Advanced Simulation Module 行銷模擬模組軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Advanced Simulation Module 行銷模擬模組軟體

Advanced Simulation Module  行銷模擬模組軟體

  • Advanced Simulation Module 行銷模擬模組軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    The Advanced Simulation Module extends the capability of our base market simulator to offer product optimization searches. The optimization can be based on utility, share of preference, revenue, or profitability.
  • 價格

Advanced Simulation Module  

The Advanced Simulation Module extends the capability of our base market simulator to offer product optimization searches. The optimization can be based on utility, share of preference, revenue, or profitability.

Read more about the Advanced Simulation Module methodologyor download the  ASM Technical Paper.
Advanced Simulation Module Specifications:
  •   •  Can analyze data from all three conjoint systems (CBC, ACA, CVA)
  •   •  Can analyze data from third-party conjoint applications (if organized in the text-based format supported by the ASM)
  •   •  Integrates seamlessly within the SMRT platform (existing market simulator)
  •   •  Search algorithms supported: exhaustive, hill-climbing, genetic algorithms, TURF

System Requirements
SMRT is designed to run on Microsoft Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2003 operating systems.

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