
Autograph Activities

Autograph Activities

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Autograph Activities

Reflection is a topic that lends itself particularly well to being taught in a visual and dynamic way. Students who may struggle with the numeric and algebraic components of mathematics may have a flare for the more visual topics such as reflections, and if you can hook them in then it is likely to have a positive knock-on effect throughout the rest of their studies. Autograph enables you to easily and dynamically manipulate objects and lines to interactively cover every conceivable aspect of reflections, testing your students' special awareness to the very limit!
Diagnostic Question 
Diagnostic questions are ideal to use at the start of the lesson to enable you to get a quick and accurate picture of your students' levels of understanding. They are designed in such a way that common misconceptions that your students may hold should steer them to one of the incorrect answers, thus allowing you to learn where the problems lie from their responses. Typically I give my class 30 seconds thinking time and then ask them to hold up their fingers: 1 for A, 2 for B, etc.
Diagnostic Question 
Diagnostic questions are ideal to use at the start of the lesson to enable you to get a quick and accurate picture of your students' levels of understanding. They are designed in such a way that common misconceptions that your students may hold should steer them to one of the incorrect answers, thus allowing you to learn where the problems lie from their responses. Typically I give my class 30 seconds thinking time and then ask them to hold up their fingers: 1 for A, 2 for B, etc.
Reflection Diagnostic Question
Ideas for Extension 
The following ideas for extending the topic of reflection require the full version of Autograph.
Idea 1 – Simple Reflection
Download  simple-reflection.agg 
Introduce students to the idea of reflections using vertical and horizontal lines.
•If I move the blue object to the left one square, where do the reflected objects move?
•If I change the position of the lines of reflection (drag the circled points), how do the reflected objects move?
•If I wiggle the top left corner of the blue object, which corners of the reflected objects will wiggle?
Use the

Autograph Activities



許多新的數學課題已經引入2D和3D,並且每個課題都有一個關聯的“屬性”列表。 新Autograph 4的最顯著特徵涉及這些屬性,這些屬性可以選擇性地用於 新的“屬性計算器”或新的“XY”屬性點圖


  • • 1D統計與機率
  • • 資料設定與群集
  • • 資料以圖表呈現:長條圖、點狀圖等
  • • 機率分配
  • • 2D圖表
  • • 向量、方程式、微積分等
  • • 3D圖表
  • • 二平面、三平面
  • • 教室使用特色
  • • 客製化設計
  • • 友善的操作環


Euler's Nine Point Circle
Best Practice
Whiteboard Mode and the Onscreen Keyboard
Export to Web Page
Autograph Activities is a tried and tested solution. We have just created over 140 activities for Pearson and they are very pleased with the results. The charge for this service may include: licencing, authoring, constructing, designing, and hosting.
Curriculum-Linked Content Development
Autograph Activities can also be used in promoting Autograph to customers who struggle to understand the power of our investigative approach to mathematics. Autograph Activities provide a simple way for you to develop some curriculum-linked content to send to your potential customers.

MathMagic Pro Edition v8.72 數學方程式編輯軟體

MathMagic 插件為您提供了用戶界面(一個菜單和一個工具按鈕),使您能夠在 InDesign 文檔中創建和編輯方程。 然後,它與外部 MathMagic Pro 應用程序無縫通信。 您可以使用 MathMagic Pro 應用程序非常快速地製作任何方程式,然後發送回 InDesign。MathMagic 插件允許您將方程式作為內聯圖形或 EPS 格式的浮動圖形對象放置在文本框中。創建後,所有方程都由 InDesign 處理,就像其他 EPS 圖形對像一樣。但是您仍然可以隨時通過雙擊來編輯這些方程。 MathMagic Plug-in 自動識別方程的基線,以便所有方程與文本行的基線很好地匹配,甚至它也允許您手動移動基線。

MathMagic Pro Edition v8.72 數學方程式編輯軟體

TK Solver 6.0 數學模型處理軟體

TK Solver™ from Universal Technical Systems, Inc. (UTS) is one of the longest-standing mathematical equation solvers on the market today. Built on proven technology, TK Solver readily solves simultaneous equations using iteration to significantly reduce design hours, production costs, and speed time to market.

TK Solver 6.0 數學模型處理軟體

GAMS 數學模型軟體


GAMS  數學模型軟體