ChemDraw v19 化學繪圖軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

ChemDraw v19 化學繪圖軟體

ChemDraw v19 化學繪圖軟體

  • ChemDraw v19 化學繪圖軟體
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    ChemDraw helps chemists be more efficient; communicate more clearly; and reach crucial information faster. No wonder over 1 million users (and growing) count on ChemDraw. It’s the chemically intelligent solution for R&D for publishing, presenting and reporting.
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ChemDraw 化學繪圖軟體

Chemistry’s #1 choice for communicating
ChemDraw helps chemists be more efficient; communicate more clearly; and reach crucial information faster. No wonder over 1 million users (and growing) count on ChemDraw. It’s the chemically intelligent solution for R&D for publishing, presenting and reporting.

Up your personal productivity with these specialties:
  º Generate a chemical structure from a name & vice versa
  º Direct access to analytical and chemical property data of structures & fragments
  º Shortcuts for alignment and distribution, scaling, & reporting
  º Many pre-drawn graphical templates for chemistry, chemical biology, biology

ChemDraw Professional takes chemical drawing to the next level, with all the features in ChemDraw Prime plus: SciFinder® by CAS and Elsevier® Reaxys® integration, ChemACX Explorer add-in, 1H and 13C NMR prediction, BioDraw, Name to Structure and Structure to Name, HELM toolbar, and access to ChemDraw Cloud.

What’s New
ChemDraw version 19.0 gives precious time back to researchers, providing them with new ways to make their research stand out in a globally competitive environment.

New coloring options! As the market-leading tool for the communication of Chemistry, ChemDraw now offers the unique possibility to add color inside any carbon cycle, thus enabling clearer communication of ideas and concepts by directing the focus of a reader or an audience to a given part of a chemical structure.

Large chemical library enumeration: ChemDraw 19.0 removes the previously existing upper limit to the number of structures generated from a generic structure enumeration. It is now possible to enumerate directly to an SD File, without a limit to the number of molecules contained therein.

SciFindern users are now able to initiate a search in the latest version of SciFindern directly from the canvas in ChemDraw. A proxy option is available for organizations that have their own instance of SciFindern.

New brackets are now available to better serve polymer chemists, allowing them to define Average Molecular Weight values for a chemical structure between brackets for easier stoichiometry calculations.

Still more hotkeys! The user-favorited feature, major reason to upgrade from older versions of ChemDraw for the past two years, keeps on getting better. Commonly used protecting or functional groups in all branches of Chemistry like “Fmoc”, “Boc”, “Cbz”, “MgBr”, “N3” or “COOH” and “NO2” are now conveniently available in one single key press.

Digimizer® 圖片分析軟體


Digimizer®  圖片分析軟體

Advanced Grapher v2 方程式圖形繪圖軟體

Advanced Grapher是一個專門繪製方程式圖形的繪圖軟件,可以製作出多種方程式的圖形,非常適合國中,高中甚至大學相關科系的學生使用,對於學習數學一定能有事半功倍的效果

Advanced Grapher v2 方程式圖形繪圖軟體

ZAXWERKS 3D ProAnimator v8 3D圖像製作軟體

3D ProAnimator 是一款革命性的全新 3D 插件,適用於 After Effects 和獨立應用程序。 當您購買 Combo 時,您會收到 After Effects 插件和獨立應用程序。 您可以使用 Stand Alone 創建 3D 動畫,然後直接在 After Effects 中打開相同的項目。

ZAXWERKS 3D ProAnimator v8 3D圖像製作軟體