TRNSYS 模組化的動態模擬軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

TRNSYS 模組化的動態模擬軟體

TRNSYS 模組化的動態模擬軟體

  • TRNSYS 模組化的動態模擬軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    TRNSYS is a complete and extensible simulation environment for the transient simulation of thermal systems including multi-zone buildings.
  • 價格

As of right now, only the Windows operating system (XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10) can be used to run TRNSYS.

There are no specific requirements for RAM or graphics card. At least 16GB of RAM is recommended. In general, most any Windows PC or laptop purchased in the past 5-7 years should be more than capable of running TRNSYS. That said, simulations will run noticeably faster if you have more RAM, a faster CPU, and a faster graphics card. If you want to run a lot of simulations in parallel then it is advantageous to have a machine that has multiple processing cores.

TRNSYS 模組化的動態模擬軟體


TRNSYS is a complete and extensible simulation environment for the transient simulation of thermal systems including multi-zone buildings.
It is used by engineers and researchers around the world to validate new energy concepts, from simple solar domestic hot water systems to the design and simulation of buildings and their equipment, including control strategies, occupant behaviour, alternative energy systems (wind, solar, photovoltaic, hydrogen systems), etc. Throughout its thirty year history TRNSYS has been under continual enhancement by an international group.

The key factors of TRNSYS’ success are:
  •   •  Powerful multi-zone building model with integrated models for thermally activated slabs, capillary tube systems and chilled ceilings, etc.
  •   •  Extensive standard component library and a large variety of AddOns e.g. geothermal libraries or air flow models
  •   •  Coupled simulation of the building and the active system
  •   •  Modular and open structure e.g. interative calls with other programs during the simulation, integration of user written components

ProModel 自動搬運系統模擬軟體

ProModel is discrete event simulation software, used for evaluating, planning or designing manufacturing, warehousing, logistics and other operational and strategic situations.

ProModel 自動搬運系統模擬軟體

Super PCNeuron 類神經網路建構軟體

Super PCNeuron是一款強大的人工神經網絡軟體,可用於數據分析、模式識別、人工智能、機器學習等領域。它提供了一個簡單易用的介面,讓用戶可以輕鬆地構建和訓練自己的神經網絡模型。該軟體支持多種常見的神經網絡模型,包括倒傳遞神經網路、擴展神經元網路、模糊神經網路、分析調整綜合網路、遺傳演算法神經網路等。

Super PCNeuron 類神經網路建構軟體

HVE & HVE 2D 車禍模擬軟體

HVE allows you to reconstruct and simulate crashes involving all types of road vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, articulated vehicles, etc.). 3-dimensional issues involving vehicle rollover, collision under-ride, irregular road surfaces (curbs, potholes and embankments), as well as system failures, such as brake defects or tire blow-out, are handled directly. The role of the driver, such as inattention or over-correction, can be evaluated in great detail. HVE may also be used to analyze injuries to occupants and pedestrians.

HVE & HVE 2D 車禍模擬軟體