E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體
- E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體
介紹E-Prime 3.0為研究人員提供了許多新功能,以便比以前更快地設計他們的實驗。 E-Prime始終保持一個易於使用的界面,幾乎不需要腳本。新的拖放子對象甚至進一步消除了對高級實驗設計,如按鈕和滑塊使用腳本的需要!其他補充包括,更新的界面,幻燈片佈局模板,在線實驗庫和有用的調試工具。
E-Prime 3.0 Update 3 (Version is now available. This release of E-Prime introduces a Cloud License option and provides bug fixes.
New Features
- Cloud Licenses are available for purchase and use in E-Prime: LICENSE: Understanding E-Prime and Runtime Licenses [22672]
- The PST License Portal is available for managing Cloud Licenses and accessing registered PST serial numbers: LICENSE: The PST License Portal [39800]
- E-Studio About Box, Workspace, and Interface have been updated for E-Prime updates and detaching Cloud Licenses: INSTALL: E-Prime Check for Updates Version Information and FAQs [17835] and LICENSE: Detaching a Cloud License [39803]
- Experiment Advisor Report files are now available in .html format: INFO: Experiment Advisor Module [19051]
- An E-Studio Desktop shortcut is automatically created: INSTALL: Installation, Updates, and Upgrades [22670]
- BUG FIX: Mouse.ShowCursor does not work until the mouse is moved [30904]
- BUG FIX: Experiment Advisor Report cannot open in Google Chrome, Edge (Chromium), or Firefox [30300]
- BUG FIX: Cannot uninstall or modify E-Prime using Windows 10 Apps & Features [30307]
- BUG FIX: E-Prime Check for Updates notifications not occurring since an older MFC is not installed [30773]
- BUG FIX: FFmpeg does not support looping [26068]
E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 (Version addresses HASP driver issues with Windows 10 (version 2004). Please see ERROR: HASP driver issues on Windows 10 (version 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2) and 11 [35173] for more information.
Bug Fixes
- Setup.exe in the E-Prime 3.0 installation media checks for HASP Driver (version 7.103).
- The Support folder includes the 7.103 editions of haspdinst.exe, HaspUserSetup.exe, and haspd_windows.dll.
E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 (Version is a maintenance release that provides bug fixes, enhanced system stability, and improved timing accuracy. The improved timing accuracy includes the following:
- increases in the number of times E-Prime samples the computer clock, which reduces the possibility of a timing error
- updates to how E-Prime interacts with the operating system's display driver
- improved monitoring of suspicious detected refresh rates
E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 also extends the functionality offered in E-Prime 3.0 Update 1 by offering the following features and bug fixes:
New Features
- Annual Group Licenses now available. E-Prime can now be licensed on an annual subscription basis for labs with 10+ users.
- Experiment Advisor Report offers addition information about Windows 10: see INFO: Experiment Advisor Report updated to provide enhanced Windows 10 information [27860] for details.
- New mode added for accessing the serial device: see INFO: New SerialDevice read mode property introduced [27856] for details.
- BUG FIX: E-Studio Toolbox does not remove PackageCall Shortcuts when PackageFile is not loaded [26349]
- BUG FIX: Multiple 'ding' sounds play when opening an experiment [27779]
- BUG FIX: E-Prime hangs on the first screen of an experiment run [27780]
- BUG FIX: Text data export fails when experiment launched from E-Basic Specification file [27781]
- BUG FIX: E-Studio Toolbox does not display PackageCall Shortcuts from multiple PackageFiles correctly [27849]
- BUG FIX: Suspend and Resume not working correctly on Windows 8 and Windows 10 [27884]
This maintenance release provides bug fixes which are addressed below:
Bug Fixes
- ERROR: "Unable to obtain a valid refresh rate" error occurs when attempting to run E-Prime under Windows 10 Creators Update [25857]
- BUG FIX: Specifying a RefreshRate in DisplayDevice being ignored [25863]
- BUG FIX: Minimum and/or Maximum Acceptable Refresh Rate not saved on DisplayDevice dialog [25864]
- BUG FIX: UDP Sockets cannot receive data [25865]
- BUG FIX: List columns are large and cannot be resized [26082]
- Chronos Device Properties CDP cuts off labels on scaling > 100%
The following are all of the new feature to E-Prime 3.0:
Updated Interface
The E-Studio interface has been updated with a current, flat design, including new icons, a tabbed view in the workspace, a reorganization of the Slide object, a new Experiment Explorer window which combines the Structure with the Browser and Attributes tabs, new toolbar items, and a separate Advisor window.
- E-STUDIO: E-Studio Interface [22688]
- E-STUDIO: Slide Object [22701]
- E-STUDIO: Experiment Explorer Window (Structure, Browser, and Attribute Tabs) [23591]
- E-STUDIO: Experiment Advisor Window [22679]
New functionality has been added to E-Prime through the following features:
- E-STUDIO: Button Device [24411]
- E-STUDIO: SlideButton Sub-Object [23598]
- E-STUDIO: Theme Editor [23585]
- E-STUDIO: SlideChoice Sub-Object [23599]
- E-STUDIO: SlideSlider Sub-Object [23600]
- E-STUDIO: Slide Layout Template [23584]
- E-STUDIO: List Object (Interactive Lists) [23589]
- E-STUDIO: Quick Start [23588]
- E-STUDIO: Windowed Mode [23587]
- E-STUDIO: Property Find/Replace [23586]
- E-STUDIO: Touch Interface Support [24258]
- E-STUDIO: Resources Folder [34542]
The following features provide expanded Task Event functionality: Data Analysis Features
Additional functionality has also been added to E-Studio and E-DataAid to facilitate data management within E-DataAid and external data management applications
E-Prime 3.0 心理學實驗軟體
E-Prime 3.0中的新功能:
將E-Prime 2.0實驗帶入E-Prime 3.0或併排安裝E-Prime 2.0和E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 3只有一個版本,因此標準版和專業版之間不再有區別
E-Prime 3.0單用戶許可證,包括安裝USB,許可證密鑰和三年銀支持。
E-Prime 2.0到3.0升級許可證,包括安裝USB,許可證密鑰和三年銀支持。
需要E-Prime 2.0單用戶許可證才能驗證升級。
系統要求:E-Prime 3.0與Microsoft©Windows®7 SP1,8,10兼容

TAP 2.3.1 專注力表現測驗軟體
Intactness of the functions of attention is an important prerequisite for effective behaviour in everyday life. When we are inattentive and lacking in concentration, important information escapes our notice and we find ourselves subsequently unable to recall pertinent details. Practical actions become difficult to perform, and we commit errors. In this respect, deficits of attention have far-reaching consequences for almost every aspect and every activity of everyday life, be it at school, at work, in traffic, or in carrying out other, diverse daily tasks.
Conners CATA 注意力持續聽覺測試
Conners注意力持續聽覺測試(Conners CATA ® ) 測量受訪者在註意力不集中、衝動和持續注意力方面的表現,使其成為評估注意力障礙和神經功能的有用工具。Conners CATA 提供了關於個人在註意力任務中表現的客觀信息,補充了從諸如 Conners 3 等評級量表中獲得的信息。