Altova 2021 程式開發工具軟體
- Altova 2021 程式開發工具軟體
介紹Altova公司®是一家軟件公司,專門在幫助開發數據管理,軟件和應用開發,移動開發和數據集成工具。 Altova為XML,SQL和UML提供了一整套桌面開發軟件; 高性能工作流程自動化服務器產品; 和跨平台的移動開發框架。
Altova XMLSpy 2021 program development tool software
Version 2021 Release 2 of the XML and JSON Editor was announced on March 4,2021. Learn about all the new features and update to the latest version.
Completely New XML Grid View
XML Grid View was introduced in one of the first versions of XMLSpy
and quickly became one of the most popular XML editing features in
XMLSpy. Now, in v2021r2, Grid View has received a complete update
to add new functionality that makes it even easier to work with XML
in a graphical view.
In the new XML Grid View, rows and columns in the table can now be flipped to rearrange the display of the document to make it even more human-readable. For instance, this table has many columns but few rows when displayed in Grid View.
Flipping the rows and columns makes the content immediately accessible.
Viewing Base-64 images as graphics
The new XML Grid View supports automatic viewing of images (shown above), including PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, and animated GIFs – which is of course not possible in a text view.
You can even copy an image directly from an image editor and paste it into XML Grid View!
Drag & Drop Editing
In addition to editing content manually, XML Grid View lets the developer manipulate the documentusing drag-and-drop. New in R2, this is even easier as Grid View will indicate the content
(i.e., entire elements or just cell content) and its destination as you drag it.
You can also duplicate content using Ctrl+Drag.
One of the most compelling aspects of the new XML Grid View is that it lets you take advantage of XPath and XQuery to filter and process data directly in the view.
A filter applied to a node makes it possible to filter descendants of the node based on criteria that you define to reduce the amount of visible information in view, allowing you to zero-in on the content that is relevant to the task at hand.
The right-click context menu helps you get started creating filters quickly – when you select the Filter to Focus option, a filter is automatically created to display the selected node. Then, if desired, you can expand the filter to include exactly the required criteria.
This is faster than starting from scratch and gives you a hint about how to structure the filter. Filters can be toggled on/off and are saved as metadata outside of XML documents, which allows you to see filtered data even after closing and reopening documents - without actually changing the document structure.
While filters simply change the display of content in XML Grid View and do not modify the underlying XML document,
formulas composed with XQuery 3.1 can be used to calculate a result
or generate a nodeset that can be stored in the document.
To define a formula, add a new node and use the in-cell Type button to change the type to Formula. Then you can name the formula,
enter its expression, and view the result.
Adding content from external applications
XML Grid View makes it easy to update your XML document quickly by copying and pasting (or dragging) content from a variety of sources – you can paste in XML from a text editor or Visual Studio,
for instance,and you can even paste in content copied from Excel.
Additional usability features
• Easy viewing of very large XML files: repeating nodes can be
grouped by hundreds/thousands/tens thousands
(as configured by the user)
• Real-time validation and SmartFix error correction are now available
in Grid View
• Zoom in and out using Ctrl-MouseWheel or Ctrl +/-
• Ability to turn off word wrap within the cell
• Integrated Find & Replace tools directly in the editing view
(rather than in a separate dialog)
These new XML Grid View features take this editing paradigm to the
next level, allowing developers to not just visualize, understand, and
edit an XML document more easily – now they can achieve far more
than is possible in a text editor alone.
C# codegen for .NET Core and .NET 5
XMLSpy provides royalty-free code generation based on XML Schema in Java, C#, or C++.
Starting with Version 2021 Release 2, developers can select .NET Core
or .NET 5 as target frameworks for C# generation.
This adds to existing support for .NET Framework projects.
Support for IBM DB2 for iSeries 7.4
Relational database support in XMLSpy now includes the latest version of IBM DB2 for iSeries.

