Maple 2023 數學工程軟體 | 新永資訊有限公司

Maple 2023 數學工程軟體

Maple 2023 數學工程軟體

  • Maple 2023 數學工程軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Maple 是一款數學軟件,它結合了世界上最強大的數學引擎和一個界面,使分析、探索、可視化和解決數學問題變得非常容易。
  • 價格

Maple 2023 mathematical engineering software

What's new in Maple 2023
Always More Math
Maple is all about math, so every new release expands and deepens the Maple math engine so you can solve more problems.
Solving More ODEs and PDEs
Maple is the world leader in finding exact solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations, and Maple 2023 offers new techniques that let you solve more problems than ever.
Need for Speed
Performance enhancements include a significantly faster map command, which is used extensively throughout the Maple library and in user code.
Understanding the Universe
Maple’s state-of-the-art environment for algebraic computations in physics is stronger than ever, with more tools for tackling problems in quantum mechanics, general relativity, and more.
Looks Just Right
Sometimes small changes can make a big difference, like when plot domains are automatically selected to put the most interesting features of a graph front and center.
Streamlining the Workflow
Working in Document Mode is now just a little smoother, with new ways to insert blank lines, combine math and text, and advance to the next computation.
LaTeX Made Easy
With its greatly improved LaTeX support, you can take advantage of Maple’s authoring environment and then easily convert your work to LaTeX without the need for further adjustments
Signals and Images
More tools mean you can analyze signals and images in new ways, using commands or the context menus.
Study Buddies
All three Clickable Calculus Study Guides are now included with Maple, to help you learn and teach Calculus, Precalculus, and Multivariate Calculus.
Learning about Differential Equations
The new Student ODEs package provides lots of tools for learning about differential equations, including helpful visualizations and step-by-step solvers.
Creating Content for Maple Learn
New content creation tools make it easy to create sophisticated Maple Learn applications, and the tools can be used for Maple content, too.

• Solve math problems easily and accurately, without worrying
   that you've lost a minus sign somewhere
• Solve math problems quickly that you could never do by
   hand (or that you wouldn't want to do by hand because
   life is too short!)
• Solve problems from virtually any branch of mathematics or
   field that relies on mathematics, such as calculus, algebra,
   differential equations, statistics, control design, linear algebra, 
   physics, optimization, group theory, differential geometry,
   signal processing, special functions, number theory, financial
   modeling, etc. etc.
​​​​• Gain insight into your problem, solution, data, or concept using
   a huge variety of customizable 2-D and 3-D plots and animatio
​​• Keep problems, solutions, visualizations, and explanations all to
   gether in a single, easy-to-follow document, so you don't have
   to waste time reconstructing your thought processes
​​• Develop complex solutions using a sophisticated programming
   language designed for mathematics, so your code is shorter,
   easier to write, easier to debug, and easier to maintain
​• Create interactive applications for yourself, your students, or
   your colleagues, without having to be an expert programmer,
   and share them over the web​​​​​​​



​​​​​​Windows 10
Windows Server 2016, 2019
macOS 11
macOS 11, 10.15, 10.14
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 20.10 
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7, 8.0

1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 64-bit (x64)
1.4 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 64-bit (x64)

64-bit, Intel
Apple M1

1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 64-bit (x64)


Maple 2023 數學工程軟體

 Maple 2023 有什麼新內容
Maple 是關於數學的,所以每個新版本都會擴展和深化 Maple 數學引擎,因此您可以解決更多問題。
解決更多的 ODEs 和 PDEs
Maple 是尋找常微分方程和偏微分方程精確解的世界領先者,
Maple 2023 提供了新技術,讓您解決比以往更多的問題。
性能增強包括顯著更快的地圖命令,該命令在整個 Maple 庫和用戶代碼中廣泛使用。
Maple 用於物理代數計算的最先進環境比以往任何時候都更強大,擁有更多工具來解決量子力學、廣義相對論等問題。
LaTeX 簡單化
憑藉其大大改進的 LaTeX 支持,您可以利用 Maple 的創作環境,然後輕鬆地將您的作品轉換為 LaTeX,無需進一步調整
Maple 現在包含所有三個可點擊的微積分學習指南,以幫助您學習和教授微積分、微積分和多元微積分。
新的 Student ODE 包提供了許多學習微分方程的工具,包括有用的可視化和分步求解器。
為 Maple Learn 創建內容
新的內容創建工具可以輕鬆創建複雜的 Maple Learn 應用程序,這些工具也可用於 Maple 內容。

• 準確地解決數學問題,而不必擔心您在某處丟失了減號
• 快速解決您永遠無法手動完成的數學問題(或者您不想手動完成,
• 解決幾乎任何數學分支或依賴數學的領域的問題,例如微積分、代數、
​   ​​​​​​微分方程、統計學、控制設計、線性代數、物理學、優化、群論、
​   ​​​​​​微分幾何、信號處理、特殊函數、數論、財務建模等。
​​​​• 使用大量可定制的 2-D 和 3-D 繪圖和動畫深入了解您的問題、
​​   ​​​​​解決方案、數據或概念
​​• 將問題、解決方案、可視化和解釋全部保存在一個易於遵循的文檔中,
​   ​​​​​​這樣您就不必浪費時間重新構建您的思維過程
​​• 使用專為數學設計的複雜編程語言開發複雜的解決方案,
​​​   ​​​​使您的代碼更短、更易於編寫、更易於調試且更易於維護
​• 無需成為專家程序員,即可為您自己、您的學生或您的同事創建交互
​   ​​​​​​式應用程序,並通過網絡共享它們


Maple 2023 數學工程軟體

Maple 是一款數學軟件,它結合了世界上最強大的數學引擎和一個界面,使分析、探索、可視化和解決數學問題變得非常容易。

Maple 2023 數學工程軟體

MathMagic Pro Edition v8.72 數學方程式編輯軟體

MathMagic 插件為您提供了用戶界面(一個菜單和一個工具按鈕),使您能夠在 InDesign 文檔中創建和編輯方程。 然後,它與外部 MathMagic Pro 應用程序無縫通信。 您可以使用 MathMagic Pro 應用程序非常快速地製作任何方程式,然後發送回 InDesign。MathMagic 插件允許您將方程式作為內聯圖形或 EPS 格式的浮動圖形對象放置在文本框中。創建後,所有方程都由 InDesign 處理,就像其他 EPS 圖形對像一樣。但是您仍然可以隨時通過雙擊來編輯這些方程。 MathMagic Plug-in 自動識別方程的基線,以便所有方程與文本行的基線很好地匹配,甚至它也允許您手動移動基線。

MathMagic Pro Edition v8.72 數學方程式編輯軟體

Mathematica 12 計算與視覺化軟體

Mathematica 12 是我們三十多年的獨特旅程中另一個重要的里程碑,它大幅擴展了 Mathematica 所涉及的領域,並引入了許多的創新,為所有 Mathematica 用戶提供了更為出色的性能以實現更高的效率。

Mathematica 12 計算與視覺化軟體