GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫-經濟財金分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫

GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫

  • GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    GTAP(Global Trade Analysis Project, GTAP)模型為美國普渡大學教授湯姆斯·赫特所發展。依據澳洲Impact計畫以及SALTER計畫為理論基礎的該模型,適用範圍為全球貿易分析。
  • 價格

GTAP 10 Global Trade Analysis Program

The GTAP Data Base is a consistent representation of the world economy for a pre-determined reference year. Underlying the data base there are several data sources, including among others: national input-output (I-O) tables, trade, macroeconomic, energy and protection data. The underlying input-output tables are heterogeneous in sources, methodology, base years, and sectoral detail, thus for achieving consistency, substantial efforts are made to make the disparate sources comparable. For these reasons, the objective of the GTAP Data Base is not to provide I-O tables, but to facilitate the operation of economic simulation models ensuring users a consistent set of economic facts. Some users interested in particular Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) use utilities written by researchers in the network to extract them. Users building I-O tables based on this information do that under their own risk, and are assumed to understand the limitations imposed by the process of data base construction.

The GTAP Data Base is not a relational database of economic variables. Users interested in economic data only for comparative purposes are better served by sources such as the World Bank Development Indicators (WDI), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) financial statistics, or the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics, to name a few. The data in the GTAP Data Base accurately depicts the magnitudes of economic variables, but they are presented in terms of the aggregates that serve Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling.
What is the GTAP 10 Data Base?
The centerpiece of the Global Trade Analysis Project is the GTAP Data Base, a fully documented, publicly available global database containing complete bilateral trade information, transport and protection linkages. The GTAP Data Base represents the world economy and is utilized by thousands worldwide as a key input into most applied general equilibrium (AGE) analysis of global economic issues. An overview of GTAP 10 is available from the open access Journal of Global Economic Analysis at


The standard GTAP Model is implemented using GEMPACK (General Equilibrium Modelling Package) and therefore a GEMPACK license is required to modify the standard GTAP Model. The Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), Australia develops and supports GEMPACK. GEMPACK licenses must be obtained from CoPS.

Supplied with RunGTAP are the current version of the GTAP Model (GTAP.TAB), a standard condensation of the model (GTAP.STI), and the associated GTAP.EXE, which is used to solve the model.
If you do not want to omit or backsolve/substitute any of the
variables, you may use the uncondensed version of the GTAP
Model (GTAPu.TAB and GTAPu.EXE), which is also available with
RunGTAP. If you need to change the theory of the model (that is, change GTAP.TAB) or if you need to change the condensation
(for example, to un-omit/omit different variables or to do different substitutions or backsolves), you need to change GTAP.EXE.
You can only
do that if you have a GEMPACK license since you will need to
run the GEMPACK program TABLO. More precisely,

• You can make a new GTAP.EXE if you have a Source-Code
   Version of GEMPACK.
• If you have an Executable-Image Version of GEMPACK, you
   can solve GTAP using the GEMPACK program GEMSIM. Then
   you need to run TABLO to produce the GEMSIM Auxiliary files   
   GTAP.GSS and GTAP.GST (which reflect your modified TAB file
   and/or condensation).
• If you have only the Limited Executable-Image Version
   (this is the version supplied at the GTAP Short Courses), 
   you will only be able to solve for up to about 9x9 (or even
   smaller if you un-omit variables).
• But you can solve for any aggregation if you have the
   Unlimited Executable-Image Version of GEMPACK.

GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫

GTAP數據庫是對世界經濟確定的習慣參考。數據庫的基礎是幾個數據源,包括:國家能源(IO)表、貿易、宏觀經濟、和數據保護。基本的能源能源和數據。原型在表來源、方法、基準年和細節方面是不同的,因此,目的是實現目標,我們創造了大規模的努力來使不同的來源具有可比性。這些原因,GTAP數據庫的目標不是提供 IO 表,濾波器促進經濟模擬模型的運行,確保用戶擁有特定的社會屬性的經濟事實。用戶在這些信息的基礎上建立了 IO 表,其風險自負,並被認為了解數據庫建設過程中的限制。
GTAP數據庫不是一個經濟變量的關係數據庫。 GTAP數據庫中的數據準確度地描述了經濟變量的大小,但它們是用於計算總體均衡(CGE)建模的數據來表示的。
什麼是GTAP 10數據庫?
全球貿易分析項目的核心是 GTAP 數據庫,它是一個有完整完整數據的、公開的數據庫,包含完整的伙伴關係信息、運輸和保護。GTAP 數據庫代表世界經濟,並被葡萄酒數以千計關於GTAP 10的概述可從開放性的《全球經濟》雜誌中獲得,網址為的人利用,作為全球經濟問題的大多數應用分析總體均衡(AGE)分析的關鍵輸入。

GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫

GTAP(Global Trade Analysis Project, GTAP)模型為美國普渡大學教授湯姆斯·赫特所發展。依據澳洲Impact計畫以及SALTER計畫為理論基礎的該模型,適用範圍為全球貿易分析。

GTAP 10 全球貿易分析計畫

Microfit 5.5 計量經濟學分析軟體

Microfit 是用於計量經濟模型建立的軟體.程式是由劍橋大學的經濟學家Dr.Hashem Pesaran和Dr.Bahram Pesaran所設計,新增的數據分析功能,可以預估設計高等的單變異數(Univariate)及多變異數 (multivariate)時間序列的模型.Microfit的使用手冊包含了多個教學範例,使用多種不同的財務及經濟數據 .Microfit 是交談式,由選單驅動的評估預測軟體.非常適合企業,銀行,教學及研究使用.

Microfit 5.5 計量經濟學分析軟體


GEMPACK(General Equilibrium Modeling PACKage)是一套經濟建模軟件。 它特別適用於可計算一般均衡 (CGE) 模型,但可以處理廣泛的經濟行為。