QI Macros Six Sigma Software for Excel-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

QI Macros六標準差 統計流程控制軟體

QI Macros六標準差 統計流程控制軟體

  • QI Macros六標準差 統計流程控制軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    QI Macros 是一款經濟實惠、直觀、省時的 Excel 插件,可以繪製帕累托圖、帶有穩定性分析的控製圖(C、NP、P、U、XmR、XbarR、XbarS)、帶有Cp Cpk的柱狀圖、散點圖、盒狀圖和晶須圖等等。
  • 價格

QI Macros Six Sigma Software 

QI Macros is easy to use because... It was created by a businessman and not a professor of statistics. 
Work properly in Excel      
Add new tabs to the Excel menu.
Your data is already in Excel.
You do not need to learn other software programs.

Point and click easily 
Create charts in seconds .
Just select your data, click on the QI Macros menu and select
  the chart you want.
QI Macros does the rest.

Automated intelligence - we have built all the rules directly into the code
There are no formulas to learn.
No decision trees to navigate.
The wizard will analyze your data and choose the right chart
  for you.

It is an Excel add-in, not a separate software application.
Many companies spend thousands of dollars on training and consultants who are poorly trained in Excel 6 and then skimp on the software.
Why train someone and not give them the necessary tools? 
Don't let cost be the reason. By choosing QI Macros, you'll be able to purchase software for all your team members.
No hidden fees 
QI Macros is a perpetual (one-time purchase) license,There are no annual subscription fees,and no technical support fees.
QI Macros is powerful because... It can analyze your data and select the right graph or statistical test for you.
More than 140 fill-in-the-blank templates, including.
• Fishbone diagrams
• Value Stream Charts
• Voice of the Customer
• Gauge R&R Studies
• U.S. Department of Energy
• Sample Templates

• Analysis of variance 
• Analysis of variance
• t-test (t-test is used for normal distribution data with small
   sample size and unknown total number of differencesa
  (normal distribution is a probability distribution)
• Test
• Data normality testing
• Regression Analysis
• Statistical test examples

Data analysis tools, such as:
• Improving the Project Wizard
• Pivot Table Wizard
• Word Count Wizard
• Data Stacking and Unstacking Tools

We have thought of everything 
Analyze your data and choose the right diagram, control chart or wizard for your statistical tests (not only decision trees).
adding data, recalculating control limits, remembering and applying custom formats.
Built-in rules that explain the results for you.



  • Windows 7, 8, and 10, OS X and macOS
  • Excel 2013-2019/Office 365 (PC) | 2019/Office 365 (Mac)
  • Windows 8 and 10 Tablets that are running a full version of Excel 2013-2019, Office 365
  • QI Macros can be installed on a network with licensed users pointing to the files using Excel's alternate startup directory.


QI Macros六標準差軟體在Excel中使用

QI Macros易於使用,因為...它是由商人而不是統計學教授創建的。 

在幾秒鐘內創建圖表 .
只需選擇您的數據,單擊QI Macros菜單,然後選擇您想要的圖表.
• QI Macros完成其餘的工作.


不要讓成本成為原因。通過選擇QI Macros,您將能夠為所有團隊成員購買軟件。
QI Macros是永久(一次性購買)許可證,沒有年度訂閱費用,

QI Macros之所以強大是因為...它可以分析您的數據並為您選擇合適的圖表或統計測試。
• 價值流圖
• 客戶之聲
• 量具 R&R 研究
• 美國能源部
• 模板示例

• 30 項統計檢驗 
• 方差分析
• t檢驗(T檢驗是用於樣本含量較小,總體數差a未知的正態分布資料(正態分布是一
​​​​   ​​​種概率分佈)
• 測試
• 數據正態性測試
• 回歸分析
• 統計測試示例

• 數據透視表嚮導
• 字數統計嚮導
• 數據堆疊和解除堆疊工具



SmartPLS 結構方程建模軟體


SmartPLS 結構方程建模軟體

Latent GOLD® 6.0 潛類回歸模型軟體

Latent GOLD® is a powerful latent class and finite mixture program with a very user-friendly point-and-click interface (GUI). Two add-on options are available to extend the basic version of the program.

Latent GOLD® 6.0 潛類回歸模型軟體

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4 統計分析軟體

CMA 是結合來自多項研究的數據統計程序。當治療效果(或效果大小)的一項研究是一致的,CMA 分析可以用來識別當前普遍的影響,從一項研究中至下一項的效果變化,CMA 分析可被用來確定變化的原因。 

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4 統計分析軟體