JEB4.04 decompiler-程式開發軟體/新永資訊有限公司

JEB4.04 反編譯器

JEB4.04 反編譯器

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JEB4.04 decompiler 

Android Decompiler + Android Debuggers
Use JEB to perform reverse engineering of malicious APKs and security audits.

Cut down on costly reverse engineering time: decompile obfuscated APKs, examine Java code and debug closed-source apps in minutes. Our modular back-end, coupled with a powerful UI front-end for desktop platforms, allow refactoring operation and scripting to automate complex tasks.
Perform static and dynamic analysis of Android applications, goodware or badware, small or large.
• Decompile code using our Dalvik decompiler, including
   multi-dex APK.
• Refactor the analysis to defeat obfuscated code generated
   by application protectors.
• Reconstruct resources and obfuscated XML files.
• Debug Dalvik code as well as all native code (Intel, ARM),
• Automate and script your reverse engineering tasks via our API.
Perform precise and robust decompilation of Android apps and Dalvik bytecode.
Our in-house decompiler works on true Dalvik code: conversion from Dex to Jar,
 required by free tools, is not necessary with JEB (see why it matters).
Our Dalvik and native code debuggers offer unmatched features to seamlessly 
analyze real-time apps, allowing examination of code and hooking of sensitive APIs.
Refactor, annotate, navigate, and modify the analysis output.
Our analysis modules support code refactoring, virtual hierarchy
to organize highly obfuscated code, or code cleaning 
(for instance when decrypting obfuscated contents or un-reflecting code).
Leverage the JEB API to automate reverse engineering tasks.
Using Java or Python, users can write their own scripts and
plugins to automate the reverse engineering process. Power
users can write full-blown analysis modules and headless

ARM Decompiler
Use JEB to reverse engineer programs and malware written for
ARM platforms.
Our ARM machine code decompiler allows reverse engineers
and security auditors to analyze malicious ARM binary files.

The ARM decompiler provides the following features:
• Augmented disassembly including resolution of dynamic
   callsites and syscalls, candidate values determination for
   registers, dynamic cross-references, etc.
• Decompilation of ARM 32-bit and ARM-Thumb code to
   pseudo-C source code.
• Advanced optimization passes to thwart protected or
   obfuscated code.
• Interactive layer allowing refactoring: type definition,
   stackframe building, renaming/commenting/cross-referencing,
• Full API to perform advanced and/or automated code analysis
   in Python or Java.

MIPS Decompiler
Use JEB to reverse engineer MIPS embedded programs and malware.。
Our MIPS processor and microcontroller machine code decompiler allows reverse engineers and security auditors to analyze malicious MIPS programs and audit complex embedded systems (routers, set-top boxes, IOT devices, etc.).
The MIPS decompiler provides the following unmatched features:
• Augmented disassembly including resolution of dynamic
   callsites and syscalls,candidate values determination for
   registers, dynamic cross-references, etc.
• Decompilation of MIPS 32-bit to pseudo-C source code.
• Advanced optimization passes to thwart protected or
   obfuscated code.
• Interactive layer allowing refactoring: type definition,
   stackframe building,renaming/commenting/cross-
   referencing, etc.
• Full API to perform advanced and/or automated code
   analysis in Python or Java.
Intel Decompiler
Use JEB to reverse engineer x86 32-bit and x86 64-bit programs and malware.
Our Intel x86 and Intel x86-64 decompilers are part of JEB 3 Pro and Pro Floating.
The x86 decompiler and x86-64 decompiler provide the following features:
• Augmented disassembly including resolution of dynamic
   callsites, candidate values determination for registers,
   dynamic cross-references, etc.
• Decompilation of x86 and x86-64 to pseudo-C source code.
• Partial Class Recovery and Decompilation to C++ for programs
   compiled with MS VCPP (see video).
• Advanced optimization passes to thwart protected or
  obfuscated code.
• Win32 type libraries and common signatures for efficient
   Windows file analysis.
• Interactive layer allowing refactoring: type definition,
  stackframe building, renaming/commenting/cross-referencing,
• Full API and access to the Intermediate Representations to
   perform advanced and/or automated code analysis in Python
   or Java.

