Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4 統計分析軟體
- Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4 統計分析軟體
介紹CMA 是結合來自多項研究的數據統計程序。當治療效果(或效果大小)的一項研究是一致的,CMA 分析可以用來識別當前普遍的影響,從一項研究中至下一項的效果變化,CMA 分析可被用來確定變化的原因。
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4 Statistical Analysis Software
Version 4 includes a new module for meta-regression that
• Allows you to include any number of covariates
• Allows you to define sets of covariates
• Allow you to include both categorical and continuous
covariates in the model
• Will automatically create dummy variables for
categorical covariates
• Allows you to define and compare multiple predictive
• Allows you to choose either the Z-distribution or
• Allows you to plot the regression, as well as confidence and
prediction intervals
• Automatically plots the R-squared analog
• Allows one-click export of data to Excel
• Allows one-click export of plots to PowerPoint and Word
Effect size for cluster-randomized studies
• Coming Soon - With the purchase of an Academic or
Corporate CMA license, we provide a license for a second
program that allows you to compute the effect-size and
variance for cluster-randomized and other multi-level
studies. Release date to be determined.
Other features
• A number of updates that allows the program to work
better with Windows.
New licensing scheme
• We will no longer offer a perpetual license. Beginning with
Version 3, you can lease the program for one or two years.

Windows 7 or higher
32-bit or 64-bit
XGA or higher
Disk Space:
25 MB
To run the program on a Mac, a Windows emulator is necessary
such as Parallels or Bootcamp. Using Wine or CrossOver is not

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4 統計分析軟體
V4版 包含一個用於元回歸的新模組
• 允許您包含任意數量的協變量
• 允許您定義協變量集
• 允許您在模型中包含分類和連續協變量
• 將自動為分類協變量創建虛擬變量
• 允許您定義和比較多個預測模型
• 允許您選擇 Z 分佈或 Knapp-Hartung
• 允許您繪製回歸以及置信區間和預測區間
• 自動繪製 R 平方模擬
• 允許一鍵將數據導出到 Excel
• 允許將繪圖一鍵導出到 PowerPoint 和 Word
• 即將推出 - 購買學術或企業 CMA 許可證後,我們將為第二個程序提
• 許多更新使程序能夠更好地與 Windows 配合使用。
• 我們將不再提供永久許可。從版本 3 開始,您可以租用該程序一年或

MVSP v3 多變數統計分析軟體
MVSP is an inexpensive and easy to use program that performs a number of multivariate numerical analyses useful in many scientific fields. It calculates three basic types of eigenanalysis ordinations: principal components, principal coordinates, and correspondence/detrended correspondence analyses.
SuperSMITH® 5.0AZ 可靠度分析軟體
SuperSMITH®軟件在5.0AZ及更高版本中具有新外觀。全球首個廣泛使用的Weibull工程軟件的製造商Fulton Findings LLC,已經為SuperSMITH Weibull和SuperSMITH Visual提供了更加緊密集成的用戶界面,從而向前邁進了一步。下面顯示的新圖標佈局將通用功能與用於可變性建模,趨勢分析和預測的獨特工具合併在一起。熟悉的數據網格(數據輸入和數據編輯)和結果框(圖表和報告)幾乎保持不變。更改涉及以簡化的方式將較大尺寸的圖標與關聯的下拉菜單集成在一起。保留了所有以前的功能,並在Abernethy Risk,加速測試,Barringer過程可靠性和Monte Carlo Simulation等專業領域中添加了新功能。
MLwiN 3.05 多層次模型軟體