Visual Paradigm 16.2 程式開發軟體
- Visual Paradigm 16.2 程式開發軟體
介紹Visual Paradigm 將VP的獲獎開發工具結合到套包裡以滿足每一位開發人員的需求。因為它靈活的控件架構,你可以從Visual Paradigm Suite 安裝檔案裡的所有控件中選擇安裝你所需要的工具包。節約你的下載時間並為你提供充分的自由能在評估期內在不同版本或產品之間切換。
Visual Paradigm 16.2 program development software
Jul 22, 2020 - Visual Paradigm International Limited announced
today the release of Visual Paradigm 16.2.
Visual Paradigm 16.2 introduces a number of new features,
which includes:
•New chart type: Map (Geographical)
•20 new beautiful UI themes
•Python 3 code generation (Instant Generator)
•New image export format: TIFF
•[Form Builder] Supported 16 new form fields, which includes
attachment, email, rating and more
•[Form Builder] Supported using image as form background
•[Form Builder] Supported setting the background color of
a form
•[Form Builder] See how your form looks on phone with the new mobile phone preview function
•New gauge chart maker
•Geo map maker
•[Online Diagram] Yourdon DeMarco DFD
•[Online Diagram] Yourdon and Coad diagram
•[Online Diagram] SSADM DFD
•[Online Diagram] Gane Sarson diagram
•[Online Diagram] Marketing funnel
•[Online Diagram] ToFu, MoFu, BoFu
•[Online Diagram] AIDA funnel
•[Online Diagram] Kotter's 8-Step Change Model
•[Online Diagram] Brand Essence Wheel
•[Online Diagram] Circular flow diagram
•[Online Diagram] Lewin's change model
•[Online Diagram] Empathy map
•[Online Diagram] Stock and flow diagram
•[Online Diagram] Stakeholder matrix
•[Online Diagram] Solution selection matrix
•[Online Diagram] MoSCoW method
•[Online Diagram] ADKAR
•[Online Diagram] Roadmap
•[Online Diagram] NASA project lifecycle
•[Online Diagram] Pedigree chart
•[Online Diagram] PDCA
•[Online Diagram] 5S
•[Online Diagram] 6S
•[Online Diagram] Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ Tree)
•[Online Diagram] PICK diagram
•[Online Diagram] Defect concentration diagram
•[Online Diagram] SIPOC diagram
•[Online Diagram] Block flow diagram
•[Online Diagram] Cluster diagram
•[Online Diagram] Circle map
•[Online Diagram] Bridge map
•[Online Diagram] Flow map
•[Online Diagram] Diamond ranking
•[Online Diagram] PMI chart
•[Online Diagram] Concept fan
•[Online Diagram] Topic map
•[Online Diagram] Six thinking hats
•[Online picture] Reverse Brain Storm
•[Online Diagram] Stepladder technique
•[Online Diagram] COCD box
•[Online Diagram] X chart
•[Online Diagram] Y chart
•[Online Diagram] T chart
•[Online Diagram] Lotus diagram
•[Online Diagram] Star diagram
•[Online Diagram] Starbursting
•[Online Diagram] Disney's Creativity Strategy
•[Online Diagram] Round-Robin brainstorming
•[Online Diagram] Brainwriting
•[Online Diagram] Vision and Strategy
•[Online Diagram] BCG matrix
•[Online Diagram] McKinsey 7S framework
•[Online Diagram] GE McKinsey matrix
•[Online Diagram] Ansoff Matrix
•[Online Diagram] SCAMPER
•[Online Diagram] Perceptual map
•[Online Diagram] Strategy canvas
•[Online Diagram] Ohmae's 3C model
•[Online Diagram] Strategy map
•[Online Diagram] Balanced Scorecard
•[Online Diagram] SOAR analysis
•[Online Diagram] TOWS analysis
•[Online Diagram] Force field analysis
•[Online Diagram] Futures wheel
•[Online Diagram] OODA loop
•[Online Diagram] 5 whys
•[Online Diagram] 5W1H
•[Online Diagram] Driver diagram
•[Online Diagram] How-How diagram
•[Online Diagram] Why-Why diagram
•[Online Diagram] Current Reality Tree
•[Online Diagram] Future Reality Tree
•[Online Diagram] Transition tree
•[Online Diagram] Prerequisite tree
•[Online Diagram] Evaporating cloud
