PC 
Alerts you when someone tries to access your webcam and helps you block unauthorized access.
Norton 360 Standard 

Norton 360 Standard | Norton 360 Starter Edition
can provide a full range of malware protection for a single PC, Mac, Android or iOS device, and also provide cloud backup for personal computers4, ‡‡ to help prevent ransomware or hard drives Failure to cause data loss, and provide a password manager to store and manage your password.
In addition, Norton 360 Standard | Norton 360 Starter Edition also includes a VPN, allowing you to browse the Web anonymously and more securely. Even if you use public Wi-Fi, you don’t need to worry.
In addition, SafeCam5 is provided for your personal computer. For unauthorized access, an alert will be issued and help you intercept it.

Norton 360 Premium 
Norton 360 Premium | Norton 360
Professional can provide a full range of malware
protection for up to 10
PCs, Macs, Android or iOS devices,
and provide a parental protection
net  to help ensure the safety of your children's network activities, including password managers To
store and manage your passwords, and personal computer cloud backup.
In addition, Norton 360 Premium |
Norton 360 Professional Edition also includes VPN for 10 devices and SafeCam for personal computers. With a
secure VPN, you can browse anonymously and more securely
Web, even if you use public Wi-Fi,
you don’t need to worry about it. In
addition, if you access your PC’s webcam without authorization, SafeCam will issue a warning and help you intercept it.

Norton 360 Deluxe 
Norton 360 Deluxe | Norton 360 Advanced Edition can provide a full range of malware protection for up to 5 PCs, Macs, Android or iOS devices, and provide a parental protection net to help ensure the
safety of your children's online activities, including password management To store and manage your passwords, as well as personal computer cloud backups.
In addition, Norton 360 Deluxe | Norton 360 Advanced Edition also includes VPN for 5 devices and SafeCam for personal computers. With a secure VPN, you can browse the Web anonymously and more
safely, even if you use public Wi-Fi, you don’t have
to worry about it. In addition, if you access your
PC’s webcam without authorization, SafeCam will
issue a warning and help. You block.

Norton 360 for Gamers 
Strong protection. Designed by PC
gamers for PC gamers. 

Whether you are a casual or core player, Norton
360 for Gamers can provide multiple protections
for your device, game account and digital assets.
Players need more than just antivirus

The features of Norton 360 for Gamers include protection against cyber threats such as malware and
takeover of webcams, and our VPN helps protect
against DDoS attacks, doxxing and SWATing.





僅限 Norton 裝置安全權益
個人電腦或 Mac

Norton™ AntiVirus Plus | 諾頓™ 防毒加強版可保護一台個人電腦或 Mac。
諾頓裝置安全和 Norton Secure VPN 權益
個人電腦、Mac 或行動裝置:個人電腦、Mac、
Android、iPad 及 iPhone
Norton ™360 Standard | 諾頓™ 360 入門版可保護
1 台裝置
Norton™ 360 Deluxe | 諾頓™ 360 進階版可保護最多
5 台裝置
Norton™ 360 Premium | 諾頓™ 360 專業版最多可保護 10 台裝置
裝置安全 (包含 Mobile Security)
目前 Mac OS 不支援 Norton 家長防護網、諾頓雲端備份及 Norton SafeCam。

Windows™ 作業系統

相容 Microsoft Windows 11
Microsoft Windows 10 (所有版本)
Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 (所有版本)。部分保護功能無法在 Windows 8 開始畫面瀏覽器中使用。
具有 Service Pack 1 (SP 1) 的 Microsoft Windows 7 (所有版本) 或有 SHA2 支援的更新版本

Mac® 作業系統
目前與先前兩版的 Mac OS。
目前不支援的功能:諾頓雲端備份、Norton 家長防護網、Norton SafeCam。

Android™ 作業系統
Android8.0 或更新版本。必須安裝 Google Play 應用程式。
iOS 作業系統
執行最新版與前兩版 Apple® iOS 的 iPhone 或 iPad。
Norton™ Secure VPN
適用於 Windows™ PC、Mac®、iOS 及 Android™ 裝置:
Norton Secure VPN 相容於個人電腦、Mac、Android 智慧型手機、平板電腦、iPad 及 iPhone。Norton Secure VPN 可用於指定數量的裝置上,同時,於訂購授權期間沒有使用次數的限制。
Windows™ 作業系統
Microsoft Windows 7 (所有版本) 搭配 Service Pack 1 (SP 1) 或更高版本
Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 (所有版本)
Microsoft Windows 10 (所有版本),除了 Windows 10 S。
Microsoft Windows 11 (所有版本),S 模式的 Windows 11 除外
Mac® 作業系統
最新與前兩版的 Mac OS
Android™ 作業系統
執行 6.0 或更新版本的 Android。
iOS 作業系統
執行最新與前兩版 Apple iOS 的 iPhone 或 iPad。




Norton 360 防毒軟體

全方位的諾頓 360

現在,在單一解決方案中,即可抵禦病毒、網路釣魚與其他線上威脅,進而獲得進階裝置安全,另提供 VPN 確保線上隱私,以及密碼管理員與其他諸多功能。
諾頓 360 可為您的裝置和線上隱私提供全方位的防護。