Altova server software products offer multi-platform support for the following:
Windows Server (Desktop and Core): 2008 R2 SP1 with Platform Update, 2012, 2016, 2019
Windows: Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update, Windows 8, Windows 10
Linux: CentOS 7 & 8, RedHat 7 & 8, Debian 8, 9 & 10, Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 & 20.04
macOS: 10.13 and above

Altova XMLSpy 2021 程式開發工具軟體
XML Grid View是在XMLSpy的第一個版本中引入的,並迅速成為XMLSpy中最受歡迎的XML編輯功能之一。
新的XML Grid View支持自動查看圖像(如上所示),包括PNG,JPG,BMP,
您甚至可以直接從圖像編輯器複製圖像並將其粘貼到XML Grid View!
除了手動編輯內容外,XML Grid View還使開發人員可以通過拖放操作來操作文檔。R2中的新增功能,這更加容易,因為在拖動時Grid View會指示內容(即整個元素或只是單元格內容)及其目的地。
您也可以使用Ctrl + Drag複製內容。
過濾器僅更改XML Grid View中內容的顯示而不會修改基礎XML文檔,
而XQuery 3.1組成的公式可用於計算結果或生成可存儲在文檔中的節點集。
XML Grid View可以通過複製和粘貼(或拖動)來自各種來源的內容來輕鬆快速地更新XML文檔–例如,您可以從文本編輯器或Visual Studio中粘貼XML,甚至可以粘貼內容從Excel複製。
• 輕鬆查看非常大的XML文件:重複節點可以按成百上千/成千上萬的分組
• 網格視圖中現在提供了實時驗證和SmartFix錯誤糾正
• 使用Ctrl-MouseWheel或Ctrl +/-放大和縮小
• 能夠關閉單元格中的自動換行
直接在編輯視圖中(而不是在單獨的對話框中)集成了“查找和替換”工具這些新的XML Grid View功能將這種編輯範例帶入了一個新的高度,從而使開發人員不僅可以更輕鬆地可視化,理解和編輯XML文檔-現在他們所能實現的遠遠超過僅使用文本編輯器所能實現的。
.NET Core和.NET 5的C#代碼生成
XMLSpy提供基於Java,C#或C ++的XML Schema的免版稅代碼生成。從版本2021發行版2開始,開發人員可以選擇.NET Core或.NET 5作為C#生成的目標框架。
這增加了對.NET Framework項目的現有支持。
支持IBM DB2 for iSeries 7.4
XMLSpy中的關係數據庫支持現在包括最新版本的IBM DB2 for iSeries。

Aqua Data Studio 22.2
Aqua Data Studio是用於數據庫和可視化分析的通用集成開發環境(IDE)。它使數據庫開發人員,數據庫管理員以及數據和業務分析人員能夠處理其多平台數據庫及其中包含的數據。開發,管理和管理數據庫;訪問,管理和可視化分析數據;並連接到各種關係,雲和NoSQL數據庫平台。
Lahey Fortran Professional 7.8 編譯軟體
LF Fortran PRO 7.8 包括Lahey / Fujitsu Fortran 95編譯器,32/64位Lahey / GNU編譯器,並添加了Microsoft的Visual Studio 2015 Shell與Lahey的獨家Fortran集成,W交互器 入門工具包,W i SK,用於創建Windows GUI和顯示圖形,Polyhedron的Automake實用程序,Fujitsu的WinFDB Windows調試器,檢測未執行代碼並執行操作範圍檢查的Coverage Analysis Tool,有助於調整程序性能的Sampler Tool(執行探查器),Fujitsu的Visual Analyzer,Fujitsu SSL2數學庫(在Fujitsu大型機和工作站上具有豐富的庫並具有出色的性能)以及Fujitsu和GNU C編譯器。
容器是一種基於Linux名稱空間的輕量級虛擬化技術。與虛擬機不同,容器與主機共享內核和其他服務。結果,容器可以非常快速地啟動,並且性能開銷可以忽略不計,但是它們不能提供虛擬機的完全隔離。 容器將整個應用程序用戶空間環境捆綁到一個映像中。這樣,應用程序環境既可移植又一致,並且與底層主機系統軟件配置無關。容器映像可以廣泛部署,甚至可以與其他人共享,並確信結果將可重現。 容器使開發人員,用戶和系統管理員的工作變得更加輕鬆。開發人員可以在容器中分發軟件,以提供一致的運行時環境並減少支持開銷。來自諸如NGC之類的存儲庫的容器映像可以幫助用戶在任何系統上快速啟動,並避免從源代碼進行構建的複雜性。容器還可以幫助IT人員控制環境模塊的複雜性,並支持不再與主機操作系統兼容的舊式工作負載。 容器運行時很多。最重要的兩個是Docker和Singularity。 在Docker Containers部分中進一步描述的Docker幫助普及了Linux容器,並被廣泛使用。 “奇異性容器”一節中進一步介紹了奇異性,它解決了在HPC環境中使用容器的一些挑戰,並且在大多數HPC中心都可以使用。