yFiles for .NET 圖表元件軟體-其他應用軟體/新永資訊有限公司

yFiles for .NET 圖表元件軟體

yFiles for .NET 圖表元件軟體

  • yFiles for .NET 圖表元件軟體
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    The yFiles product family offers solutions for the Microsoft .NET platform that support building Windows Forms as well as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. 
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yFiles for .NET 圖表元件軟體

The yFiles product family offers solutions for the Microsoft .NET platform that support building Windows Forms as well as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. 
They provide data structures and algorithms for graph analysis, advanced functionality to automatically calculate layouts for graphs, diagrams, and networks, as well as visualization controls for their presentation.

yFiles.NET and yFiles WPF share the same overall architecture. The API is very similar between these products, which, for example, makes migrating to the WPF edition easy. 
Furthermore, both solutions use the same Algorithms component, which means that graph analysis and layout results will be identical across your Windows Forms and WPF applications.

yFiles.NET and yFiles WPF provide essential building blocks for Windows Forms and WPF applications, respectively, that need to layout, visualize, and edit graphs, diagrams, or networks, or need to perform graph analysis tasks.

Versatility is one of the main features of the yFiles product family. This is evidenced by the fact that our customers come from highly diverse application areas including:
  •  •  biochemical network analysis and visualization
  •  •  business process modeling
  •  •  data mining (e.g. log file analysis)
  •  •  database management and modeling
  •  •  network management
  •  •  social networks
  •  •  software engineering (e.g. UML diagramming)
  •  •  workflow management (e.g. flow chart generation)
  •  •  WWW visualization
  •  •  visual programming

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