AquaChem 水文模型軟體-水文軟體/新永資訊有限公司

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

  • AquaChem 水文模型軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations. 
  • 價格

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

Featuring a fully customizable database of physical and chemical parameters and a comprehensive selection of analysis, calculation, modeling, and graphing tools, AquaChem is a truly unique groundwater software package.

AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations. 

These powerful analytical capabilities are complemented by a comprehensive selection of commonly used plotting techniques to represent the chemical characteristics of aqueous geochemical and water quality data.
AquaChem Product Details Summary

Hydro GeoAnalyst 水文軟體

With Hydro GeoAnalyst, you can expect the highest level of performance and a completely scalable solution to meet your groundwater project demands! Hydro GeoAnalyst is an all-in-one desktop concept that provides one-click access to many powerful features (e.g. Data Transfer System, Query Editor, GIS Map Manager, 2D Cross-Section Editor, 3D-Explorer, Template Manager, Report Editor, and much more!)

Hydro GeoAnalyst  水文軟體

RiverTools V4.0 地形和河流網絡分析

RiverTools 軟體是一個專業的地形和河流網域分析軟體,能快速從大數據量DEM中取出河流排泄區的網絡模型,對取出的河流網絡提供綜合分析,並以專業圖形方式顯示,實現地形模型可視化, 提供二次開發函數。可用在地貌和水利分析、洪水淹沒模擬、流域分析、防洪工程、災情分析、水文站水位流量分析、堤岸建設等應用領域。RiverTools強大的地形和流域分析功能為水利研究和應用工程提供了有力的支援。

RiverTools V4.0 地形和河流網絡分析

FLO-2D 洪水土石流災害模擬軟體

FLO-2D 由美國FLO-2D 公司發展之二維洪水災害模擬模式,為美國聯邦急難管理署(FEMA)認可之二維模式,可用於都市淹水、洪水平原管理、工程風險設計、不規則形狀河道水理演算、橋樑涵洞水理演算與滯洪池水理演算,可以處理漫地流、都市水文,泥流及土石流。

FLO-2D 洪水土石流災害模擬軟體