DVD Film School 電影製作教學影片套裝組-多媒體軟體/新永資訊有限公司

DVD Film School 電影製作教學影片套裝組

DVD Film School 電影製作教學影片套裝組

  • DVD Film School 電影製作教學影片套裝組
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    Learn at home. The acclaimed "2-Day Film School™", with Dov S-S Simens, whose graduates have grossed over $6 Billion, has now been created in a DVD version. The entire set consists of 16 1-hour DVD Filmmaking lessons that take you from idea to script to shoot to answer print to distribution deal as you make and sell your first independent feature film.
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DVD Film School 電影製作教學影片套裝組

Learn at home. The acclaimed "2-Day Film School™", with Dov S-S Simens, whose graduates have grossed over $6 Billion, has now been created in a DVD version. The entire set consists of 16 1-hour DVD Filmmaking lessons that take you from idea to script to shoot to answer print to distribution deal as you make and sell your first independent feature film.
*Packaging *Screenwriting *Financing *Budgeting *Scheduling *Casting *Directing *Cinematography *Shooting *Editing *Crewing & Vendors *Music-Scoring *Marketing *Distributing *Deal Making *Digital Filmmaking *Awards & Profiting are covered in four boxed sets representing your Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, & Senior years. Why waste 4-years and $120,000! A 375 page Filmmaker's Workbook, Producer's Diploma, and Graduation Certificate are also included. Why wait! Launch your career now!

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