Articulate 360 數位學習課程製作工具
- Articulate 360 數位學習課程製作工具
介紹Articulate 360包括Storyline 360和Rise 360,以及大量其他創作應用程序。使用Storyline 360開發可在所有設備上運行的自定義交互式課程,無需任何手動調整。它對於專家來說已經足夠強大,但對於初學者來說,幾乎可以輕鬆創建任何可以想像的交互。如果您想在幾分鐘內構建完全響應式的課程,請選擇Rise 360。您只需要一個 Web 瀏覽器,即可快速創建針對各種屏幕尺寸進行了優化的精美課程。
Articulate 360 數位學習課程製作工具
Articulate 360
Effortless responsive authoring
Create fully responsive courses that adapt automatically to any computer, tablet, or smartphone, without any manual tweaking.
An ever-growing library of assets
Get the assets you need to get going quickly. Articulate 360 gives you an ever-expanding set of free slide templates and characters.
A simple way to collaborate Live online training to help you grow
Speed project reviews by allowing stakeholders to view courses and provide feedback in a web browser—no app download required.
Live online training to help you grow
Join live webinars that teach you how to build better courses with the industry's leading e‑learning gurus, including Tom Kuhlmann.
Responsive to every mobile device
Responsive to every mobile device Access easily
Deliver interactive courses to every device—without tweaking a thing. You simply create your course in Articulate Storyline 360, then click publish. That's it. Your course auto‑magically plays everywhere, beautifully.
Access easily
Peek is ready when you need it, only a click away. Launch it directly from the Mac menu bar or the Windows system tray.
Guide learners personally
Walk learners through on-screen content by capturing screen activity and yourself on webcam—at the same time. With Articulate Replay 360, it's super simple to create professional-looking screencasts with a personal touch.
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Tex2Word 文件轉換軟體
TeX2Word is a converter designed in order to use with Microsoft Word and enables Microsoft Word to open documents in TeX format (this includes any TeX-based formats like LaTeX, etc.).
屹立台灣軟體業界數十年,嘸蝦米中文輸入法始終秉持「發展世界最佳中文輸入法」之信念宗旨,持續提供全球使用者「最簡單、最好用」的中文輸入法。自 1989 年起嘸蝦米輸入法正式問世,即以其「簡單易學、好用易上手、輸入速度快」而聞名,打破了中文輸入長年以來難學易忘、字集介面支援不足等桎梏,不僅多次榮獲國家電腦軟體業金腦獎的疏榮,廣受行政學術機關肯定愛用,近年來更獲選為國家中文打字官方檢定考指定輸入法。嘸蝦米更是全世界唯一僅使用 26 字母的中文輸入法,在時尚科技講究輕、薄、短、小的時代中,可謂時勢所趨。
Synapse 神經元系統開發軟體
Synapse is the most advanced adaptive- and neural systems development environment on the market. It allows you to design, train, analyze and deploy adaptive systems, such as artificial neural networks