
QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體

QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體

  • QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體
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    QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software package for coding, annotating, retrieving and analyzing small and large collections of documents and images.
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QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體

QDA Miner質性資料採礦軟體
Considered by many to be the only true mixed-methods qualitative data analysis software on the market today,
QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software package for coding, annotating, retrieving and analyzing small and large collections of documents and images. QDA Miner qualitative data analysis tool may be used to analyze interview or focus group transcripts, legal documents, journal articles, speeches, even entire books, as well as drawings, photographs, paintings, and other types of visual documents. Its seamless integration with SimStat, a statistical data analysis tool, and WordStat, a quantitative content analysis and text mining module, gives you unprecedented flexibility for analyzing text and relating its content to structured information including numerical and categorical data.

Who uses QDA Miner?
QDA Miner qualitative data analysis software can be used by anyone who needs to code text or pictures, annotate, search,  explore and extract information from small or large collections of documents and images, including:
• Researchers in social sciences, medicine, and psychology
• Sociologists, political scientists and ethnographers
• Business intelligence analysts, market researchers, pollsters, and CRM professionals
• Crime analysts, fraud detection experts, lawyers,  and paralegal professionals
• Journalists, historians and research assistants 
• Document management specialists and librarians

Key and Unique features
QDA Miner offers higher levels of computer-assistance for qualitative coding, analysis, and report writing than any other qualitative data analysis software on the market today:
Intuitive on-screen coding and annotation of texts and images with features offering greater flexibility and ease-of-use, such as code splitting, merging, easy resizing of coded segments, interactive code searching and replacement or virtual grouping.
Main Qualitative Data Analysis Screen
Flexible memoing and hyperlinking features to annotate documents and images and connect various pieces of qualitative evidence by creating links to other coded segments, cases, documents, files, or web sites.
Qualitative Analysis of Images
Advanced Geotagging and Time-tagging tools to associate geographic and time coordinates to text segments or graphic areas, retrieve coded data based on time or location and plot events in space and time, create dynamic maps and interactive timelines.
Geotagging and Time-Tagging
Unique computer assistance for coding  with more than seven text search tools including keyword search, section retrieval, a powerful query-by-example search tool that learns from the user, and a unique cluster extraction and coding tool.
Computer Assistance for Qualitative Coding
Flexible coding retrieval tools for extracting coded segments associated with specific codes or code patterns and identifying coding co-occurrences, coding sequences and assessing relationships between coding and numerical or categorical properties.
qualitative coding retrieval tools
Integrated statistical and visualization tools, such as clustering, multidimensional scaling, heatmaps, correspondence analysis and sequence analysis, allow one to quickly identify patterns and trends, explore data, describe,  compare and test hypotheses.
Multidimensional scaling of qualitative coding
Unprecedented teamwork support with flexible multi-user settings, a powerful merge feature for bringing together coding, annotations, reports, and log entries of multiple coders as well as an inter-raters agreement assessment module for assessing coding reliability.
inter-raters agreement
A unique report manager tool allows to store queries and analysis results, tables, graphs, research notes and quotes in a single location. Its outliner design is ideal for organizing findings and interpretations, assisting qualitative researchers in the report-writing process.
Report Manager
A powerful command log keeps track of every project access, coding operation, transformation, query, and analysis performed. It may be used to document the qualitative analysis process and supervising teamwork. It represents a detailed audit trail that helps ensure the transparency of the qualitative research process and enhances its credibility.
Command log for audit trail

XSight 質性分析軟體

XSight軟體協助研究員或其他專家與非數字或無特定結構的資料一起使用編寫,比較和他們的資訊關連。 它提供分類和安排數據提供分析框架的範圍,為測試理論和關係的工具項目之間,和能力視覺上反射和提出想法和研究結果。

XSight 質性分析軟體

NVivo 15 質性分析軟體

Nvivo 是一款專業的質性數據分析軟體,幫助研究人員更好地理解和發掘數據中的模式和趨勢。它可以支持多種數據來源,包括文字、影音、圖像、社交媒體等。Nvivo 提供了一個簡單易用的介面,讓您可以輕鬆地導入、整理和管理大量的資料。該軟體還提供了豐富的分析工具,如主題分析、內容分析、焦點團體分析等,讓您可以從數據中發現有價值的洞察。除此之外,Nvivo 還可以讓您輕鬆地進行數據可視化和報告生成,幫助您向其他人清晰地傳達您的研究成果。如果您是一名社會科學研究人員或市場調研人員,Nvivo 將是您不可或缺的工具。

NVivo 15 質性分析軟體

QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體

QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software package for coding, annotating, retrieving and analyzing small and large collections of documents and images.

QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體