VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體
- VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體
介紹VeryPDF PDF Editor is an easy-to-use application designed for users familiar with Microsoft Office and similar applications. VeryPDF PDF Editor provides tools to enable you freely write your own comments to the PDF document and share the comments with others.
VeryPDF PDF應用軟體
Create PDF file from
1. Other format files, such as EMF, BMP, WMF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA or PCX.
2. MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project files, Text files, WPS files and so on.
Note: this can be fulfilled with PDFcamp Printer.
3. Clipboard image
Combine multiple files into one PDF file
Create a single PDF file from multiple EMF, BMP, WMF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA or PCX format files.
Convert PDF file to
Save the file to another PDF file or convert the PDF format file to an image file such as BMP, WMF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PCX, TXT files and so on.
Intuitive Viewing
Carefully-designed workspace allows you to view PDF documents easily with different layouts and magnifications. A single click brings you to the next (or previous) page, or scrolls the contents with preferred speed. By combining the Hand with the Dynamic Zoom tools, PDF Editor helps you to browse document pages painlessly while relieving every detail of the contents.
Copy the text to clipboard
Copy an area of text to clipboard by using the select text tool.
Copy image to clipboard
Copy any text or image to clipboard by using the snapshot tool.
Word2TeX 文書轉檔軟體
Word2TeX is a converter designed in order to use with Microsoft Word and enables Microsoft Word to save documents in LaTeX format. This gives the opportunity to convert existing Microsoft Word documents to LaTeX and to create new LaTeX documents right in your mainstream word processor rather than requiring a completely separate editing environment.
MobileLibrary 國際權威文獻檢索軟體
康涅狄格州威爾頓--(美國商業資訊內容商業服務解決方案的全球-者Infotrieve,Inc.今天發佈了其基於雲的MobileLibrary™的新版本。該版本進行了更新,帶有經過改進的檢索功能、額外的個人及共用庫功能以及通用使用者介面改進功能。新發佈的版本還將MobileLibrary和Infotrieve的BR-O™進行了整合。BR-O™是一個基於Web的聚合平臺,可簡化翻印和電子列印的批量排序問題。 )
PDF Password Remover v6 PDF密碼移除軟體
對有設定擁有者密碼的Acrobat PDF 檔,移除 PDF 文件的密碼保護設定,經過密碼移除後的檔案,可以利用 Adobe Acrobat Reader 或其它檢視工具,而不需要再輸入任何密碼