CART® 資料挖掘分析軟體
- CART® 資料挖掘分析軟體
介紹CART® 是Salford Systems的旗艦數據挖掘軟件,該軟件是一款功能強大、易操作的決策樹,能自動篩選複雜的數據。從技術上講,CART建模引擎基於1984年由斯坦福大學和加州大學伯克利分校的四位世界知名統計學家引入的具有里程碑意義的數學理論。CART建模引擎是SPM的分類和回歸樹實現,是唯一體現原始專有代碼的決策樹軟件。
CART® Data Mining Analysis Software
Ultimate Classification Tree:
Salford Predictive Modeler's CART® modeling engine is the ultimate classification tree, revolutionizing the field of advanced analytics and ushering in the current era of data science.
Proprietary code:
Technically, the CART modeling engine is based on a landmark mathematical theory introduced in 1984 by four world-renowned statisticians from Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, The CART modeling engine is a classification and regression tree implementation of SPM and is the only decision tree software that embodies the original proprietary code.
Fast and versatile:
The CART modeling engine supports high-speed deployments, allowing Salford Predictive Modeler's models to be predicted and scored in real time at scale. Over the years, the CART modeling engine has become one of the most popular and easy-to-use predictive modeling algorithms available to analysts, and it is also used as the basis for many modern data mining methods based on bagging and augmentation.
最少40 MB
最少512 MB
CART® 資料挖掘分析軟體
Salford Predictive Modeler的CART®建模引擎是最終的分類樹,它徹底改變了高級分析領域,並開創了當前數據科學的時代。CART是現代數據挖掘中最重要的工具之一。
CART建模引擎的專利擴展專門用於增強市場研究和網絡分析的結果。CART建模引擎支持高速部署,允許Salford Predictive Modeler的模型大規模實時預測和評分。多年來,CART建模引擎已成為分析師可用的最流行且易於使用的預測建模算法之一,它也被用作許多基於裝袋和增強的現代數據挖掘方法的基礎。
SIGMA/W 抗壓變形分析軟體
BILOG-MG4 項目反應測試軟體
使用這個Windows版本的BILOG-MG,舊版BILOG for Windows產品已經過時了。BILOG-MG-4具有BILOG的所有功能,加上差分項功能(DIF),項目參數漂移,等效和非等效組等同,垂直等同,兩階段測試,組均值估計,標準偏差和潛在分佈。
Comparion 決策支援分析軟體
Comparion Core是一個面向決策者的協作式網絡應用。它簡單易用,直觀的工作流程允許團隊定義決策標準並確定潛在的解決方案。 Comparion Core 可以追踪所有參與者的判斷、數據和評論--讓團隊專注於目標、分析和結果。