BESA Research 腦磁波訊號來源分析軟體-研究分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

BESA Research 腦磁波訊號來源分析軟體

BESA Research  腦磁波訊號來源分析軟體

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BESA Research 7.1 Brainwave Signal Source Analysis Software

New release: BESA Research 7.1 September 2020
BESA Research 7.1 is a feature release with many innovative new features, improvements, and bugfixes. This version is fully integrated with the recently released BESA MRI 3.0, for creation and use of individual head models, and visualization of solutions. EEG and MEG can now be modeled simultaneously, and result review was made much more intuitive, revealing new insights in your data in the trademark interactive fashion of BESA Research.
The main highlights of this release are:
Data review and pre-processing:
Atlas-based source montages: Pre-computed atlas-based source montages are now available from the menu entry Montage/Source/Atlas montages as well as under the Src button in the control ribbon.
Parallel computing is used for speed-up of many time-consuming tasks.
Smoother and faster plotting of waveforms eases review of high-density M/EEG data.
New data readers for XDF and Neuroscan CURRY 8 formats are available.
Source analysis:
Boundary element model (BEM) integration: Boundary element head models for individual subjects computed in BESA MRI version 3.0 or higher are automatically loaded in the Source Analysis module, for EEG and / or MEG. They can be selected from the model selection dropdown. Finite element models (FEMs) and BEMs for a subject can be loaded at the same time, so that it is possible to toggle between FEM and BEM model type and compare results.
Combined MEG-EEG source modelling: Combining MEG and EEG for source imaging is now possible. Discrete source fitting as well as all distributed source imaging methods can use the combined model. Simply use the EEG / MEG / MEEG toggle button to switch between the modalities. In case of MEG data with combined magnetometers and gradiometers, you can also toggle whether one or both MEG channel types are combined with the EEG.
MRI display in multi-slice view: The subject’s MRI with overlay of source images, dipole solutions, atlases, can now be shown in multi-slice view. A highly interactive control set allows to adjust settings on the fly for optimum viewing. Navigation through the MRI was also made easier.
Use of noise covariance data from individual trials: The full noise covariance matrix from individual trials can now be used in computation of minimum norm estimates.
The Bayesian source imaging method SESAME was improved to enhance robustness, as well as speed of computation and convergence. For this purpose, hyper-priors were introduced (cf. and parallel computing was optimized for this method.
Confidence limit calculation and display: For dipole solutions and oriented regional sources, confidence limits are now calculated, displayed, and stored.
Calculation of beamformer virtual sensor montages based on atlas regions is now supported.
Two new brain atlases were added: Yeo7 and Yeo17.
Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates can now be used in the Source Analysis window.
The baseline interval definition now features an automatic alert if it interferes with signal of interest.
Ready-made color schemes for publication purposes are now available.
Use MEG source montages in BESA Research to save time and facilitate MEG data review. Search for spikes and perform source analysis in MEG.


  System Requirements 1)
   BESA Research 7.1 is a stand-alone SW product compatible
   with personal computers running under the following
   hardware /OS:
  Operating system:
• Windows® 10 64bit, Touch not supported
• Windows® 7 64bit, Touch not supported
• CPU minimum 2 GHz
• RAM minimum 8 GB
• Display resolution minimum 1280 × 1024 pixels
• Graphics card OpenGL 2.0 with 16 MB RAM or more
   Use in Combination With Other Products 1)
   BESA Research 7.1 is designed to be used for the following
• Matlab Version: any major release between 2006a and 2019b
• BESA MRI 2.0
• BESA MRI 3.0
• BESA Connectivity 1.0

BESA Research 7.1 腦磁波訊號來源分析軟體

新版本。 BESA Research 7.1 2020年9月
BESA Research 7.1是一個功能版本,包含了許多創新的新功能、改進和錯誤修正。該版本與最近發布的BESA MRI 3.0完全集成,用於創建和使用單個頭部模型,並實現解決方案的可視化。現在可以同時對EEG和MEG進行建模,結果審查也變得更加直觀,以BESA Research標誌性的交互式方式揭示您數據中的新見解。
新的XDF和Neuroscan CURRY 8格式的數據閱讀器可用。
邊界元模型(BEM)集成。在BESA MRI版本3.0或更高版本中計算的單個受試者的邊界元素頭模型會自動加載到源分析模塊中,用於EEG和/或MEG。它們可以從模型選擇下拉菜單中選擇。一個主題的有限元模型(FEM)和BEM可以同時加載,因此可以在FEM和BEM模型類型之間切換並比較結果。
結合MEG-EEG源建模。現在可以結合MEG和EEG進行源成像。離散源擬合以及所有分佈式源成像方法都可以使用組合模型。只需使用EEG / MEG / MEEG切換按鈕,即可在模式之間進行切換。在結合磁強計和梯度計的MEG數據的情況下,您還可以切換一個或兩個MEG通道類型是否與EEG相結合。
貝葉斯源成像方法SESAME進行了改進,以提高強健性,以及計算和收斂速度。為此,引入了 hyper-priors(參見,並對該方法的並行計算進行了優化。


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UCINET 6 社會網路分析軟體

MODDE 13 實驗計劃與分析軟體


MODDE 13 實驗計劃與分析軟體

XpertRule Knowledge Builder 專家系統建構軟體

Knowledge Builder是一個用於開發和部署基於知識的應用程序和組件的企業實力環境。基於知識的應用程序是包含規則、專業知識、技術訣竅、程序、政策和法規的軟件組件,這些可以統稱為 "業務規則"。

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