SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體-地球科學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

  • SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體
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    LOPE/W is the leading slope stability software product for computing the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes. With SLOPE/W, you can analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions.
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SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

LOPE/W is the leading slope stability software product for computing the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes. With SLOPE/W, you can analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions.

Using limit equilibrium, SLOPE/W can model heterogeneous soil types, complex stratigraphic and slip surface geometry, and variable pore-water pressure conditions using a large selection of soil models. Slope stability analyses can be performed using deterministic or probabilistic input parameters. Stresses computed by a finite element stress analysis may be used in addition to the limit equilibrium computations, for the most complete slope stability analysis available. 

With this comprehensive range of features, SLOPE/W can be used to analyze almost any slope stability problem you will encounter in your geotechnical, civil, and mining engineering projects. 

Easy to Use
Defining a Stability Model
The unique CAD-like technology in SLOPE/W allows you to create your geometry by drawing it on the screen. You can even import a DXF picture to assist you. Then choose an analysis method, specify soil properties and pore-water pressures, define reinforcement loads, and create your trial slip surfaces. 

Viewing the Analysis Results
Once you have solved your stability problem, SLOPE/W offers many tools for viewing the results. Display the minimum slip surface and factor of safety, or view each one individually. View information about the critical slip surface, including the total sliding mass, a free body diagram and a force polygon showing the forces acting on each slice. Contour the factors of safety, or show plots of computed parameters. Then prepare the results for your report by adding text labels, axes and pictures to the drawing. Automatically generate a detailed report of all input data and results. 

Typical Applications
SLOPE/W can model almost any stability problem, including:
  •  •  Natural earth and rock slopes
  •  •  Sloping excavations
  •  •  Earth embankments
  •  •  Open-pit high walls
  •  •  Anchored retaining structures
  •  •  Berms at the toe of a slope
  •  •  Surcharges at the top of a slope
  •  •  Earth reinforcement, including soil nails and geofabrics
  •  •  Seismic and earthquake loading
  •  •  Tension cracks
  •  •  Partial and total submergence
  •  •  Line load at any point
  •  •  Unsaturated soil behavior

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

LOPE/W is the leading slope stability software product for computing the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes. With SLOPE/W, you can analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions.

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

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