PowerPlugs Ultimate Combo 2007 3D幻燈片編輯工具-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

PowerPlugs Ultimate Combo 2007 3D幻燈片編輯工具

PowerPlugs Ultimate Combo 2007 3D幻燈片編輯工具

  • PowerPlugs Ultimate Combo 2007 3D幻燈片編輯工具
  • 編號
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  • 介紹
    Impress your PowerPoint audiences with stunning 3D transition effects, full-screen still or moving backgrounds, cool Flash animations, TV-style animated 3D titles, beautiful templates, inspiring photos & more! PowerPlugs: Ultimate Combo 2007 Version 7includes 10 PowerPlugs titles, 17 volumes in all, including annual subscriptions to PowerPlugs: Templates, Pictures, Video Backgrounds and Music to energize your PowerPoint presentations and keep your audiences on the edges of their seats.
  • 價格

PowerPlugs Ultimate Combo 2007 3D

Impress your PowerPoint audiences with stunning 3D transition effects, full-screen still or moving backgrounds, cool Flash animations, TV-style animated 3D titles, beautiful templates, inspiring photos & more! PowerPlugs: Ultimate Combo 2007 Version 7includes 10 PowerPlugs titles, 17 volumes in all, including annual subscriptions to PowerPlugs: Templates, Pictures, Video Backgrounds and Music to energize your PowerPoint presentations and keep your audiences on the edges of their seats.

Features at a glance
  •  º  The most powerful enhancement suite for PowerPoint on the market today!
  •  º  Includes 10 PowerPlugs titles, 17 volumes in all, including annual subscriptions to PowerPlugs: Templates, Pictures, Video Backgrounds and Music!
  •  º  Also includes visually-stunning, 3D transition effects, animated 3D titles, Flash movies, a library of example presentations and more!
  •  º  All the special effects software works right inside of PowerPoint, making it incredibly easy to add audience-pleasing special effects then continue to edit your presentation in the normal, familiar way!
System Requirements
Processor - Pentium 3 or 4 or compatible
Memory - 128 MB or more recommended
Disk space - 1.1 GB
Graphics chipset - 3D acceleration enabled
Microsoft® Windows® - 2000 to Windows Vista®
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 to 2007

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