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INfix PDF應用軟體

INfix PDF應用軟體

  • INfix PDF應用軟體
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    Infix is the only PDF editor that intelligently re-creates the original content so that you can edit it in the way you would expect. It uses a set of intelligent algorithms to recreate the original structure of the document. This means you can edit a PDF just like you would a Word document.
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INfix PDF應用軟體

Simply Edit Any PDF
Most PDFs just contain fragments of text - just a few words at a time. Other PDF editors allow you to edit each fragment individually.

Infix is the only PDF editor that intelligently re-creates the original content so that you can edit it in the way you would expect. It uses a set of intelligent algorithms to recreate the original structure of the document. This means you can edit a PDF just like you would a Word document.
Nothing comes close to Infix in the arena of PDF editing!
     Works like a Word Processor
     Make seamless changes to paragraphs
     Copy and paste graphics, text and artwork between PDFs
     Spell-check in five languages
     Search & replace text in long documents
     Familiar tab, margin and indent controls

Edit Your Existing PDFs
Reuse your existing documents. Infix removes the need to convert your PDFs into other formats by enabling you to edit them directly.
Edit PDF documents made by any software - Adobe Acrobat, Distiller, Microsoft Word - it handles them all!
Use the advanced Search and Replace feature to make seamless alterations throughout long documents or across multiple PDFs. It's easy to change product names throughout a manual or amend the headers and footers on every page - tasks that would otherwise take hours or even days to do by hand!
As well as this Infix offers all of the standard editing facilities you would expect such as page cropping, annotation, cut and paste between PDFs, graphics manipulation and more.

Need More Power? Try Infix Professional
There are two editions of software - Standard and Professional, both offering the same sophisticated text editing but with different levels of additional features such as graphics editing and template generation for Infix Server (our server-based editing solution).

Projectforum 辦公室工作伺服軟體

ProjectForum provides professional and easy-to-use web workspaces where your team can collect, manage and discuss all your work — always available over the entire life of your project.

Projectforum 辦公室工作伺服軟體

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Articulate 360包括Storyline 360和Rise 360,以及大量其他創作應用程序。使用Storyline 360開發可在所有設備上運行的自定義交互式課程,無需任何手動調整。它對於專家來說已經足夠強大,但對於初學者來說,幾乎可以輕鬆創建任何可以想像的交互。如果您想在幾分鐘內構建完全響應式的課程,請選擇Rise 360。您只需要一個 Web 瀏覽器,即可快速創建針對各種屏幕尺寸進行了優化的精美課程。

Articulate 360 數位學習課程製作工具


屹立台灣軟體業界數十年,嘸蝦米中文輸入法始終秉持「發展世界最佳中文輸入法」之信念宗旨,持續提供全球使用者「最簡單、最好用」的中文輸入法。自 1989 年起嘸蝦米輸入法正式問世,即以其「簡單易學、好用易上手、輸入速度快」而聞名,打破了中文輸入長年以來難學易忘、字集介面支援不足等桎梏,不僅多次榮獲國家電腦軟體業金腦獎的疏榮,廣受行政學術機關肯定愛用,近年來更獲選為國家中文打字官方檢定考指定輸入法。嘸蝦米更是全世界唯一僅使用 26 字母的中文輸入法,在時尚科技講究輕、薄、短、小的時代中,可謂時勢所趨。
