SuperLab 心理實驗軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SuperLab 心理實驗軟體

SuperLab 心理實驗軟體

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SuperLab 心理實驗軟體

SuperLab 6 is the stimulus presentation software for Mac OS X (10.7.2 or later) and Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP SP3. In development for almost five years, the new SuperLab 6 introduces a host of new features, including:
  •   Playing movies
  •   Stimulus lists
  •   Support for JPEG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF files
  •   Built-in support for RSVP and self-paced reading
  •   Improved support for fMRI and EEG/ERP
  •   Trial variables
  •   Conditional branching (if/then/else)
  •   Multiple input devices in the same experiment



Stimulus Lists Example: if you need to present 150 words or picture files, you can now create a stimulus list and then create a single event that uses that list, rather then create and edit 150 separate events.
Movies QuickTime movies on the Mac, AVI and MPG movies in Windows
Note: At this point, there is no guarantee that SuperLab 4.0 will achieve decent timing while a movie is playing.
Trial Variables This feature allows you to vary several aspects of an experiment, e.g. vary the duration of a time limit for an event, or present a picture at one of 4 different positions picked at random or in order (instead of having to create 4 separate events).
Event Randomization Previous versions allowed the randomizing of trials within an event.  You can now randomize events within a trial as well.
String Input Subjects can now type entire sentences instead of single keys
RSVP Support Built-in support for Rapid Serial Visual Presentation paradigm
Self-Paced Reading Support Built-in support for self-paced reading
Support for Key Release A response can now be the release of a key rather than the pressing of a key
Support for Go/No-Go Experiments A correct response can now be "None, the participant must not respond"
Support for Between Subject Designs The new Participant Groups feature makes it easier to handle between subject designs.
Conditional Branching You can now alter the path of an experiment
fMRI Support Trials can now be presented at precise intervals
ERP/EEG Support An experiment can now be paused instead of canceled, and special "events" can be triggered when the experiment starts, pauses, resumes, or ends.  For example, this makes it possible to start and stop the recording of ERP data automatically.
Unicode Support It is now as easy to develop experiments in Asian and other international languages as it is to do so in English

Conners K-CPT 2 克氏注意力持續度表現測驗

Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test 2 nd Edition™ (Conners K-CPT 2™) 評估 4 至 7:11 歲兒童的注意力缺陷。基於完善的 Conners CPT 範式,Conners K-CPT 2 只需要一半的時間(7.5 分鐘)即可完成,更適合年幼的孩子。測量結果可用於臨床評估、早期識別和教育分類。該評估還可用於通過在治療前和治療期間進行測試以監測變化來評估治療效果。

Conners K-CPT 2 克氏注意力持續度表現測驗

WCST 威斯康辛卡片分類測驗


WCST 威斯康辛卡片分類測驗


DirectRT是為需要毫秒精密的認識和知覺工作設計的。 它可迅速建造回應時間任務並且有極端準確收集回應數據。