WebAssembly Decompiler

Use JEB to reverse engineer WebAssembly binary modules.
The WebAssembly plugins provide the following features:
• Augmented disassembly and parsing of wasm binary modules.
• Decompilation of wasm bytecode to pseudo-C source code.
• Advanced optimization passes to thwart protected or
   obfuscated code.
• Interactive layer for typing/renaming/commenting/
   cross-referencing, etc.
• Full API access for scripting and plugins.
JEB WebAssembly plugins can also be used to decompile Smart
Contracts compiled to wasm, such as EOS or Parity contracts.

Ethereum Decompiler
Use JEB to reverse engineer Ethereum opaque smart contracts and dApps to Solidity-like high-level code.
Cut down on costly reverse engineering time: decompile Ethereum smart contracts to Solidity-like source code to easily understand and review closed-source contracts and dApps.
• Decompile EVM contract code to Solidity-like high-level code
   using our Ethereum decompiler.
• Annotate the analysis results to better understand what the
   compiled contract or dApp is doing.
• Automate or script your reverse engineering tasks via our API.

PDF Document Analyzer
Analyze malicious Adobe™ PDF files using the best PDF document analyzer in the industry.
Our PDF module breaks down and decodes PDF files to provide access to its inner components such as resources and scripts. It detect structure corruptions and issues notifications to report suspicious areas. Leverage the PDF module either through the desktop client or a headless client, such as a file analyzer stack or automation pipeline.
Use our PDF analyzer to manually or automatically reverse
engineer documents of all sizes.
• Break-down the PDF structure into a visually compelling and
   navigable tree.
• Deal with corrupt files, complex streams (eg, multiple
   encodings, etc.).
• Retrieve 20+ notifications and alerts generated by the
   analyzer to pin-point suspicious areas and use them to
   issue a determination on the file.
• Extract embedded Javascript even in the most extreme cases.
• Automate the reverse engineering process via the JEB API to
   perform bulk analysis.

Features Matrix
This table presents which analysis modules and core features ship with our various license types.
Build Type 
Community Edition
JEB Android
Dalvik Decompiler   V V
Java Decompiler       V V
ARM Decompiler       V V
ARM64 Decompiler   V V
MIPS Decompiler         V
MIPS64 Decompiler     V
Intel x86 Decompiler V   V
Intel x86-64 Decompiler     V   V
WebAssembly Decompiler     V
Ethereum Decompiler for Smart Contracts (EVM Decompiler)     V
Diem (Libra) Decompiler for Move modules (open-sourced)         V
RISC-V Decompiler (Coming Soon)     2021Q
Atmel AVR 8-bit Decompiler (Coming Soon)     2021Q
Base Plugins
Archive files (zip, 7z, tar)     V V V
Image files (bmp, png, jpg, gif, ico) V V V
Structured text files (html, xml, json)     V V V
Certificate files (x.509) V V V
Application Processors
Android APK (incl. dex, odex, x-apk) V V V
Windows PE / PE64 / COFF,PDB V V V
Linux ELF / ELF64 V V V
Mach-O,Mach-O / FAT V V V
Intel HEX (ihex) V V V
Chrome Extension (crx) V V V
WebAssembly module (wasm)   V V
Ethereum contracts (evm)   V V
Dalvik Disassembler V V V
Intel x86 Disassembler V V V
Intel x86-64 (AMD64) Disassembler V V V
ARM (32, Thumb) Disassembler V V V
ARM64 (Aarch64) Disassembler V V V
MIPS Disassembler V V V
Atmel AVR 8-bit Disassembler V V V
Dalvik Debugger (Android)   V V
Intel x86 Debugger (GDB/LLDB all platforms, incl. Android) V V V
Intel x86-64 Debugger (GDB/LLDB all platforms, incl. Android) V V V
ARM Debugger (GDB/LLDB all platforms, incl. Android)   V V
ARM64 Debugger (GDB/LLDB all platforms, incl. Android)   V V
MIPS Debugger (GDB/LLDB all platforms, incl. Android)       V V
Document Parsers
Adobe PDF     V
FAT file systems (file access table)   V (plugin)
Persist JEB Projects to JDB2 Databases V V V
Interactivity (refactoring, renaming, commenting, etc.)     V V V
Graphing (CFG, Callgraphs, etc.) V V V
Support for multiple Artifacts in a same Project   V V
Extensions - Client scripts in Python V V V
Extensions - Back-end plugins in Java V V V



