MapViewer 應用地圖繪製軟體-地球科學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

MapViewer 應用地圖繪製軟體

MapViewer  應用地圖繪製軟體

  • MapViewer 應用地圖繪製軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    MapViewer is an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to produce publication-quality thematic maps easily. Small businesses, large corporations, independent consultants, scientists, GIS analysts, and numerous government agencies are discovering important trends in their data with MapViewer. Display your data distribution easily and precisely with more easy-to-use features than ever. Your data is unique and you need the best mapping software for the job!
  • 價格

MapViewer  應用地圖繪製軟體

MapViewer is an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to produce publication-quality thematic maps easily. Small businesses, large corporations, independent consultants, scientists, GIS analysts, and numerous government agencies are discovering important trends in their data with MapViewer. Display your data distribution easily and precisely with more easy-to-use features than ever. Your data is unique and you need the best mapping software for the job!
A thematic map visually represents the geographic distribution of your data. MapViewer will help you to:
  •  • understand demographics
  •  • define sales or insurance territories
  •  • outline marketing strategies
  •  • track population trends
  •  • show ecological distribution
  •  • display any geographically distributed data
There are many additional features that MapViewer provides, including:
  •  • Create insets to show a portion of a map at a different scale.
  •  • Export your map to HTML with working hyperlinks.
  •  • Use the geocoding function to convert US street addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates suitable for making a pin map.
  •  • Create Thiessen Polygons from a point data set to define regions of influence.
  •  • Add graticules, legends, and scale bars to your map
  •  • Limit the map to selected coordinates or a selected area
  •  • Query the map and show the results in several ways
  •  • Use one of the several map managers to easily keep track of your map
  •  • Several reports such as centroid report, data for the selected object, and a general map report are available
  •  • Measure the distance between selected Primary IDs or click on the map to find distances
  •  • Annotate your maps with text using any typeface, size, or color
  •  • Hyperlink locations on your map to a web site or any type of file
  •  • Display information associated with areas, curves, and points on your map.
  •  • Display place names, data information, or any type of text on your maps
  •  • Create circles, squares, rectangles, polylines, polygons, or symbols at any location on the map
  •  • Create multi-layered maps to present more information
  •  • Zoom in on areas to show different levels of detail
  •  • Create custom colors, line styles, and fill patterns
  •  • Create maps using any coordinate system and recalibrate maps to use any coordinate system
  •  • Use one of the 25+ map projections
  •  • Convert areas to curves, curves to areas, and drawing objects to areas
  •  • Edit polylines with break curve, reshape, and thin boundary
  •  • View the data and the map simultaneously
  •  • Move or copy map features between map layers
  •  • Turn on or off the display of any map or page features
  •  • Many more!
System requirements
  • ·         Operating System: Windows 2000, XP SP3, Vista SP3, Windows 7, 8, 10 or higher 
    ·         At least 500 MB of free hard disk space
  • ·         At least 512 MB RAM
    ·         1024 X 768 or higher monitor resolution with 16-bit color depth

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GeoStudio 2D Flow is a finite element software product that can be used to model the movement of contaminants through porous materials such as soil and rock. The comprehensive formulation of CTRAN/W makes it possible to analyze problems varying from simple particle tracking in response to the movement of water, to complex processes involving diffusion, dispersion, adsorption, radioactive decay and density dependencies. You can apply CTRAN/W to the analysis and design of geotechnical, civil, hydrogeological, and mining engineering projects. 

GeoStudio 2D Flow 污染物擴散分析軟體

TerrSet 18.2 地理空間監測與建模系統

TerrSet是一個集成功能豐富的地球永續發展監視和建模軟件。 基於克拉克大學地理研究所三十年的發展,TerrSet提供了一系列集成的應用程序。

TerrSet 18.2 地理空間監測與建模系統

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

LOPE/W is the leading slope stability software product for computing the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes. With SLOPE/W, you can analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions.

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體