HTBasic 10程式語言軟體-研究分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

HTBasic 10 程式語言軟體

HTBasic 10 程式語言軟體

  • HTBasic 10 程式語言軟體
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HTBasic 10 Programming Language Software

Special Features 
• Built-in syntax for controlling GPIB, GPIO, and data acquisition
   cards from companies like National Instruments, Agilent, TAMS,
   Keysight, Keithley,Ines, IOtech, Data Translation…
• A Visual no-coding Screen Builder (compatible with BasicPlus)
   that includes widgets for: data presentation–like bars, bitmaps,
   clocks, meters,and strip charts; Menu Creation–like menu
   buttons, cascade menus, and pull-down menus; Data Input–like
   keypads, pushbuttons, radio buttons,scrollbars, sliders and tog
   gle buttons; and Dialog Statements–for displaying errors, file
   names, lists, questions, and warnings.
• Integrated debugger speeds program development. Set
   conditional and global breakpoints, step into, step out of, or
   step over subprograms.
   Includes six exclusive debugging windows for Watch variables,     Line Breakpoints, Global Breakpoints, Trace, Call Stack and a
   debug Code Window.
• DLL Toolkit allows HTBasic to call Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL’s)
   written in other languages like C/C++.
• Supports COMPLEX numbers, LONG integers, and STATIC varia     bles types together with matrix math, and structured program
•  Built-in HELP, plus on-line documentation.
•  Still backwards compatible with legacy HP workstation
    BASlC (RMB)
    including LIF and the TRANSFER function for GPIB, serial and
    file,while also supporting modern Windows standards on the
    PC. LXI/GPIB INSTRUMENT CONTROL 24 HTBasic is backwards
    compatible with legacy Hewlett-Packard RMB workstations incl
    uding connection to instruments over IEEE-488 (GPIB/HPIB) usi
    ng 3rd party interface cards. Plus, HTBasic also supports moder
    n standards like LXI (Lan Extensions for Instruments) over ether
    net. HTBasic is vendor agnostic and connects to any make of in
    strument. HTBasic also supports Data Acquisition (DAQ) cards
    from vendors like National Instruments and Ines.
Supported data types include Complex numbers, Long integers, and Static variables. Along with built-in matrix math operations and multi-megabyte array capabilities, HTBasic can handle whatever your data reduction and analysis requirements are. 
Because HTBasic combines acquisition, analysis and presentation in the same easy-to-use programming language combined with a visual widget based graphical screen builder, it can handle your data from start to finish.
HTBasic includes an Advanced Math Library with highly optimized precompiled functions for things like signal processing, FFT, and curve fitting. Plus HTBasic includes a Numeric Compiler for other user defined math intensive HTBasic subroutines that provides significant performance increases when needed.

Create custom operator-interface and data presentation graphics screens from dozens of built-in widgets and dialogs with the Screen Builder App (aka BasicPlus). Screen Builder includes widgets
like XY graphs, strip charts, meters, and bar displays.
You can also create Dialog Boxes that display questions, warnings, error messages and other critical information quickly and easily. For example, a single strip chart can be configured a myriad of different ways as needed with more than a dozen core attributes and dozens of specific attributes.
The Screen Builder application also includes widgets for keypads, pushbuttons, scrollbars, toggle buttons, and more so you can customize screens with operator-interface and data presentation without coding.

HTBasic implements a classic Windows user interface with toolbar, status bar, pulldown menus, scroll bars and dialog boxes. HTBasic also provides access to external features of the Windows environment through user created DLLs that can be written in C/C++ and called through an integrated DLL loader.


 需要Windows 10,Windows Vista或Windows 7
 400 MHz或更高的處理器.
需要128 MB RAM
  需要300 MB的可用硬盤空間

HTBasic 10 程式語言軟體

• 內置語法,用於控制來自National Instruments,Agilent,TAMS,
   Keysight,Keithley,Ines,IOtech,Data Translation等公司的
• 可視化的無編碼屏幕生成器(與BasicPlus兼容),包括用於以下各項的
• 集成調試器可加快程序開發速度。設置條件和全局斷點,進入,
• DLL Toolkit允許HTBasic調用以其他語言(如C / C ++)編寫的動態
​​​   ​​​​鏈接庫(DLL)。
• 支持COMPLEX數字,LONG整數和STATIC變量類型,以及矩陣數學和
​​   ​​​​​結構化編程。
• 內置幫助以及在線文檔。
• 仍與舊版HP工作站BASlC(RMB)向後兼容,包括LIF和GPIB,

LXI / GPIB儀器控制 
HTBasic向後兼容舊版的HP RMB工作站,包括使用第三方接口卡通過IEEE-488(GPIB / HPIB)連接到儀器。此外,HTBasic還支持諸如以太網上的LXI(儀器的局域網擴展)之類的現代標準。HTBasic與供應商無關,並且可以連接到任何品牌的儀器。HTBasic還支持來自National Instruments和Ines等供應商的數據採集(DAQ)卡。
HTBasic包括一個高級數學庫,該庫具有針對信號處理,FFT和曲線擬合等高度優化的預編譯功能。Plus HTBasic包括一個用於其他用戶定義的數學密集型HTBasic子例程的數字編譯器,可在需要時顯著提高性能。

使用Screen Builder應用程序(又名BasicPlus),從數十個內置的小部件和對話框中創建自定義的操作員界面和數據演示圖形屏幕。Screen Builder包括XY圖,帶狀圖,儀表和條形圖之類的小部件。
Screen Builder應用程序還包括用於小鍵盤,按鈕,滾動條,切換按鈕等的小部件,因此您可以使用操作員界面和數據表示來自定義屏幕,而無需編寫代碼。

HTBasic實現了經典的Windows用戶界面,其中包含工具欄,狀態欄,下拉菜單,滾動條和對話框。HTBasic還通過用戶創建的DLL提供對Windows環境外部功能的訪問,這些DLL可以用C / C ++編寫並通過集成的DLL加載器進行調用。

Altova 2021 程式開發工具軟體

Altova公司®是一家軟件公司,專門在幫助開發數據管理,軟件和應用開發,移動開發和數據集成工具。 Altova為XML,SQL和UML提供了一整套桌面開發軟件; 高性能工作流程自動化服務器產品; 和跨平台的移動開發框架。

Altova 2021 程式開發工具軟體

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