SHAZAM 11.4 計量經濟學軟體-經濟財金分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SHAZAM v11.4 計量經濟學軟體

SHAZAM v11.4 計量經濟學軟體

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SHAZAM v11.4 Quantitative Economics Software

SHAZAM Analytical Features
The primary strength of SHAZAM is the estimation and testing of many types of econometric and statistical models.
Build and estimate models by choosing variables and selecting techniques using your mouse, or code them quickly using the powerfully simple SHAZAM Command Language.
SHAZAM also provides capabilities for both matrix programming and the programming of reusable procedures.
With SHAZAM you can do:
• ARCH and GARCH Models
• ARIMA Models
• Autocorrelation Models
• Beta Regression
• Bootstrapping
• Box-Cox Models
• Chow Test and Goldfeld-Quandt Test
• Cointegration Testing
• Combined Box-Cox and Box-Tidwell Model
• Computing the Power of a Test
• Confidence Intervals and Ellipse Plots
• Cross-Section Heteroskedasticity and Time-Wise
• Data Smoothing and Seasonal Adjustments
• Cumulative Distribution Function Computation
• CUSUM Tests
• Data Sorting
• Data Transformations
• Derivatives and Integrals Evaluation
• Descriptive Statistics
• Diagnostic Tests
• Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Tests
• Distributed Lag Models
• Dynamic Simultaneous Equation Models
• Estimation of Systems of Linear and Nonlinear Equations
• Estimation using Regression Quantiles
• Exact Durbin Watson Tests
• Exponential Regression
• Factor Analysis
• Financial Time Series
• Forecasting
• Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) Models
• Fuzzy Set Models
• Gamma Regressions
• Generalized Entropy Models
• Generalized Least Squares
• Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Estimation
• Generating Variables
• Granger Causality
• Graphing
• Hausman Specification Tests
• Hetereskedasticity Tests
• Heteroskedastic Consistent Covariance Matrices
• Heteroskedastic Error Estimation
• Heteroskedastic Models
• Heteroskedasticity Tests
• Hodrick Prescott Filtering
• Hypothesis Testing (Linear and Nonlinear)
• Hypothesis Testing of Nonlinear Functions of Coefficients
• Index Number Series Splicing
• Instrumental Variable Estimation
• Iterative Cochrane-Orcutt Estimation
• Jackknife Estimators
• Johansen Maximum Eigenvalue Tests
• Johansen Trace Tests
• Joint Confidence Region Computation
• Least Absolute Errors Estimation
• Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML) Models
• Linear Programming
• Linear Regressions with Inequality Restrictions
• Logit Models
• Lognormal Regression
• MAD Estimation
• Matrix Manipulation
• Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Non-Normal Errors
• Minimization and Maximization of Nonlinear Functions
• Missing Observation Handling
• Monte Carlo Experiments
• Moving Averages
• Multivariate Kernel Method
• Newey-West Autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix
• Nonlinear Least Squares
• Nonlinear Least Squares by the Rank One Correlation Method
• Nonlinear Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR)
• Nonlinear Sets of Equations
• Nonparametric Density Estimation
• Nonparametric Methods
• Nonparametric Regression with Kernel Estimation
• Ordinary Least Squares Models
• Poisson Regression
• Phillips-Perron Unit Root Test
• Polynomial Inverse Lags
• Pooling Cross-Section Time-Series with Balanced or Unbalanced Panels
• Power of Statistical Tests Computation
• Price Indices
• Principal Components Analysis
• Probability Distributions
• Probit Models
• Quadratic Programming
• Random Number Generation
• Recursive Residuals
• Regression with Non-Normal Errors
• Regression with Time Varying Coefficients
• RESET Specification Error Tests
• Restricted Least Squares
• Restricted Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models (SUR)
• Ridge Regression
• Robust Regression
• Seasonal Adjustment
• Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR)
• Simulated Annealing
• Simultaneous Equation Models (Linear and Nonlinear)
• Solving Nonlinear Sets of Equations
• Splicing Index Number Series
• Stepwise Regression
• Stochastic Frontier Models
• Tests for Autocorrelation
• Three Stage Least Squares
• Time Varying Linear Regression
• Tobit Models
• Two Stage Least Squares
• Univariate Kernel Method
• Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) Models
• Weighted Least Squares Regression


SHAZAM Analytical Features
The Professional Edition of SHAZAM requires either 32bit or 64bit Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2012, or Server 2008 with at least 300MB available disk space and a minimum 2GB of system RAM*.
With the Professional Edition SHAZAM techniques may be run using menus and a mouse to select data and options using Analytics Applets. It also includes SHAZAM Wizards for easy analysis, estimation, restrictions, testing and prediction. It also includes the SHAZAM debugger for resolving problems in SHAZAM scripts and a data connector for accessing DBMS such as SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access and even Hadoop - which you can query using SQL.


