XpertRule Knowledge Builder 專家系統建構軟體
- XpertRule Knowledge Builder 專家系統建構軟體
介紹Knowledge Builder是一個用於開發和部署基於知識的應用程序和組件的企業實力環境。基於知識的應用程序是包含規則、專業知識、技術訣竅、程序、政策和法規的軟件組件,這些可以統稱為 "業務規則"。
XpertRule Knowledge Builder
Development Environment: Knowledge Builder
•Map plugin included for JavaScript fluid layout
•Export/import of modules via XML was affecting
the deployment of procedural code, where any
errors were reported as relating to 'line 1'
•Additional debug (written to 'xrkb.log') has been a
dded to help when investigating certain events
such as module creation
Runtime: Javascript Engine (interactive)
•Cases knowledge representation now supported in treedialogs
•Fixed issue that prevented progress with an empty text control even when Allowblank=true
•Extended the image selector dialog control to cater for multi-select lists
•Fixed issue where extra tabs were showing in the 'User options' and edits were not being saved
•Fixed problem of password showing in re-answer section (treedialog) where isPassword=true
•Fixed failure at runtime of procedural objects (treedialog)
•Fixed ability to unselect answers of multi-select list in re-answer section (treedialog)
•Extended runtime to allow for empty date objects (treedialog)
XpertRule Knowledge Builder
•通過XML發布/導入模塊影響了程序代碼的部署,報告的任 何錯誤都與“第1行”有關。
•修正了即使在Allowblank = true時,
其中isPassword = true。
•修正了在重新回答部分(treedialog)取消選擇多選擇列 表的答案的功能。
XR__EMPTY出現在編碼數據返回中的問題。XR__EMPT Y 出現在編碼數據返回中的問題。
BILOG-MG4 項目反應測試軟體
使用這個Windows版本的BILOG-MG,舊版BILOG for Windows產品已經過時了。BILOG-MG-4具有BILOG的所有功能,加上差分項功能(DIF),項目參數漂移,等效和非等效組等同,垂直等同,兩階段測試,組均值估計,標準偏差和潛在分佈。
BESA Research 腦磁波訊號來源分析軟體
Comparion 決策支援分析軟體
Comparion Core是一個面向決策者的協作式網絡應用。它簡單易用,直觀的工作流程允許團隊定義決策標準並確定潛在的解決方案。 Comparion Core 可以追踪所有參與者的判斷、數據和評論--讓團隊專注於目標、分析和結果。