Strater 鑽井探勘繪圖軟體
- Strater 鑽井探勘繪圖軟體
介紹Strater offers the flexibility which excels at the time of the design and layout in the histogram. It is not so far with the user interface which operativity is high and is refined, can actualize design and data display with simple operation. Compilation in the histogram is simple. The histogram type which we would like to draw up is selected, the place of the page which arranges the histogram is clicked. And, the data file is selected, parameter is read. The histogram is completion now.
Strater 鑽井探勘繪圖軟體
Histogram type of 12 types which are utilized generally the occasion where the data is indicated is beforehand prepared in Strater. The zone bar, the bar, percentage, graphics and winze structure, the lithofacies, the post, the post and the compound text which are classified, the line/symbol, cross plotting and gage rod (depth). The histogram of Strater parameter in all histograms is completely control possible. It is possible to draw up the histogram automatically making use of the setting of the default of Strater. It can correct the histogram which was drawn up, easily making use of the property inspector.
Making use of the design territory of header and [hutsuta], the letter notes and link text, the graphics file which is read, it is possible to collect draw object to one. It can set the territory of header and [hutsuta] to optional size. Being feature logograph of the company, by reading the idea contest and art work, it can draw up the effective histogram. In addition, with “click and draw” or “click and editing”, the text, the polygon and the multiplet, symbol, rectangle and the rectangle whose angle is round, rectangle, ellipse and circle can be drawn quickly. All items such as font, color, size, painting and width are completely compilation possible. When text object it adds to the header and the [hutsuta] territory, those, boring hole name, folio, the field unit, link with the database such as field description. If boring hole information is corrected, also header [hutsuta] information is updated automatically.
The integrated database view which is divided with the tub of Strater, makes reading, indicating, inputting, compiling, sorting and printing the data possible. It is possible, such as MDB, DBF, DB, LAS, XLS, SLK, WKS, CSV, TXT, DAT, BNA, BLN, ODBC, OLE DB, and other SQL data sources to read the data from the general spreadsheet and database type. Also what it is possible to read the plural seats from the single Excel file, is the feature of Strater. It is possible to read the plural boring hole data to one data table. In addition, it is possible to draw up the plural data tables inside one project. Type of data table which it can utilize is as follows. Color, depth, interval, lithofacies and project information, text item, winze structural table. Because every data table name maintains the standardized characteristic of the data, it can modify in describe name. In addition, every data table can write out in ASCII text format. When it is renewed to the information where the source data file is new, [rirodo] being able to point to the data to Strater automatically, it is possible to renew the histogram to up-to-date contents. Database view, has the function in order to read the data which is utilized in the histogram we would like to draw up, with necessary type. For example, when you thought, that, we own the depth data, the zone bar, the compound text, would like to draw up the lithofacies histogram, that depth data it is possible to the interval data to convert simply. Defining the new boring hole inside the data table, it is possible to input the data of the boring hole, in addition, because of the boring hole of specification to delete the data with anytime. In addition, in order to make the compilation in the graphic histogram easy, it is possible to enter the file pass and file name of bit map simply inside database view. Thinking file pass and file name, it is not necessary to type by the hand.

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Strater 鑽井探勘繪圖軟體
Strater offers the flexibility which excels at the time of the design and layout in the histogram. It is not so far with the user interface which operativity is high and is refined, can actualize design and data display with simple operation. Compilation in the histogram is simple. The histogram type which we would like to draw up is selected, the place of the page which arranges the histogram is clicked. And, the data file is selected, parameter is read. The histogram is completion now.
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