SHAZAM v11.4 計量經濟學軟體

通過使用鼠標選擇變量和選擇技術來構建和估計模型,或者使用功能強大且簡單的 SHAZAM 命令語言對其進行快速編碼。
SHAZAM 還提供矩陣編程和可重用程序編程的功能。
使用 SHAZAM,您可以:
• ARIMA 模型
• 自相關模型
• Beta 回歸
• 引導
• Box-Cox 模型
• Chow 檢驗和 Goldfeld-Quandt 檢驗
• 協整測試
• 組合 Box-Cox 和 Box-Tidwell 模型
• 計算測試的功效
• 置信區間和橢圓圖
• 橫截面異方差和隨時間變化的自回歸
• 數據平滑和季節性調整
• 累積分佈函數計算
• CUSUM 測試
• 數據排序
• 數據轉換
• 導數和積分評估
• 描述性統計
• 診斷測試
• Dickey-Fuller 單位根檢驗
• 分佈式滯後模型
• 動態聯立方程模型
• 線性和非線性方程組的估計
• 使用回歸分位數進行估計
• 精確的 Durbin Watson 測試
• 指數回歸
• 因子分析
• 金融時間序列
• 預測
• 完整信息最大似然 (FIML) 模型
• 模糊集模型
• Gamma 回歸
• 廣義熵模型
• 廣義最小二乘法
• 廣義矩法 (GMM) 估計
• 生成變量
• 格蘭傑因果關係
• 繪圖
• 豪斯曼規格測試
• 異方差檢驗
• 異方差一致協方差矩陣
• 異方差估計
• 異方差模型
• 異方差檢驗
• 霍德里克普雷斯科特過濾
• 假設檢驗(線性和非線性)
• 係數的非線性函數的假設檢驗
• 索引號系列拼接
• 工具變量估計
• 迭代 Cochrane-Orcutt 估計
• 折刀估計器
• 約翰森最大特徵值檢驗
• 約翰森跟踪測試
• 聯合置信區域計算
• 最小絕對誤差估計
• 有限信息最大似然 (LIML) 模型
• 線性規劃
• 具有不等式限制的線性回歸
• 邏輯模型
• 對數正態回歸
• 瘋狂估計
• 矩陣操作
• 具有非正態誤差的最大似然估計
• 非線性函數的最小化和最大化
• 缺失觀察處理
• 蒙特卡羅實驗
• 移動平均線
• 多元核方法
• Newey-West 自相關一致協方差矩陣
• 非線性最小二乘法
• 非線性最小二乘法的秩一相關法
• 非線性看似無關回歸 (SUR)
• 非線性方程組
• 非參數密度估計
• 非參數方法
• 核估計的非參數回歸
• 普通最小二乘模型
• 泊松回歸
• Phillips-Perron 單位根檢驗
• 多項式逆滯後
• 使用平衡或不平衡面板匯集橫截面時間序列
• 統計檢驗計算的力量
• 價格指數
• 主成分分析
• 概率分佈
• 概率模型
• 二次規劃
• 隨機數生成
• 遞歸殘差
• 非正態誤差回歸
• 時變係數回歸
• RESET 規範錯誤測試
• 受限最小二乘法
• 受限的看似無關的回歸模型 (SUR)
• 嶺回歸
• 穩健回歸
• 季節性調整
• 看似無關的回歸 (SUR)
• 模擬退火
• 聯立方程模型(線性和非線性)
• 求解非線性方程組
• 拼接索引號系列
• 逐步回歸
• 隨機前沿模型
• 自相關檢驗
• 三階段最小二乘法
• 時變線性回歸
• 托比特模型
• 兩階段最小二乘法
• 單變量核方法
• 向量自回歸 (VAR) 模型
• 加權最小二乘回歸


LIMDEP 11 計量經濟學軟體


LIMDEP 11 計量經濟學軟體

Eviews 13 時間序列分析軟體

EViews 通過一個創新的、易於使用的面向對象界面,為金融機構、公司、政府機構和學術機構提供強大的統計、時間序列、預測和建模工具。 親自了解為什麼 EViews 是計量經濟學軟件的全球領導者以及那些需要最好的人的選擇……

Eviews 13 時間序列分析軟體

SHAZAM v11.4 計量經濟學軟體


SHAZAM v11.4 計量經濟學軟體