諾頓 360 可為您的個人電腦、Mac®、智慧型手機或平板電腦提供即時防護,免受勒索軟體、病毒、間諜軟體、惡意軟體及其他線上威脅的侵擾;監控並阻止未經授權的流量,並在您上網時保護您的私人與財務資訊安全。

在任何位置均可更安全地使用 Wi-Fi。
只需按一下,Norton Secure VPN 即可協助確保您每次的連線安全,即使使用公共 Wi-Fi 也無需擔心。您的個人資訊已加密,可幫助防止網路罪犯攔截您的連線並獲取您寶貴的個人資訊。
個人電腦專用智慧型防火牆或 Mac 專用防火牆 18
100% 病毒防護承諾 
從您訂購授權的那一刻起,Norton 防毒專家即可協助您的裝置遠離病毒,否則退款。
安全 VPN 
使用無記錄的虛擬私有網路 (VPN) 匿名且更安全地瀏覽。增添銀行級加密功能以協助保護個人資料的安全,如密碼和銀行帳戶詳情。
SafeCam for PC 


Norton 360 Standard

Norton 360 Standard | 諾頓 360 入門版可為單台個人電腦、Mac、Android 或 iOS 裝置提供全方位的惡意軟體防護,另針對個人電腦提供雲端備份4, ‡‡,以幫助防止因勒索軟體或硬碟故障而導致資料遺失,並提供密碼管理員來儲存與管理您的密碼。

此外,Norton 360 Standard | 諾頓 360 入門版還包含 VPN,讓您能夠以匿名方式更安全地瀏覽 Web,即使使用公共 Wi-Fi 亦無需擔心,另為個人電腦提供 SafeCam5,若對您的網路攝影機進行未經授權之存取,則會發出警示並協助您進行攔截。

Norton 360 Premium

Norton 360 Premium | 諾頓 360 專業版可為至多 10 台個人電腦、Mac、Android 或 iOS 裝置提供全方位的惡意軟體防護,並提供家長防護網‡ 協助確保您孩子的網路活動安全,包含密碼管理員來儲存及管理您的密碼,以及個人電腦雲端備份。
此外,Norton 360 Premium | 諾頓 360 專業版還包含可用於 10 台裝置的 VPN 以及適用於個人電腦的 SafeCam。透過安全 VPN,您能夠以匿名方式更安全地瀏覽
Web,即使使用公共 Wi-Fi 亦無需擔心,另外,若對您個人電腦的網路攝影機進行未經授權的存取,SafeCam 會發出警示並協助您進行攔截。


Norton 360 Deluxe

Norton 360 Deluxe | 諾頓 360 進階版可為至多 5 台個人電腦、Mac、Android 或 iOS 裝置提供全方位的惡意軟體防護,並提供家長防護網‡ 協助確保您孩子的網路活動安全,包含密碼管理員來儲存及管理您的密碼,以及個人電腦雲端備份。
此外,Norton 360 Deluxe | 諾頓 360 進階版還包含可用於 5 台裝置的 VPN 以及適用於個人電腦的 SafeCam。透過安全 VPN,您能夠以匿名方式更安全地瀏覽 Web,即使使用公共 Wi-Fi 亦無需擔心,另外,若對您個人電腦的網路攝影機進行未經授權的存取,SafeCam會發出警示並協助您進行攔截。

Norton 360 for Gamers

不論您是休閒還是核心玩家,Norton 360 for Gamers 都能為您的裝置、遊戲帳戶和數位資產提供多重保護。


Norton 360 for Gamers 的功能包括抵禦網路威脅,例如惡意軟體和接管網路攝影機,且我們的 VPN 有助於防禦 DDoS 攻擊、doxxing 和 SWATing。




Master Voyager v3 加密軟體

Master Voyager 程序可以創建受密碼保護的 CD/DVD 和受保護的 USB 閃存驅動器。它有兩個文件窗格,並提供在內部硬盤驅動器上的不安全文件夾和 DVD/CD/USB 記憶棒上的安全分區之間拖放文件的便捷方式。

Master Voyager v3 加密軟體

Advanced Encryption Package 2021 Professional 檔案加密軟體

Advanced Encryption Package 2009 lets you encrypt/decrypt/shred/make sfx .exe/zip files. This program was included into PCWorld's 5 top encryption tools of the year. This program has a nice and clean user-friendly interface and full ZIP files support.

Advanced Encryption Package 2021 Professional 檔案加密軟體

Xmanager 7 遠端連結軟體

Xmanager 是一款功能強大且易於使用的 PC X 服務器,可在 Windows 平台上運行。 它允許您將遠程 Unix/Linux 桌面無縫連接到您的 Windows PC。 您還可以通過 SSH(安全外殼)協議安全地運行遠程 X 應用程序,即使您的 Windows PC 位於專用網絡中並且防火牆位於您的 PC 和遠程服務器之間。

Xmanager 7 遠端連結軟體