讓使用者可多人同時經由PC去使用UNIX / Linux工作站X環境的應用軟體。 使用者可以在不增加硬體投資的情況下,獲得PC Windows環境和Unix / Linux的系統整合,並且可以和SUN、HP、SGI、IBM、VMS等UNIX / Linux電腦相連接。Exceed提供UNIX/Linux X Window於PC作業環境上,讓PC可使用UNIX/Linux系統資源及X Winodows應用程式,其UNIX/Linux中文字型亦可顯示於PC端上。其易用性及功能面是同性質的產品無法比擬的,目前市場佔有率全世界第一位,高達72%,也是全世界使用者最多的PC X模擬軟體。
為了確保企業的安全政策和行業法規的緊密集成,Exceed認證了微軟 Windows Vista。它配備了一個通過FIPS 140-2驗證的加密模塊,以確保安全連接。
A market and technology leading PC X server that empowers Windows users with cost-effective access to X Window applications on UNIX and Linux hosts with unparalleled performance and strong security.
As the highest performing PC X server on the market, Exceed allows business users access to UNIX and Linux-based X Window applications from the comfort of their Windows desktop. For over 20 years, Exceed has been offering organizations options to reduce the complexity of their IT infrastructures. Gone are the days when Windows and expensive UNIX workstations had to share valuable office resources, Exceed cost-effectively replaces UNIX workstations. It improves user productivity through better data exchange among applications on different platforms, and streamlines business workflow.
As the leader in the PC X server market, Exceed continues to be the gold standard that others follow. With performance that is at least 10% faster than the closest competing solution, and with over 72% of the market share, Exceed is the de facto PC X server solution that 90% of Fortune 100 companies rely on. Whether they are designing automobiles or aircraft, accessing medical imagery, managing financial risks, or monitoring massive transit systems, Exceed is at the heart of the process.
To ensure tight integration with corporate security policies and industry regulations, Exceed is certified for Microsoft Windows Vista. It comes equipped with a FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module to ensure secure connections.
Key Features and Benefits: