Berkeley Madonna 10 動態系統模型軟體
- Berkeley Madonna 10 動態系統模型軟體
介紹Berkeley Madonna 是一個非常快的通用微分方程求解器。它的圖形界面提供了一個直觀的平台,可以使用符號輕鬆構建複雜的數學模型,而無需編寫方程。該軟件提供了一套用於繪製結果的圖形工具。
Berkeley Madonna 10
Dynamic Systems Modeling Software
Version 10 is a 64-bit application with the following advantages:
• It is about 2-5 times faster than version 9 depending on the
mathematical model.
• Memory limitations imposed by running in 32-bit mode on
version 9 are alleviated allowing for models with essentially
unlimited memory usage on modern hardware.
• We have revamped our Monte Carlo dialog for stochastic
simulations, added a histogram plotting feature, and added
new built-in functions.
• Code redesign will also facilitate porting to Linux, which we
expect to do in late 2021.
• Two version 8 features have yet to be implemented:
oscilloscope mode and check dt.
• Ordinary Differential Equations
• Difference Equations
• Multi-dimensional transcendental algebraic equation roots
• Discrete simulations using conveyors, ovens, and queues
Easy to Use:
• Type equations directly into equation window in ordinary
mathematical notation.
• Click Run. Solutions are automatically plotted. Buttons on
toolbar allow variables to be toggled on and off the graph.
Special Interfaces:
• Flowchart Editor - create models visually with icons and let
Berkeley Madonna write the equations.
• Chemical Reactions - write chemical equations using conventio
nal chemical notation. Berkeley Madonna will automatically
apply the appropriate rate law (e.g., mass action) and generate kinetic equations for you.
Very Fast Execution:
• Berkeley Madonna's impressive speed makes it suitable for
large-scale systems, stochastic models, curve fitting, root
finding, batch processes, parameter plots, stiff systems, etc.
Parameter Exploration:
• Change parameter values directly using the parameter window.
• Parameter Sliders - move the slider and the model runs
instantly and displays the new solution.
• Automatic scan of Parameter Space - define a range for a
parameter and Berkeley Madonna computes and plots a
family of curves spanning the range.
• Parameter Plots - select an attribute (min, max, mean,
frequency, etc.) of any variable. Berkeley Madonna
automatically plots the attribute as a function of a
• Histograms - quickly turn time series data into a histogram
with the click of a button. Easily scroll through bin sizes to
find the best representation.
Integration Algorithms:
• Euler (1st order)
• Runge-Kutta (2nd and 4th order)
• Adaptive stepsize (4th order Runge-Kutta)
• Stiff ODE solver (Rosenbrock)
• Custom DT - write your own equations for adjusting stepsize.
Allows for stochastic modeling using methods such as the
Gillespie algorithm.
Import Experimental Data:
• Curve Fitter - estimate parameters by fitting solution to one
or more imported data sets.
Other Capabilities:
• Fast Fourier Transform - plot results in frequency domain.
• Array notation (dimensioned variables)
• Hybrid multi-dimensional root solver used to automatically
set up steady-state initial conditions. Can also be embedded
in integration loops.

PC compatible computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or later (including Windows 10), or Windows NT 4.0 or later. It does not
work under older versions of Windows NT (such as 3.51), nor
does it run under 16-bit versions of Windows (3.1, 3.11, etc.).
Berkeley Madonna comes bundled with Java OpenJDK 14 and
Berkeley Madonna version 10 is tested on macOS 10.12 (Sierra) through 10.15(Catalina), and may not work on earlier macOS operating systems. To run Madonna on earlier macOS versions, please contact us to obtain Berkeley Madonna version 9. Berkeley Madonna comes bundled with Java OpenJDK 14. Berkeley Madonna
version 10 also requires Apple’s Xcode command line tools,
which is launched automatically when first run and downloaded
from the Apple App Store. In order for this download to work
properly, you must have an active internet connection the first
time you run the software. This automatic installation of the
Xcode tools is equivalent to running “xcode-select --install"
in a Terminal.
By default, Berkeley Madonna will attempt to allocate ¼ of your
free RAM at start up for use. If this, amount of memory is
insufficient for your model, and you cannot reduce memory
usage in the model through other means, which is always
preferable, please contact us at MadonnaExec ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’
com for advice on increasing Berkeley Madonna’s memory

Berkeley Madonna 10
第10版 是一個 64 位應用程序,具有以下優點:
• 根據數學模型,它比版本 9 快約 2-5 倍。
• 在版本 9 上以 32 位模式運行所施加的內存限制得到緩解,
• 我們改進了用於隨機模擬的 Monte Carlo 對話框,
• 代碼重新設計也將有助於移植到 Linux,我們預計將在 2021 年末進行。
• 兩個版本 8 功能尚未實現:示波器模式和檢查 dt。
• 常微分方程
• 差分方程
• 多維超越代數方程根
• 使用傳送帶、烤箱和隊列進行離散模擬
• 用普通的數學符號將方程直接輸入方程窗口。
• 單擊運行。解決方案是自動繪製的。工具欄上的按鈕允許在圖表上打開
• 流程圖編輯器- 使用圖標直觀地創建模型,並讓 Berkeley Madonna
• 化學反應- 使用傳統的化學符號寫出化學方程式。Berkeley Madonna
• Berkeley Madonna 令人印象深刻的速度使其適用於大規模系統、
Parameter Exploration:
• 使用參數窗口直接更改參數值。
• 參數滑塊 - 移動滑塊,模型立即運行並顯示新的解決方案。
• 參數空間的自動掃描 - 定義參數的範圍,伯克利麥當娜計算
• 參數圖 - 選擇任何變量的屬性(最小值、最大值、平均值、頻率等)。
Berkeley Madonna 自動將屬性繪製為參數的函數。
• 直方圖 - 單擊按鈕即可將時間序列數據快速轉換為直方圖。
輕鬆滾動瀏覽 bin 大小以找到最佳表示。
• 歐拉(一階)
• Runge-Kutta(二階和四階)
• 自適應步長(四階 Runge-Kutta)
• 剛性 ODE 求解器 (Rosenbrock)
• 自定義 DT - 編寫您自己的方程來調整步長。允許使用 Gillespie
• Curve Fitter - 通過將解決方案擬合到一個或多個導入的數據集來
• 快速傅立葉變換 - 在頻域中繪製結果。
• 數組表示法(維度變量)
• 用於自動設置穩態初始條件的混合多維根求解器。也可以嵌入到積分

LINDO API 13最適化數學程式軟體
通過LINDO API,您能夠方便的創建您自己的最優化問題求解程序。它允許您加上LINDO求解器的強大功能到您已經寫好的自定義應用程式中。 LINDO API的關鍵性優點快速,方便的應用程序開發 -LINGO API使得把最優化求解程序無縫集成到您自己的應用程序中變得非常簡單。開發者界面已經被設計成最大限度的使用方便和靈活,附帶清楚而詳盡的幫助文檔和示例,來幫助您快速上手分發調用LINDO API求解器的應用程式需要單獨的許可
Autograph Activities
MOSEK 9.2 數學分析軟體
MOSEK Optimization Tools :大規模級別數學優化軟體 MOSEK Optimization Tools 是一款用來解決大規模級別數學優化問題的軟體。 MOSEK提供了特定解決線性編程、混合整數編程以及其他非線性轉換優化問題。