Risk Solver 風險分析工具-風險管理軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Risk Solver 風險分析工具

Risk Solver 風險分析工具

  • Risk Solver 風險分析工具
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    Risk Solver is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful tool you can buy for risk analysis of your Excel models, using Monte Carlo simulation.  Designed for multi-core PCs and Excel 2007 (or Excel 2003), it's a true "industrial strength" risk analysis tool.
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Risk Solver 風險分析工具

Risk Solver is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful tool you can buy for risk analysis of your Excel models, using Monte Carlo simulation.  Designed for multi-core PCs and Excel 2007 (or Excel 2003), it's a true "industrial strength" risk analysis tool.
Has your company ever missed opportunities or lost money because single-point estimatesof market demand, materials costs, or project completion time turned out to be way off the mark?  There's no escaping uncertainty -- demand fluctuates, costs increase, and things take longer than expected.
But you can capture the uncertainty in your Excel model, and explore its consequences -- taking into account not just a "best, average and worst case" scenario, but thousands of scenarios -- in seconds. And modifying your existing Excel model to do this is easier than you think, with Risk Solver.  Risk analysis expert Dr. Sam Savage says, "Risk Solver does for uncertainty what the spreadsheet did for numbers." 
With Risk Solver, each time you change a number on the spreadsheet, a new simulation with thousands of trials is performed -- often in no more time than a single spreadsheet "recalc" -- and a full range of simulation results -- including charts and statistics -- can be displayed.  Suddenly, you find that insights about your model, and decisions you can make, start to flow intuitively. Early users have called this instant, interactive feedback "addictive."
Risk Solver uses Frontline's Polymorphic Spreadsheet Interpreter technology to achieve breakthrough simulation speeds -- up to 100 times faster than normal Excel-based Monte Carlo simulation -- thus making Interactive Simulation practical every time you change a number on the spreadsheet.  PSI Technology™ uses vectorized evaluation to effectively compute hundreds or thousands of Monte Carlo trials in parallel, for unmatched speed and responsiveness.
Great-Looking Charts in Seconds

You'll be amazed at how quickly you can create high-quality charts and graphs of your results, print them, or copy and paste them into PowerPoint or any Windows application. Like everything else in Risk Solver -- but unlike its competitors! -- charts update instantly when you change colors, titles, gridlines, legends and other options -- and when model inputs change!  You can create PDF and CDF (forward or reverse) charts for uncertain variables, and Frequency, Cumulative Frequency (forward and reverse) and Sensitivity (Tornado) charts for uncertain results, plus more charts for distribution fitting.

More Industrial-Strength Features

Risk Solver is a true "industrial strength" risk analysis product.  It gives you more sampling methods, more analytic distributions, more statistics and risk measures, more aids for correlation and distribution fitting, more flexible charts and graphs, and an easier, fastergraphical interface. All of which is designed to make your analysis more productive.  For example:
  •  • Four high-quality random number generators
  •  • Standard Monte Carlo, Latin Hypercube, and Sobol (randomized QMC) sampling
  •  • 40 probability distributions from Bernoulli to Weibull, including custom distributions
  •  • Full support for Stochastic Libraries containing pre-generated Monte Carlo trials
  •  • Facilities for publishing and using general or company-specific Certified Distributions
  •  • 20 statistics and risk measures, including SemiVariance, VaR and Conditional VaR
  •  • Rank order correlation of dissimilar distributions, with automatic adjustment of correlation matrices
  •  • Automatic fitting of continuous and discrete distributions to user data or simulation results
  •  • Error filtering and easy ways to include/exclude scenarios to obtain conditional distributions


ModelRisk for Insurance and Finance 風險分析模型軟體

ModelRisk 是一個 Monte Carlo 模擬 Excel 插件,允許使用者在其電子表格模型中包含不確定性。自2009 年以來,ModelRisk 一直是市場上的創新領導者,它是第一個引入許多蒙特卡羅方法技術功能的公司,這些功能使風險模型更容易建構、更容易審核和測試,並且更準確地配對您面臨的問題。

ModelRisk for Insurance and Finance 風險分析模型軟體

Premium Solver 風險解決平台

Frontline Solvers V2017 is here now – available for download from Solver.com. But the changes in V2017 are great enough that, if you're a customer with an existing V2016 license, please contact us so we can update your license subscription BEFORE you download and run the V2017 SolverSetup program. (If you don't do this, you may not be able to run your large models right away.) We highly recommend reading ourblog post for full coverage of what's new (a lot) in V2017.

Premium Solver 風險解決平台

Risk Simulator

Monte Carlo Simulation 45 Probability Distributions with easy-to-use interface, running Super Speed Simulation (thousands of trials in a few seconds) with Comprehensive Statistics and Reporting, Distributional Correlations with Copulas, Latin Hypercube and Monte Carlo Simulation, Truncation, Percentile Alternate Parameters and Percentile Fit, Linking capabilities, Multidimensional Simulations, Simulation Profiling, 6 random number generators, and Risk Simulator functions in Excel

Risk Simulator