Crystal Ball 決策分析軟體
- Crystal Ball 決策分析軟體
介紹Crystal Ball 是一套與工作表格完美結合的套裝軟體,運用蒙地卡羅模擬與各種模型做出預測分析與最優化解。Crystal Ball被廣泛的運用在各個不同的領域,例如財務分析、製造業、能源運用、醫療生技等。針對不同的用戶群,Crystal Ball擁有廣泛的應用功能,包括財務風險分析、資產評估、財務工程、六標準差、投資組合分析、成本預估、專案管理等。
Crystal Ball 決策分析軟體
Oracle Crystal Ball is the leading spreadsheet-based application suite for predictive modeling, forecasting, simulation, and optimization. It gives you unparalleled insight into the critical factors affecting risk. With Crystal Ball, you can make the right tactical decisions to reach your objectives and gain a competitive edge under even the most uncertain market conditions.
Think in ranges—Get the full picture in the face of an uncertain future
Gain valuable insight—Identify and mitigate the key inputs that drive risk
Communicate your risks—Share your findings through graphs, charts, and reports that let you vividly present and communicate the results of your analyses
Collaborate with others—Work as a team, sharing models and data to get your work done faster
Get results quickly—Start using Oracle Crystal Ball in minutes
Enhance your investment—Draw on the spreadsheet technology you already own

Decision Explorer 決策分析軟體
Decision Explorer是用來管理”柔性”問題一個驗證工具 環繞復雜和不確定情況這類性質的資訊時。它能讓你詳細地捕獲思想,去探索他們,並且獲得新的理解和洞察力。可以獲得一個新的觀點並且透過增加生產力、釋放創造力和找尋更好專注點來節省時間。Decision Explorer由Bath大學和Strathclyde大學的老師們和主要的組織一起發展,這個創新的工具現在有數百個主要的國際用戶。
DPL 決策分析軟體
DPL是一款功能強大的決策軟體,結合在excel裡使用 For over 15 years, DPL has been the professional's choice for decision analysis and real option valuation. DPL links with Microsoft Excel to bring state-of-the-art uncertainty modelling to the industry standard platform for financial analysis.
PrecisionTree 決策分析軟體
PrecisionTree performs decision analysis in Microsoft Excel using decision trees and influence diagrams. Decision trees let you visually map out complex, multi-layered decisions in a sequential, organized manner. This helps you identify all possible alternatives and choose the best option.