E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體 | 新永資訊有限公司

E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體

E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體

  • E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    E-Prime 3.0為研究人員提供了許多新功能,以便比以前更快地設計他們的實驗。 E-Prime始終保持一個易於使用的界面,幾乎不需要腳本。新的拖放子對象甚至進一步消除了對高級實驗設計,如按鈕和滑塊使用腳本的需要!其他補充包括,更新的界面,幻燈片佈局模板,在線實驗庫和有用的調試工具。
  • 價格
E-Prime 3.0 (
E-Prime 3.0 Update 3 (Version is now available. This release of E-Prime introduces a Cloud License option and provides bug fixes.
New Features Bug Fixes E-Prime 3.0 (
E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 (Version addresses HASP driver issues with Windows 10 (version 2004). Please see ERROR: HASP driver issues on Windows 10 (version 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2) and 11 [35173] for more information.
Bug Fixes
  • Setup.exe in the E-Prime 3.0 installation media checks for HASP Driver (version 7.103).
  • The Support folder includes the 7.103 editions of haspdinst.exe, HaspUserSetup.exe, and haspd_windows.dll.
E-Prime 3.0 (
E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 (Version is a maintenance release that provides bug fixes, enhanced system stability, and improved timing accuracy. The improved timing accuracy includes the following:
  • increases in the number of times E-Prime samples the computer clock, which reduces the possibility of a timing error
  • updates to how E-Prime interacts with the operating system's display driver
  • improved monitoring of suspicious detected refresh rates
While increased timing accuracy is a benefit, it may not be consistent with previously collected data. Therefore, researchers should exercise caution before updating if in the midst of study.  For more specific details on the impact of E-Prime 3 Update 2, see RELEASE INFO: Should I upgrade to E-Prime 3.0 Update 2? [27886].
E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 also extends the functionality offered in E-Prime 3.0 Update 1 by offering the following features and bug fixes:
New Features Bug Fixes E-Prime 3.0 (
This maintenance release provides bug fixes which are addressed below:
Bug Fixes E-Prime 3.0 (
The following are all of the new feature to E-Prime 3.0:
Updated Interface
The E-Studio interface has been updated with a current, flat design, including new icons, a tabbed view in the workspace, a reorganization of the Slide object, a new Experiment Explorer window which combines the Structure with the Browser and Attributes tabs, new toolbar items, and a separate Advisor window. New Functionality
New functionality has been added to E-Prime through the following features: New Task Events
The following features provide expanded Task Event functionality: Data Analysis Features
Additional functionality has also been added to E-Studio and E-DataAid to facilitate data management within E-DataAid and external data management applications

E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體

E-Prime 3.0為研究人員提供了許多新功能,以便比以前更快地設計他們的實驗。 E-Prime始終保持一個易於使用的界面,幾乎不需要腳本。新的拖放子對象甚至進一步消除了對高級實驗設計,如按鈕和滑塊使用腳本的需要!其他補充包括,更新的界面,幻燈片佈局模板,在線實驗庫和有用的調試工具。

E-Prime 3.0中的新功能:

將E-Prime 2.0實驗帶入E-Prime 3.0或併排安裝E-Prime 2.0和E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 3只有一個版本,因此標準版和專業版之間不再有區別
E-Prime 3.0單用戶許可證,包括安裝USB,許可證密鑰和三年銀支持。
E-Prime 2.0到3.0升級許可證,包括安裝USB,許可證密鑰和三年銀支持。
需要E-Prime 2.0單用戶許可證才能驗證升級。
系統要求:E-Prime 3.0與Microsoft©Windows®7 SP1,8,10兼容

Conners CATA 注意力持續聽覺測試

Conners注意力持續聽覺測試(Conners CATA ® ) 測量受訪者在註意力不集中、衝動和持續注意力方面的表現,使其成為評估注意力障礙和神經功能的有用工具。Conners CATA 提供了關於個人在註意力任務中表現的客觀信息,補充了從諸如 Conners 3 等評級量表中獲得的信息。

Conners CATA 注意力持續聽覺測試


DirectRT是為需要毫秒精密的認識和知覺工作設計的。 它可迅速建造回應時間任務並且有極端準確收集回應數據。


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