•[Online Diagram] KWL chart
•[Online Diagram] Reframing matrix
•[Online Diagram] Eisenhower matrix
•[Online Diagram] Dichotomous key
•[Online Diagram] Euler diagram
Enhancements to Visual Paradigm 16.2 includes:
Supported dragging and dropping diagrams to logical view
'Fit Size' with shortcut key
Automatically update referenced projects upon project update
Display a column's default value on an ER diagram
Analysis canvas - Supported splitting a cell into half vertically/
Analysis canvas - Supported merging adjacent cells in a region
Analysis canvas - Supported swapping the content of adjacent
cells in a region
Supported the alignment of port shapes
Supported nested ports in SysML diagrams
Supported adjusting the column width of ETL Table shapes
Supported reusing globally defined enumerations in project
Supported visualizing the relationships of connectors
[Form Builder] Reduced default form width
[Form Builder] Show/hide form fields conditionally
[Form Builder] Improved performance in form editing
[Form Builder] Increased vertical spacing between form fields
[Form Builder] Improved the alignment of form field labels
[Form Builder] Supported displaying checkboxes and radio buttons in multiple columns
[Form Builder] Supported aligning image content in an image
[Form Builder] Supported 'fit form' for image field
[Form Builder] Default collector
[Form Builder] Single collector can now receive submissions from multiple channels manual entry, from URL, embedded form
[Form Builder] Indicated the number of submissions of a form in
top bar
Pricing and Availability
Visual Paradigm 16.2 is now available through the Visual Paradigm online shop (
and through Visual Paradigm authorized resellers (https://www. Visual Paradigm is available under both single-seat (developer-based) and floating licenses. Single seat license is available at US $1,999, US $799, US $349 and $99 per seat for Enterprise, Professional, Standard and Modeler, respectively, while floating license is available at US $2,599, US $999, US $449 and $129 per concurrent access for Enterprise, Professional, Standard and Modeler, respectively. They both include one-year software maintenance, which covers all the version upgrades and customer supports within a year since the purchasing.
Visual Paradigm
Visual Paradigm is an award-winning enterprise management and software development suite, which provides all the tools you needs for enterprise architecture, project management, software development and team collaboration. Visual Paradigm is designed for a wide range of users including enterprise architects, project managers, software developers, system analysts, business analysts, system architects, and anyone who are in need of building large-scale software systems using a scrum method and object-oriented approach. Visual Paradigm supports the latest UML and BPMN standards, and is also a perfect complement to agile scrum processes. The Visual Paradigm features page is located at
Visual Paradigm International Limited
Visual Paradigm International Limited is a leading and globally recognized provider for Business and IT Transformation software solutions. It enables organizations to improve business and IT agility and foster innovation through popular open standards. Visual Paradigm is trusted by over 320,000 users in companies ranging from small business, consultants, to blue chip organizations, universities and government units across the globe.