Linux / GTK(x64,arm64)



Android反編譯器+ Android調試器

• 使用我們的Dalvik反編譯器反編譯代碼,包括multi-dex APK。
• 重構分析以消除應用程序保護程序生成的混淆代碼。
• 重建資源和模糊的XML文件。
• 無縫調試Dalvik代碼以及所有本機代碼(Intel,ARM)。

• 通過我們的API自動化和編寫逆向工程任務的腳本。
利用JEB API自動執行逆向工程任務。

• 增強的反彙編,包括動態調用項和系統調用的解析,寄存器的候選值
​   ​​​​​​確定,動態交叉引用等。
• 將ARM 32位和ARM-Thumb代碼反編譯為偽C源代碼。
• 先進的優化功能可以阻止受保護或混淆的代碼。
• 允許重構的交互式層:類型定義,堆棧框架構建,
​​​   ​​​​重命名/註釋/交叉引用等。
• 完整的API,可使用Python或Java執行高級和/或自動代碼分析。

• 增強的反彙編,包括動態調用項和系統調用的解析,寄存器的候選值
• 將MIPS 32位反編譯為偽C源代碼。
• 先進的優化功能可以阻止受保護或混淆的代碼。
• 允許重構的交互式層:類型定義,堆棧框架構建,重命名/註釋/交叉
​​​  ​​​​引用等。
• 完整的API,可使用Python或Java執行高級和/或自動代碼分析。
我們的Intel x86和Intel x86-64反編譯器是JEB 3 Pro和Pro Floating的一部分。
• 增強的反彙編,包括動態調用站點的解析,寄存器的候選值確定,動態
• 將x86和x86-64反編譯為偽C源代碼。
• 使用MS VCPP編譯的程序的部分類恢復和C ++的反編譯
• 先進的優化功能可以阻止受保護或混淆的代碼。
• Win32類型庫和通用簽名,可進行有效的Windows文件分析。
• 允許重構的交互式層:類型定義,堆棧框架構建,
​   ​​​​​​重命名/註釋/交叉引用等。
• 完整的API和對中間表示形式的訪問權,以使用Python或Java執行
​​  ​​​​​高級和/或自動代碼分析。


• wasm二進制模塊的增強的反彙編和解析。
• 將wasm字節碼反編譯為偽C源代碼。
• 先進的優化功能可以阻止受保護或混淆的代碼。
• 交互層,用於鍵入/重新命名/註釋/交叉引用等。
• 腳本和插件的完整API訪問權限。
JEB WebAssembly插件還可用於反編譯編譯為wasm的智能合約,
例如 EOS或奇偶校驗合約。

• 使用我們的以太坊反編譯器將EVM合同代碼反編譯為類似於Solidity
• 註釋分析結果以更好地了解已編譯合同或dApp在做什麼。
• 通過我們的API自動化或編寫逆向工程任務的腳本。

