Comparion Core is a collaborative web application for decision makers. It is easy to use.
An intuitive workflow allows teams to define decision criteria and identify potential solutions. Comparion Core tracks the judgment, data, and comments of all participants - allowing teams to focus on goals, analysis, and results.
Faster decision making and broader input and stakeholder buy-in are among the many benefits of using Comparion Core for project leaders. Combining the expertise and intuition of your team members with the quantitative information from your research allows Comparion Core to generate in-depth analysis and prioritize the factors that are important to your organization. The result is that your team can effectively gain consensus and analyze more alternatives - ultimately feeling more confident as you move from decision to implementation.
Comparion Core's simple workflow
specific decision goals, and communicate them clearly to
all evaluators.Communicate the decision goals clearly to
all evaluators.
2. Use Companion to set goals and provide the options you
want to base your Use Companion to set goals and provide
options for the evaluation you want to conduct based on
your goals.
3. Use Comparion to leverage the expertise of subject matter
experts in decision making by assigning them specific roles.
Assign them specific roles.
4. Use Comparion to collaborate with your team, partners, and
customers around the world Collaborate with your team,
partners, and customers around the world in real time or at
any time to collect their intuitive and hard operational data.
5. Use Comparion to easily aggregate your team's intuitive and
hard operational data.Generate many "trade-off" and "what if"
scenarios. Use these results to make better decisions that
to meet your needs and execute decisions with greater
• Step-by-step workflow for creating a decision structure.
• No limit to the number of targets and alternatives. Ability to im port hierarchies from clipboard.
• A variety of measures can be defined, such as: matching, rating scales, and utility curves. Pairs of Rating scales and utility curves.
• Streamlined navigation and context-sensitive help
• Insert detailed descriptions, support files and images. Use
stand ard formatting, spell check, and and import formatted
text from MS Word.
Easy Navigation
• There is no limit to the number of project owners or
• Over 40 customizable parameters to fine-tune each
participant's experience.
Or use the built-in default settings to quickly evaluate projects.
• Options include: evaluation method, navigation tool,
question sequence,Evaluation timeline and view of results.
Collect input
• Easy access from anywhere, anytime with most web browsers
• Simple, web-based interface for project owners and
• Real-time access to group results when participants enter
• Progress monitors to track participant completion
• Share all, some, or none of the results, and participants record
their judgments
Navigation data
• Calculation based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
• While maintaining initial judgment results, conduct
unrestricted sensitivity analysis and"what if" scenarios.
• Easy to use dynamic graphs to evaluate tradeoffs.
• Review inconsistencies in judgment to gain insight into
participant and team priorities.
Navigation Current Results
• Standard and customizable report output
• Import and export functions with EC11.5 and MS Office®.
Navigational deployment and technical requirements
• Network-based end-to-end applications are now available in
a secure, expert-selected outsourced facilities of the experts'
• Zero configuration, zero footprint, zero executable files.
Network Connection
• Any Internet connection will do, but a high-speed connection
is highly recommended.
Web Browser
• MS Windows® (Internet Explorer® 5.x or later)
Security Configurations
• Encrypt all Internet traffic (https) through Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL).
Self-hosted deployment (available upon request)
• Install and deploy Companion Core within the
client architecture.
• IIS6/7 Asp.Net2.0 framework is required.
• Can be used as an annual license