IPWorks 2022 開發框架軟體-網路工具軟體/新永資訊有限公司

IPWorks 2022 開發框架軟體

IPWorks 2022 開發框架軟體

  • IPWorks 2022 開發框架軟體
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  • 類別
  • 介紹
    IPWorks is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IPWorks eliminates the complexity of Internet development, providing programmable, SSL-enabled components that facilitate tasks such as ensuring security, sending email, transferring files, managing networks, browsing the Web, consuming Web Services, etc.
  • 價格

IPWorks 2022

IPWorks [Core Framework] - A comprehensive suite of components for Internet communications including more than 40 individual components covering every major Internet Protocol.

IPWorks SSL  - Secure communication channels through SSL security and digital certificates. Complete with digital certificate management components.

IPWorks S/MIME - Components for email and file confidentiality, authentication, and non-repudiation through encryption and digital signatures. Implements the S/MIME standard for digital security.

IPWorks SSH - Secure Shell (SSH) enabled client communications components supporting strong encryption and advanced cryptography. Drop-in replacements for components in the core IP*Works! package.

IPWorks Zip - Suite of easy to use, fast, effective components for compression and decompression. Supports ZIP, JAR, GZIP, TAR, password protection and streaming operations.

IPWorks SNMP - A comprehensive toolkit for building Secure SNMP-based agent and manager applications including advanced SNMPv3 security features, trap handling, and ASN-1 MIB compilation.

IPWorks WS [WebSockets] - Create real-time web connected applications with support for WebSockets. Includes client, server, and proxy components for building and connecting to WebSockets based applications. 

edtFTPj/PRO v7.1.0 Java FTP應用軟體

edtFTPj/PRO是一款利用 Java 語言編寫的 FTP 用戶端程式。這個程式可以幫助軟體開發人員花費最少的時間並只作少量的修改, 就能將豐富的文件傳輸功能加入到他們的軟體中。Companies worldwide rely on edtFTPj/PRO to securely transfer their confidential files. It is a mature, optimized library packed with features that help Java developers add SFTP and FTPS support to their applications.

edtFTPj/PRO v7.1.0 Java FTP應用軟體

ServiceKeeper v4.15.57伺服器調度和監控軟體

ServiceKeeper 旨在通過監控關鍵任務應用程序,讓服務器管理員高枕無憂。 它通過檢測故障、快速執行恢復並將其報告給管理員來最大化您的基礎設施可用性。 使用 ServiceKeeper,服務器將始終啟動並運行,從而避免代價高昂的停機時間。 試試這個強大的工具,體驗寧靜。

ServiceKeeper v4.15.57伺服器調度和監控軟體

AppPerfect 15 程式開發及檢測工具軟體

AppPerfect offers following products for complete and comprehensive solution for testing and monitoring the performance of your application. These products that are designed to help you test your application throughout the development life-cycle.

AppPerfect 15 程式開發及檢測工具軟體