FlippingBook Publisher 電子書製作軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

FlippingBook Publisher 電子書製作軟體

FlippingBook Publisher 電子書製作軟體

  • FlippingBook Publisher 電子書製作軟體
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    FlippingBook Publisher and publications' features are gathered in this section. Here you can find all the details about our software's features. Besides, for more information about using the features you can use our Help Center.
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FlippingBook Publisher 電子書製作軟體

FlippingBook Publisher and publications' features are gathered in this section. Here you can find all the details about our software's features. Besides, for more information about using the features you can use our Help Center.

Engage and expand your audience
Digital Publication Features
iPad, iPhone & Android Devices Support
Integrated support of the new HTML5 standard means that your publications are easily readable on almost any device, ranging from iPhones and Androids, to iPads, Tablets, and E-readers.
Publication Protection
Protect your FlippingBook Publisher publication with several layers of security, from simple passwords and encryption, to restricting them to be displayed only on specific websites.
Offline Version
Distribute your publication as a self-running off-line solution. FlippingBook Publisher can create a PC .exe file or a MAC .app file ready to be transferred on to a CD, DVD, flash-drive, or kiosk.
Modern Design
Digital publications created by FlippingBook Publisher offer a professional and a well-crafted look. You can shape and design your publications with several preset skins, as well as various customization tools.
FlippingBook Publisher offers high-quality magnification features, which allow your readers to zoom in on desired photos and print with exceptional quality.
 Text Search
FlippingBook Publisher's exclusive indexing and search algorithms make the search process faster, even within very large publications.
 Social Networks Sharing
Send publications instantly by email, or share them via popular social networks. You can allow your readers to do the same by adjusting the enabling and disabling features in your publication.
 Search Engine Optimization
Publications created by FlippingBook Publisher are search engine-optimized. This means that your content is indexed by all popular search sites, and therefore can be found and accessed quickly by the users.
 Web Analytics Support
Turn your publication into an efficient marketing tool. Link it directly to your Google Analytics account to examine the statistics about the popularity and the attendance.


Create publications more efficiently
FlippingBook Publisher Authoring Tool Features
Content Editor
FlippingBook Publisher allows creating fully-featured rich-media publications containing YouTube videos. And the option of creating and editing links can help by making interactive product catalogs.
Powerful Import
From text to graphics to spreadsheets, FlippingBook Publisher allows you to import Adobe Acrobat PDFs, Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents, diagrams, bitmaps and much more. You can format them all into a platform-independent, page-flipping publication.
 FlippingBook Cloud
FlippingBook Cloud is an integrated service that allows you to share any publication instantly, directly from the FlippingBook Publisher program menu. Every FlippingBook Publisher license comes with a 1-year Standard Subscription to FlippingBook Cloud service.
 Skin Editor
FlippingBook Publisher's Skin Editor allows you to make extensive adjustments to publication skin features and attributes, including adjustments to very minor details.
Table Of Contents Editor
Create a multi-level table of contents directly in FlippingBook Publisher's user-friendly interface, or import them automatically from PDF documents.
 FTP Client
FlippingBook Publisher's built-in FTP service allows you to upload your publications to your website with just one-click. Enter your login details once and upload publications and revisions instantly.
Quick Preview
Preview your publication before the upload. See it the way it will be viewed on various popular web devices, including iPhone, iPad and Android phones and tablets.
Localization Support
FlippingBook Publisher by definition supports eleven languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Japanese), in both the user interface and publications. Additional translation capabilities are available by adjusting the default text captions.

Vegas Pro 影像編輯製作軟體

VEGAS 20 Update 2 Color grading, AI, and moreUpdate 2 is here with new features for faster editing, even more powerful AI and color grading tools, and a strong focus on stability improvements. If you already own VEGAS 20, Update 2 is free. If you’re new to VEGAS 20, you get these features along with everything else in the new version.

Vegas Pro 影像編輯製作軟體

Wondershare PPT2DVD Pro PPT轉影片檔工具軟體

Why Convert PowerPoint to DVD Movie PowerPoint is powerful to create all kinds of stunning presentations, but PowerPoint presentations are not easy to deliver and share. Here are the main reasons of converting PowerPoint to DVD:

Wondershare PPT2DVD Pro  PPT轉影片檔工具軟體

Universal Document Converter 文件轉圖檔軟體

最佳亂碼、文檔格式不兼容解決方案:Universal Document Converter幫您把任何文檔轉換成流行的圖片文件,這樣您只要有圖片瀏覽器,就能收到並輕鬆讀取來自其他計算機的複雜格式文檔,並可以列印出來

Universal Document Converter 文件轉圖檔軟體