Solid Documents PDF製作轉換工具-其他應用軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Solid Documents PDF製作轉換工具

Solid Documents PDF製作轉換工具

  • Solid Documents PDF製作轉換工具
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    Turn your PDFs into documents you can edit. Solid Converter PDF to Word converts PDF files into Microsoft Word® documents (and Word files into PDFs). Solid Converter lets you recover the text, layout, and images of your original document at a fraction of the cost of Adobe® Acrobat® .
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Solid Documents PDF製作轉換工具

Solid Converter ® PDF - Convert PDF to Word PDF轉檔軟體
Turn your PDFs into documents you can edit. Solid Converter PDF to Word converts PDF files into Microsoft Word® documents (and Word files into PDFs). Solid Converter lets you recover the text, layout, and images of your original document at a fraction of the cost of Adobe® Acrobat® .
Solid Capture - Screen Capture Software 螢幕擷取軟體
Solid Capture is an easy, intuitive screen capture program that allows you to capture screen images in seconds with minimal effort. Using a hotkey or a button, you can copy a screen, area, or scrolling browser window from your computer and send it to the clipboard, a file, or your favorite graphics application.
Solid Converter® DWG - DWG to PDF Converter  將 CAD 描圖轉換成 PDF 文件
Now your AutoCAD drawings are more usable than ever. Solid Converter DWG converts DWG and DXF files to vector PDFs. And you don¡¦t need AutoCAD to use it!
New in Version 2! Select only specific layouts or layers to convert, and change PDF colors. Solid Capture DWG version 2 gives you more control over your output than ever! 
Solid PDF Tools - Scan or Create Searchable, Archivable PDF Files PDF文件製作編輯軟體
Scan or Create Searchable, Archivable PDF Files. This simple-to-use utility is a quick solution for scanning, creating or modifying PDF documents. Turn paper documents or tiff files into PDF/A-1b archive documents. Add watermarks and stamps to one or all of your pages. Rearrange, delete or add pages to your PDF files. Optimize your PDF output for its intended use. You can also add password protection.
Solid PDF Creator - Creating PDF is as Easy as Printing! PDF文件製作
Creating a PDF or PDF/A as easy as printing with Solid PDF Creator. This simple-to-use utility is a quick solution for creating PDF documents from any Windows program. You can add password protection and compress your PDFs for use on the Web. 
Solid Converter® GX - Graphic Converter 圖檔轉換軟體
Solid ConverterR GX lets you become a quick change artist. Convert multiple graphics in a single batch from one format to another. Solid Converter supports popular graphic file types such as TIF, JPG, GIF, or PNG. You can also change the color depth of your images during the process. 

FINALMobile Forensics 法證分析工具(手機版)

INALMobile Forensics™2.1 enables investigators to efficiently perform critical tasks during the investigation of cellular phones. It combines the strength of industry leading acquisition software (FinalAcquisition) with the ability to quickly report on and analyze acquired data (FinalAnalysis) into one powerful, easy to use application. FINALMobile Forensics™2.1 is the optimal solution for acquisition and analysis of mobile device  data.

FINALMobile Forensics 法證分析工具(手機版)

zynamics BinNavi 惡意程式分析軟體

zynamics BinNavi is the world's first debugging system based on directed graphs and graph visualization.

zynamics BinNavi 惡意程式分析軟體

MobileLibrary 國際權威文獻檢索軟體

康涅狄格州威爾頓--(美國商業資訊內容商業服務解決方案的全球-者Infotrieve,Inc.今天發佈了其基於雲的MobileLibrary™的新版本。該版本進行了更新,帶有經過改進的檢索功能、額外的個人及共用庫功能以及通用使用者介面改進功能。新發佈的版本還將MobileLibrary和Infotrieve的BR-O™進行了整合。BR-O™是一個基於Web的聚合平臺,可簡化翻印和電子列印的批量排序問題。 )

MobileLibrary 國際權威文獻檢索軟體