CANVAS 網頁安全測試工具
- CANVAS 網頁安全測試工具
介紹Immunity 的 CANVAS 為全球的滲透測試人員和安全專業人員提供了數百個漏洞利用、一個自動化漏洞利用系統和一個全面、可靠的漏洞利用開發框架。
CANVAS web security testing tool
The fully open design of CANVAS allows the team to
adjust CANVAS to their environment and needs.
All documents are provided in the form of demo
The exploit module has additional information
Currently more than 800 exploits
Immunity will carefully select vulnerabilities as CANVAS exploits. The top priority is high-value vulnerabilities, such as remote, pre-authentication, and new vulnerabilities in mainstream software.
Exploits span all common platforms and applications
Payload options
In order to provide maximum reliability, exploits always
try to reuse sockets
If socket reuse is not appropriate, use back to connect
The subsequent MOSDEF session allows arbitrary code
execution and provides a listener shell for common operations (file management, screenshots, etc.)
Automatically provide bounce and split bounce through MOSDEF
Adjustable concealment level
Use delivery
Provide monthly regular updates via the web
The exploit module and the CANVAS engine are
updated at the same time
Remind customers to update monthly via email
Use creation time
Once the exploit is stable, it will be included in the next
version Effectiveness of exploit All exploits undergo a
comprehensive quality check before release
Exploitation of the vulnerability demonstrated through
the Flash movie
Support from the development team can be obtained
through direct email
Ability to exploit custom vulnerabilities
Unique MOSDEF development environment allows rapid development
Product support and maintenance
Subscription includes email and phone support MF 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard Time, direct contact with the
development team
Update at least monthly
CANVAS is a platform designed to allow easy development of other security products. Examples include DSquare's D2 Exploitation Pack, Intevydis' VulnDisco, Gleg's Agora, and SCADA
CANVAS web security testing tool
CANVAS is written and designed to be run on Linux. While Windows and OSX are supported platforms, Linux is
where CANVAS really shines.
If you are tied to Windows as part of corporate IT policy, CANVAS also runs well in a VM (see the requirements
above). For Linux, any modern desktop distribution with solid package management will work. We recommend:
Windows users
Windows users can download a zip file with all the dependencies (except pycrypto) and installation instructions for that platform from Immunity.
Due to export-control restrictions, we can not ship the pycrypto libraries. You can download a binary installer for Windows at the link shown below.
Download Windows dependencies
PyCrypto binary installer for Windows
Mac OSX User
OSX users can download an installer with most dependencies for that platform from Immunity. You can then download CANVAS as a zip/tar file that you decompress and run CANVAS_ROOT/ Please note you would still need to install pyasn1 on your own.
Download OSX dependency installer
CANVAS 網頁安全測試工具
CANVAS 的完全開放式設計允許團隊根據他們的環境和需求調整 CANVAS。
目前超過 800 個漏洞利用
Immunity 會仔細選擇漏洞以作為 CANVAS 漏洞利用。首要任務是高價值漏洞,例如遠程、預身份驗證和主流軟件中的新漏洞。
隨後的 MOSDEF 會話允許任意代碼執行,並為常見操作(文件管理、屏幕截圖等)提供偵聽器外殼
通過 MOSDEF 自動提供彈跳和分割彈跳
漏洞利用模塊和 CANVAS 引擎同時更新
通過 Flash 電影演示的漏洞利用
獨特的 MOSDEF 開發環境允許快速利用開發
訂閱包括電子郵件和電話支持 MF 東部標準時間上午 9 點至下午 5 點,直接與開發團隊聯繫
CANVAS 是一個平台,旨在允許輕鬆開發其他安全產品。示例包括 DSquare 的 D2 Exploitation Pack、Intevydis 的 VulnDisco、Gleg 的 Agora 和 SCADA
eScan v22防毒軟體
eScan 的下一代防病毒解決方案,使用分層方法保護家庭網絡免受病毒、惡意軟件、勒索軟件、機器人等的侵害。憑藉基本技術和現代技術的獨特結合,eScan 可以阻止廣泛的攻擊。它包括從 Web 過濾、基於簽名的惡意軟件檢測和行為分析到深度學習惡意軟件檢測、漏洞利用預防、啟發式掃描等創新技術。
Symantec Endpoint Encryption v11 資訊防護軟體
Disk encryption protects a hard drive in the event of theft or accidental loss by encrypting the entire disk including swap files, system files, and hibernation files. If an encrypted disk is lost, stolen, or placed into another computer, the encrypted state of the drive remains unchanged, ensuring only an authorized user can access its contents.
Xmanager 7 遠端連結軟體
Xmanager 是一款功能強大且易於使用的 PC X 服務器,可在 Windows 平台上運行。 它允許您將遠程 Unix/Linux 桌面無縫連接到您的 Windows PC。 您還可以通過 SSH(安全外殼)協議安全地運行遠程 X 應用程序,即使您的 Windows PC 位於專用網絡中並且防火牆位於您的 PC 和遠程服務器之間。