• 將PDF結構分解為視覺上引人入勝且可導航的樹。
• 處理損壞的文件,複雜的流(例如,多種編碼等)。
• 檢索分析儀生成的20多個通知和警報,以查明可疑區域,
​   ​​​​​​並使用它們對文件進行確定。
• 即使在最極端的情況下,也要提取嵌入式Javascript。
• 通過JEB API自動執行逆向工程流程以執行批量分析。
JEB Android
達爾維克反編譯器   V V
Java反編譯器   V V
ARM反編譯器   V V
ARM64反編譯器   V V
MIPS反編譯器     V
MIPS64反編譯器     V
英特爾x86反編譯器 V   V
英特爾x86-64反編譯器 V   V
Web彙編反編譯器     V
以太坊智能合約反編譯器(EVM反編譯器)     V
用於移動模塊的Diem(Libra)反編譯器(開源     V
RISC-V反編譯器(即將推出)     2021年第一季度
Atmel AVR 8位反編譯器(即將推出)     2021年第一季度
存檔文件(zip,7z,tar) V V V
圖像文件(bmp,png,jpg,gif,ico) V V V
結構化文本文件(html,xml,json) V V V
證書文件(x.509) V V V
Android APK(包括dex,odex,x-apk) V V V
Windows PE / PE64 / COFF,PDB V V V
Linux ELF / ELF64 V V V
Mach-O,Mach-O / FAT V V V
英特爾HEX(ihex) V V V
Chrome擴展程序(crx) V V V
WebAssembly模塊(wasm)   V V
以太坊合約(EVM)   V V
Dalvik反彙編器 V V V
英特爾x86反彙編程序 V V V
英特爾x86-64(AMD64)反彙編程序 V V V
ARM(32,Thumb)反彙編程序 V V V
ARM64(Aarch64)反彙編程序 V V V
MIPS反彙編程序 V V V
Atmel AVR 8位反彙編程序 V V V
Dalvik調試器(Android)   V V
英特爾x86調試器(GDB / LLDB所有平台,包括Android) V V V
英特爾x86-64調試器(GDB / LLDB所有平台,包括Android) V V V
ARM調試器(GDB / LLDB所有平台,包括Android)   V V
ARM64調試器(GDB / LLDB所有平台,包括Android)   V V
MIPS調試器(GDB / LLDB所有平台,包括Android)   V V
Adobe PDF     V
FAT文件系統(文件訪問表)   V V插件
將JEB項目堅持到JDB2數據庫 V V V
交互性(重構,重命名,評論等) V V V
繪圖(CFG,書法圖等) V V V
支持同一項目中的多個工件   V V
擴展-Python中的客戶端腳本 V V V
擴展-Java中的後端插件 V V V


Aspose 程式開發軟體

在Aspose,您會發現您可以使用各種功能豐富的組件。這些組件面向五個不同的平台,.NET,Java,MS SQL Reporting Services,JasperReports和MS Office SharePoint Server。使用我們的.NET組件,開發人員可以在.NET中創建應用程序,可以打開,編輯,創建和保存業務中一些最流行的文件格式。我們提供了一系列出色的數據可視化組件,以及相當多的實用組件。Java組件提供與.NET組件提供的類似的文件格式處理。對於任何希望從MS SQL Server Reporting Services生成多種格式的報告的人來說,我們的SSRS渲染擴展是必須的。Aspose提供的JasperReports Exporters集對於任何希望將JasperReports報告導出為各種格式的人來說都是必不可少的。最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我們不斷增長的SharePoint組件對於任何尋求在MS Office SharePoint服務器中轉換文檔的快速且經濟實惠的解決方案的人來說都是必不可少的。

Aspose 程式開發軟體

ModelMaker 程式開發輔助軟體

Model Maker是功能強大,直觀且集成的數字地形建模程序,並且是Model Maker Systems的軟件套件中最先進的程序。這就是為什麼“模型製作器”是全球成千上萬的選擇的原因。

ModelMaker 程式開發輔助軟體

PC-lint Plus 1.4程式開發軟體

PC-lint Plus是Gimpel Software的最新產品,可為C和C ++提供無與倫比的分析功能。

PC-lint Plus 1.4程式開發軟體