HydroCAD 建模雨水徑流計算輔助設計工具-資安軟體/電腦輔助設計軟體/研究分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

HydroCAD 建模雨水徑流計算輔助設計工具

HydroCAD 建模雨水徑流計算輔助設計工具

  • HydroCAD 建模雨水徑流計算輔助設計工具
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    In a HydroCAD model, stormwater chambers typically appear as part of the storage definition for a “pond”. In the simplest case, HydroCAD calculates the available storage for use with other calculations. But more often, it is used to generate a completer inflow or runoff hydrograph and route it through the pond. The resulting analysis indicates the water levels attained throughout the rainfall event, as well as any discharge that may occur through outlet devices or infiltration into the surrounding ground.
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HydroCAD 建模雨水徑流計算輔助設計工具

In a HydroCAD model, stormwater chambers typically appear as part of the storage definition for a “pond”. In the simplest case, HydroCAD calculates the available storage for use with other calculations. But more often, it is used to generate a completer inflow or runoff hydrograph and route it through the pond. The resulting analysis indicates the water levels attained throughout the rainfall event, as well as any discharge that may occur through outlet devices or infiltration into the surrounding ground.

Flexible Storage Options
Each pond may include an unlimited number of storage definitions as required to describe its overall storage characteristics. This makes it easy to model complex storage arrangements, such as a combination of multiple chambers, pipe storage, catch basins, or other contributing volumes.

But the most significant feature is the ability to embed (bury) chambers in a bed of crushed stone, and have HydroCAD automatically calculate the combined storage at any water surface elevation. This makes it easy to determine the storage for virtually any configuration of storage chambers, without the need for manual calculations.

HydroCAD can also model almost any imaginable storage arrangement, including chambers of different sizes combined with auxiliary storage from adjacent pipes and catch basins, and even above-ground areas (e.g. parking lots) that may provide overflow storage for certain events.

HydroCAD is a Computer Aided Design tool used by Civil Engineers for modeling stormwater runoff. HydroCAD provides a wide range of commonly used drainage calculations including:

bullet SCS, NRCS, SBUH runoff hydrographs
bulletRational Method with automatic IDF curves
bullet Hydrograph routing through ponds & reaches
bullet Coupled ponds with automatic tailwater
bulletAutomatic hydraulics and culvert calculations
bulletAutomatic pond storage calculations, including embedded storage chambers
bulletAutomatic layout and modeling of underground storage systems
bulletLand-use analysis and pollutant loading calculations
bullet Easy management and reporting of multiple rainfall events
bulletRuns on any Windows PC - No other CAD software required

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