TK Solver from Universal Technical Systems, Inc. (UTS) is one of the longest-standing mathematical equation solvers on the market today. Built on proven technology, TK Solver readily solves simultaneous equations using iteration to significantly reduce design hours, production costs, and speed time to market.
Simple and Fast
Engineers, scientists, and financial analysts need to approach problems from many different angles. TK Solver lets them do this up to 90% faster than traditional methods. The unique rule-based, declarative method of setting up problems makes this possible. Other programming and analysis environments use a procedural approach that requires a precise sequence of instructions and formulas where the known and unknown variables are sorted out ahead of time.
Not so with TK Solver. You don't need to decide what variables will be inputs and which ones will be outputs when creating a mathematical model. This unique capability completely eliminates tedious busy work allowing you to accomplish more in less time. Powerful technology at an affordable price, that's TK Solver.
Think of what that means for designing springs and gears or for studying how variables such as loads, pressure, heat, or even loan calculations behave as other inputs change. Setting up problems is fast and easy with TK Solver.
Additionally, TK Solver is still the only solution that gives you the ability to use guess values to backsolve making it the ideal tool for testing that if scenarios. Imagine being able to solve for anything, in any direction, and reverse engineer a solution without having to rewrite the equations. TK Solver can handle 1,000 of simultaneous linear and non-linear equations so you no longer have to build matrices or make trial and error calculations. Just give TK Solver your best guess and it will use the built-in iterative solver to find the answer.
TK Solver is also ideal for building enterprise applications and the good news is you don't have to be an Expert to use it. Seamless integration with Microsoft Excel enables TK Solver to operate as a macro language with VBA dramatically reducing application development time and readily integrates with standard databases as well as computer aided design systems. There is no limit to what TK Solver can do!
TK Solver allows you to concentrate on the principles of the subject instead of the algebraic manipulations or the syntax of the programming code.
Bottom line: TK Solver focuses on the math, so you can focus on your business. Imagine that!
TK Solver at a Glance

Knowledge is Power
TK Solver includes more than 200 built in functions that do everything from trigonometry and integration, to differentiation, matrix operations, and simulations.
Also included, is a collection of thermodynamic and transport property functions based on the NIST Standard Reference Database 23 with more than thirty functions involving temperature, pressure, density, entropy, enthalpy, and more. There are over one hundred fluids and mixtures plus a utility to create new mixtures that supports English, Metric, Mass, and Molar unit combinations.
TK Solver makes model sharing easier with a wide range of units for engineering and science that makes unit conversion automatic. No more paging through handbooks to find the right formula and unlike a scratch pad or symbolic math program, there is no complicated interface or dependence on math notation. With TK Solver, the information you need is simply a mouse click away.
TK Solver Premium Edition Features
TK Solver Excel Link Packager for Distribution lets you dynamically link any number of math models to an Excel worksheet and Package the file. The Packager automatically converts the file into a mini-application (.exe, .zip, or .tkx file extension) that can be distributed and shared with anyone, anywhere via the TK Solver Player for Excel.
The Player is a collaborative math engine available as a FREE download from the UTS Web site similar to the way Adobe Systems, Inc. distributes their reader for viewing PDF files. However, it is much more than a reader utility. Think of it as a power booster for Excel! Once downloaded, it runs entirely behind the scenes and allows Excel users to take advantage of a wealth of powerful TK Solver functionality all from a familiar Excel interface. Package recipients can interact with the model by changing inputs and viewing the outputs, perform automatic unit conversions and iterative calculations, as well as take advantage of extensive NIST thermodynamic and transport property functions. Although totally interactive, the original formulas and models remain rotected and the recipient is not able to change them. It fast, easy, and efficient!
The TK Solver Solution Optimizer is another premium edition feature that provides easy-to-use, advanced control over constraints and bounds and requires no additional programming. The Optimization Wizard gives you unprecedented flexibility by allowing you to perform sophisticated scenarios to achieve precise design specifications faster than ever before. Youl be able to take your design process to a whole new level with the TK Solver Solution Optimizer!