
ProModel 自動搬運系統模擬軟體

ProModel 自動搬運系統模擬軟體

  • ProModel 自動搬運系統模擬軟體
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    ProModel is discrete event simulation software, used for evaluating, planning or designing manufacturing, warehousing, logistics and other operational and strategic situations.
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ProModel 自動搬運系統模擬軟體

ProModel is discrete event simulation software, used for evaluating, planning or designing manufacturing, warehousing, logistics and other operational and strategic situations.
To understand how ProModel can help you, think of your facility as a collection of resources that are intended to function together in a cost-effective manner. Each person and piece of equipment is related to every other component (by coincidence or convenience). Together they define the way your facility works. Now, what if you could dissemble all or part of the factory and reconfigure the pieces to find ways to make the entire system run more efficiently? What if you could actually see which new configurations work best and which ones fail by watching them for a week, a month or a year on a trial basis? ProModel lets you do just that. Forget the risk, the disruption and the expense—test multiple alternatives in an amazingly short time.
ProModel Features
This easy-to-use software allows you to build computer models of your situation and experiment with scenarios to find the best solution. The software includes animation and graphical reports, providing powerful tools for visualizing, analyzing and optimizing your most critical business challenges. 

• Quick-start modeling with an easy to use interface—create models graphically, with instant animation
• Develop "what if" scenarios quickly, easily and risk-free 
• Direct data import and export with Microsoft® Excel®
• Capture system randomness and variability by utilizing over 20 statistical distribution types, or directly import your own data. 
• Distribute models to other divisions and departments with run-time licensing
• Automatic creation of output reports
• Code reuse, model merging, and submodel capabilities
• Run-time debug
• 3D Animation available (via post processor)
• Optimization with SimRunner or OptQuest
The ProModel technology provides you the power of creating customized front- and back-end interfaces that communicate directly with ProModel. 
Using Microsoft Visual Basic (or any other ActiveX-enabled language), you can add capabilities to ProModel products including:

• Customized user interface with table inputs
• Custom-designed parameter screens
• Automatic model creation from external data sources (e.g. Excel spreadsheets, databases, or ASCII text files) 
• Software execution from another application
• Model building via programming
Easy-to-use and easy-to-implement—for faster and better results.

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