Microsoft Windows(XP / Vista / 7 / 8,10),Microsoft Windows Server(2000/2003/2008/2012/2016/2019),Linux,Mac OS X 10.7.3或更高版本
雙核2 GHz或更高
4.0 GB或更高,建議8.0 GB
至少4 GB的可用空間(不包括項目空間)
VP Server
Microsoft Windows(XP / Vista / 7 / 8,10),Microsoft Windows Server(2000/2003/2008/2012/2016/2019),Linux,Mac OS X 10.7.3或更高版本
雙核2 GHz或更高
4.0 GB或更高,建議8.0 GB
至少4 GB的可用空間(不包括項目空間)。
Visual Paradigm 16.2 程式開發軟體
2020年7月22日- Visual Paradigm International Limited今天宣布發布Visual Paradigm 16.2。
Visual Paradigm 16.2引入了許多新功能,其中包括:
•Python 3代碼生成(即時生成器)
•[在線圖] Yourdon DeMarco DFD
•[在線圖] Yourdon和Coad圖
•[在線圖] SSADM DFD
•[在線圖]甘恩·薩森(Gane Sarson)圖
•[在線圖] ToFu,MoFu,BoFu
•[在線圖] AIDA漏斗
•[在線圖] Kotter的8步變更模型
•[在線圖] Lewin的變更模型
•[在線圖] MoSCoW方法
•[在線圖] ADKAR
•[在線圖] NASA項目生命週期
•[在線圖] PDCA
•[在線圖] 5S
•[在線圖] 6S
•[在線圖] PICK圖
•[在線圖] SIPOC圖
•[在線圖] PMI圖
•[在線圖] COCD盒
•[在線圖] X圖表
•[在線圖] Y圖
•[在線圖] T線圖
•[在線圖] Lotus圖
•[在線圖] BCG矩陣
•[在線圖] GE麥肯錫矩陣
•[在線圖] Ansoff矩陣
•[在線圖] SCAMPER
•[在線圖] Ohmae的3C模型
•[在線圖] SOAR分析
•[在線圖] TOWS分析
•[在線圖] OODA循環
•[在線圖] 5個原因
•[在線圖] 5W1H
•[在線圖] KWL圖
Visual Paradigm 16.2的增強功能包括:
[Form Builder]支持在圖像字段中對齊圖像內容
現在可以通過Visual Paradigm在線商店(和Visual Paradigm授權經銷商(獲得Visual Paradigm 16.2。shop / authorizedresellers.jsp)。Visual Paradigm可在單人(基於開發人員)和浮動許可證下使用。Enterprise,Professional,Standard和Modeler的單座許可證價格分別為1,999美元,799美元,349美元和99美元,而浮動許可證的企業並發訪問價格分別為2599美元,
999美元,449美元和129美元。 ,專業版,標準版和建模器。它們都包括一年的軟件維護,該維護涵蓋自購買後一年內的所有版本升級和客戶支持。
Visual Paradigm是屢獲殊榮的企業管理和軟件開發套件,它提供了企業體系結構,項目管理,軟件開發和團隊協作所需的所有工具。Visual Paradigm是為廣泛的用戶設計的,包括企業架構師,項目經理,軟件開發人員,系統分析師,業務分析師,系統架構師以及需要使用Scrum方法和麵向對象的大型軟件系統的任何用戶。方法。Visual Paradigm支持最新的UML和BPMN標準,也是對敏捷Scrum流程的完美補充。“ Visual Paradigm功能”頁面位於。
Visual Paradigm International Limited是業務和IT轉換軟件解決方案的全球領先提供商。它使組織能夠通過流行的開放標準來提高業務和IT敏捷性並促進創新。Visual Paradigm在全球範圍內,從小型企業,顧問到藍籌組織,大學和政府部門的公司中,已有320,000多名用戶信任。
InstallShield 2023 程式安裝介面製作工具
InstallShield 2023 安裝變得簡單:使用InstallShield獲得MSIX Ready 一致且可靠的安裝。每次Flexera InstallShield 提供無縫的用戶安裝,從各種安裝程序和軟件包中進行選擇 - 獨立或複雜套件。開發MSI和EXE安裝程序,並使用最少的腳本,編碼和返工創建Windows Server App和MSIX包,然後輕鬆部署到Windows應用商店和Nano Server。
無縫代碼審查 代碼審查是獲得更好代碼的最可靠途徑,也是GitHub如何工作的基礎。內置的審核工具使代碼審核成為團隊流程的重要組成部分。
Source Insight 4 程式碼編輯工具
Source Insight是一個革命性的項目導向的程序代碼編輯器和代碼瀏覽器,具有內置的對C / C + +,C#和Java程序,以及其他語言。 源可以分析你的源代碼,並在你工作的同時動態維護它自己的符號數據庫,並自動顯示有用的上下文信息給你。 不僅是源洞察一個偉大的程序編輯器,但它也可以顯示參考的樹木,類的繼承圖和調用樹。 來源洞察功能的源代碼和任何程序編輯器的源信息的最快捷的導航。 讓source insight的鬆散您的項目,看看它使您的工作效率有什麼區別。