NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體
- NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體
介紹NetCrunch 是一個建立在模塊化前提下的綜合監控平台。 一切都可以協同工作,並且可以隨時啟用/添加。 您可以添加更多節點/接口或放入另一個模塊而無需重新安裝或數據遷移
NetCrunch 11 network monitoring and management software
Notes View
You can see aggregated notes from all nodes of the selected Atlas view. The view can show the latest notes or they can be grouped by categories.
Trend Viewer
A new unified trend viewer provides the same experience for desktop and web console. It has also been optimized for selecting counters even from thousands of nodes and hundreds of thousands of monitored metrics.
Web Console Update
The web console more closely matches desktop console UI - including notifications, alerting, external events, revamped trend viewer, and reports.
Event Log Analytics
Provides a comprehensive view on typical time ranges (24hr,
7 days, and 30 days), providing various summary views such as,
For example:
• Top Charts
• Summary Charts for Custom Views
• Summary Charts for Monitoring Categories
New IP Tools
Beside refreshed UI, updated tools can be run remotely on the NetCrunch Server or any remote probe. The desktop console allows running tools locally. New tools provide the same user experience for both desktop and web console.
Improved Event Log History
The new history view offers a broad view of alert history (event
log) and allows ad hoc analysis providing quick filtering and
Reporting Enhancements
Reporting Enhancements
The most noticeable change is the new Report Viewer, providing the same experience for desktop and web console users. Additionally, we have enhanced reporting capabilities for performance
Improved Desktop Notifications
NetCrunch now integrates with Windows 10 notification system, offering a much better experience. New notification system groups events occurring at the same time into single notification to avoid flooding your desktop.
Notifications are presented on the desktop only when the console is not running (connection broker must be running). Otherwise, they appear at the top of the console.
Notifications are also present in the web console window now.
Improved Camera Sensor
The camera sensor now supports several new alerts.
• Alert if the camera image could have been tampered
• Alert if the camera image differs from the reference image
• On motion detection
Additionally, a camera snapshot image might be attached to the alert notification (i.e., email)
Monitoring Packs for Hardware Sensors
HW group - WLD (SNMP) - Reports about water leak detections
HW group - Damocles (SNMP) - Shows values gathered from
Damocles sensors. It can display
information from metrics
related to water, gas, electricity,
and others.
HW group - STE (SNMP) - Collects values of temperature and
humidity from external sensors
HW group - STE2 (SNMP) - Similar to the 'HW group - STE(SNM
P)'. This Monitoring Pack contains a
report that allows displaying values
from temperature and humidity
HW group - PWR (SNMP) - Designed to monitor external
M-Bus meters on HWG-PWR
Monitoring Packs
Cisco Meraki Cloud Controller (SNMP) - Shows a collection of
statistics from interface
s. Detects and informs a
bout many important
events such as rogue
DHCP server, client IP
conflicts, cable errors,
and others
ZyXel USG Flex (SNMP) - Alerts when Memory, Flash, or CPU
usage is high. Gathers information
from a VPN.
NVIDIA Quadro GPU - Dedicated for NVIDIA Quadro graphic
cards. Alerts about high GPU, Memory,
and Bus usage. Shows metrics also from
Core Clock, Fan Speed, Temperature, and
Power Consumption.
Basic Windows GPO Monitoring - Tracking changes in Group/D omain/Authorization Policies,
generating an alert when such
an event occurs.
Basic Windows Authorization Monitoring - Generating an alert
in case of multiple
failed login events
happening over a
short time when a
logon attempt was
made with explicit
credentials or with
special privileges
Improved Remote Probe
We continue adding more monitoring features to Remote Probe, which is now capable of monitoring
• VMware ESXi and virtual machines
• vSphere vCenter
• Windows(WMI、Perfmon、Hyper-V、Windows Event Log)
• Linux、Mac OS、BSD and Solaris
• SNMP Traps
• Syslog Messages
• Web Messages
• Generic Agent Requests
• 70 Sensors
• 70+ Network Services
Improved Sensors
• DICOM C-Echo supports Calling EA title and Called EA
title configuration.
• Apache Web Server supports monitoring of latest
Apache servers
• Active Directory Sensor supports multiple sources
and provides additional counters
vCenter Monitoring
The new sensor allows monitoring ESX hosts through vCenter. All you need is to add a vCenter sensor to the appropriate node and provide credentials, ESX nodes will switch to vCenter automatically.
If vCenter becomes inaccessible for some reason (such as maintenance), NetCrunch can automatically switch to direct ESXi monitoring, which provides basic information about ESXi hosts and their virtual machines.
Monitoring through vCenter provides additional information about
• ESXi power state
• ESXi configuration issues
• ESXi alarms
Which can now be easily monitored by NetCrunch.
Internal and architecture improvements
NetCrunch 11 brings many internal changes. Some parts have
been completely replaced, others significantly improved.
• New Web Server brings support for TLS 1.3 and latest security
• OpenSSL 1.0.2 has been removed as it reached EOL
• Web console doesn't use any Flash components anymore
• WebPage Sensor uses the latest chromium-based browser
instead of the outdated phantomjs.
• Windows Monitoring supports now both RPC and WMI
protocols for performance monitoring. We kept RPC as
default because of better performance, but in case of
problems, such as remote registry service crashing, you
can now switch to WMI.
• New VMware and vCenter monitor is faster and uses fewer
resources as it doesn't use JVM anymore
• Simulated Network Atlas - simulation is now more complete
and includes simulation of sensors and monitors
• Support for multiple time zones - console, server, and probes
might be located in different time zones. Console presents
time and data in local time.

HD: 4 Cores, 4 GB RAM, 5 GB Free Disk space.

NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體
您可以查看來自所選 Atlas 視圖的所有節點的匯總註釋。該視圖可以顯示最新的筆記,也可以按類別對它們進行分組。
新的統一趨勢查看器為桌面和 Web 控制台提供相同的體驗。它還針對從數千個節點和數十萬個受監控指標中選擇計數器進行了優化。
Web 控制台更接近桌面控制台 UI - 包括通知、警報、外部事件、改進的趨勢查看器和報告。
提供典型時間範圍(24 小時、7 天和 30 天)的綜合視圖,提供各種摘要視圖,例如:
• 熱門圖表
• 自定義視圖的匯總圖表
• 監控類別的匯總圖表
除了更新的 UI 之外,更新的工具可以在 NetCrunch 服務器或任何遠程探測器上遠程運行。桌面控制台允許在本地運行工具。新工具為桌面和 Web 控制台提供相同的用戶體驗。
最顯著的變化是Report Viewer,為桌面和 Web 控制台用戶提供相同體驗的新功能。此外,我們還增強了報告功能performance reports.
NetCrunch 現在與 Windows 10 通知系統集成,提供更好的體驗。新的通知系統將同時發生的事件分組為單個通知,以避免淹沒您的桌面。
通知現在也出現在 Web 控制台窗口中。
• 警告攝像頭圖像是否可能已被篡改
• 如果相機圖像與參考圖像不同,則發出警報
• 關於運動檢測
HW 組 - WLD (SNMP) - 有關漏水檢測的報告
硬件組 - 達摩克利斯 (SNMP) - 顯示從達摩克利斯傳感器收集的值。它可以顯示來自與水、氣、電等相關的指標的信息。
硬件組 - STE (SNMP) - 從外部傳感器收集溫度和濕度值
硬件組 - STE2 (SNMP) - 類似於“硬件組 - STE (SNMP)”。此監控包包含一個報告,允許顯示來自溫度和濕度傳感器的值
硬件組 - PWR (SNMP) - 設計用於監控 HWG-PWR 設備上的外部
M-Bus 儀表
Cisco Meraki 雲控制器 (SNMP) - 顯示來自接口的統計數據集合。
惡意 DHCP 服務器、客戶端 IP
ZyXel USG Flex (SNMP) - 當內存、閃存或 CPU 使用率高時發出警報。
從 VPN 收集信息。
NVIDIA Quadro GPU - 專用於 NVIDIA Quadro 顯卡。關於高 GPU、
基本 Windows GPO 監控 - 跟踪組/域/授權策略中的更改,
基本 Windows 授權監控 - 在使用顯式憑據或分配的特殊權限進行登錄嘗
我們繼續向 Remote Probe 添加更多監控功能,它現在能夠監控
• VMware ESXi 和虛擬機
• vSphere vCenter
• Windows(WMI、Perfmon、Hyper-V、Windows 事件日誌)
• Linux、Mac OS、BSD 和 Solaris
• SNMP 陷阱
• 系統日誌消息
• 網絡消息
• 通用代理請求
• 70個傳感器
• 70+ 網絡服務
• DICOM C-Echo支持Calling EA title和Called EA title配置。
• Apache Web Server支持監控最新的 Apache 服務器
• Active Directory Sensor支持多個來源並提供額外的計數器
vCenter 監控
新傳感器允許通過 vCenter 監控 ESX 主機。您只需將 vCenter 傳感器添加到適當的節點並提供憑據,ESX 節點將自動切換到 vCenter。
如果vCenter由於某種原因(例如維護)無法訪問,NetCrunch 可以自動切換到直接 ESXi 監控,它提供有關 ESXi 主機及其虛擬機的基本信息。
通過 vCenter 進行監控提供了有關
• ESXi 電源狀態
• ESXi 配置問題
• ESXi 警報
現在可以通過 NetCrunch 輕鬆監控。
NetCrunch 11 帶來了許多內部變化。一些部件已完全更換,其他部件得到顯著改善。
• 新的 Web 服務器支持 TLS 1.3 和最新的安全補丁
• OpenSSL 1.0.2 在達到 EOL 時已被刪除
• Web 控制台不再使用任何 Flash 組件
• 網頁傳感器使用最新的基於鉻的瀏覽器而不是過時的瀏覽器phantomjs.
• Windows 監控現在支持RPC和WMI用於性能監控的協議。
RPC 保留為默認值,但是如果出現問題,例如遠程註冊表服務崩潰,
您現在可以切換到 WMI。
• 新的 VMware 和 vCenter 監視器速度更快,使用的資源更少,
因為它不再使用 JVM
• 模擬網絡圖集- 模擬現在更加完整,包括傳感器和監視器的模擬
• 支持多個時區- 控制台、服務器和探測器可能位於不同的時區。

Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 問卷平台設計軟體
Lighthouse Studio 是業界最先進的聯合分析和 MaxDiff 平台。結合傳統調查問題,創建靈活且平衡的實驗設計。收集您的數據,然後使用功能最齊全的市場模擬器對結果進行建模和報告。
Rapid7 Nexpose 網絡漏洞偵測軟體
Nexpose讓你有信心了解你的攻擊面,專注於重要的事情,並創造更好的安全結果。 Rapid7創造了創新和進步的解決方案,幫助我們的客戶自信地完成他們的工作。因此,任何產品特性或功能的開發、發布和時間描述仍由我們自行決定,以確保我們的客戶獲得他們應得的卓越體驗,而不是承諾、保證或法律義務來提供任何功能。此外,這些信息旨在概述我們的總體產品方向,不應依賴這些信息來作出購買決定。
EXFO Xtract 網路監控軟體
EXFO Xtract 從網絡、服務和用戶的角度提供實時、端到端的服務體驗視圖。它實時收集、豐富、關聯、分析和可視化大量數據,從任何角度提供對端到端服務體驗的洞察。