Scientific Computing Associates (SCA) 8.1 時間數列統計軟體
- Scientific Computing Associates (SCA) 8.1 時間數列統計軟體
介紹SCA System 8.1 版分為多個版本,旨在滿足在時間序列分析和預測應用程序方面具有不同能力要求和專業知識的用戶的需求。SCAB34S 小程序和 B34S ProSeries 計量經濟學系統中提供了強大的 GARCH、數據挖掘、預測建模和高級計量經濟學建模附加組件。
Scientific Computing Associates (SCA) 8.1 Time Series Statistics Software
Release 8.1 of the SCA System is organized into editions designed to meet the needs of users with varying capability requirements and expertise in time series analysis and forecasting applications. Powerful add-ons for GARCH, data mining, predictive modeling, and advanced econometric modeling are provided in the SCAB34S applets and B34S ProSeries Econometric System.
For academic users teaching the fundamentals of time series methods, SCA offers an Educational Edition that encapsulates time-tested capabilities in time series analysis and forecasting. The Educational Edition is regularly priced at $395. We also offer student bundling of SCA software with the book Time Series Analysis and Forecasting at a very affordable price. Depending on course coverage, the SCA Educational Edition or other more advanced SCA Editions may be bundled.
SCA Practitioner Edition provides expert-system automatic time series modeling and forecasting features with power-packed capabilities to automatically detect and adjust for outliers during estimation and forecasting. It also provides the necessary tools to identify, estimate, diagnostically check, and forecast based on traditional user-directed methods. This edition appeals to users with large-scale forecasting applications as well as users interested in time series data mining and exploration.
For those users with interest in expanded capabilities, we offer Professional Editions of the SCA System that add vector ARIMA and simultaneous transfer function models, causality tests, time-varying parameter models, segmented time series modeling and forecasting, GARCH and other nonlinear modeling, and more. The extensive capabilities included in various editions of the SCA System are best described in the second edition of the book, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. A copy of the book will be included FREE with a new purchase of the SCA System (Practitioner Edition and above).
Windows 10, 8, Windows 7 (64-bit or 32-bit)
Minimum RAM is 2GB (Windows 7 and above), 256MB (XP)
Scientific Computing Associates (SCA) 8.1 時間數列統計軟體
SCA System 8.1 版分為多個版本,旨在滿足在時間序列分析和預測應用程序方面具有不同能力要求和專業知識的用戶的需求。SCAB34S 小程序和 B34S ProSeries 計量經濟學系統中提供了強大的 GARCH、數據挖掘、預測建模和高級計量經濟學建模附加組件。
對於教授時間序列方法基礎知識的學術用戶,SCA 提供了一個教育版,其中包含時間序列分析和預測中經過時間檢驗的功能。教育版的常規售價為 395 美元。我們還以非常實惠的價格為學生提供 SCA 軟件與時間序列分析和預測一書。根據課程覆蓋範圍,可能會捆綁 SCA 教育版或其他更高級的 SCA 版。
SCA Practitioner Edition 提供專家系統自動時間序列建模和預測功能,具有強大的功能,可在估計和預測期間自動檢測和調整異常值。它還提供了必要的工具來基於傳統的用戶導向方法進行識別、估計、診斷檢查和預測。此版本吸引了具有大規模預測應用程序的用戶以及對時間序列數據挖掘和探索感興趣的用戶。
對於那些對擴展功能感興趣的用戶,我們提供 SCA 系統的專業版,其中添加了矢量 ARIMA 和同步傳遞函數模型、因果關係檢驗、時變參數模型、分段時間序列建模和預測、GARCH 和其他非線性建模,以及更多的。SCA 系統各個版本中包含的廣泛功能在本書的第二版時間序列分析和預測中得到了最好的描述。新購買 SCA 系統(從業者版及更高版本)將免費包含該書的副本。
SmartPLS 結構方程建模軟體
QI Macros六標準差 統計流程控制軟體
QI Macros 是一款經濟實惠、直觀、省時的 Excel 插件,可以繪製帕累托圖、帶有穩定性分析的控製圖(C、NP、P、U、XmR、XbarR、XbarS)、帶有Cp Cpk的柱狀圖、散點圖、盒狀圖和晶須圖等等。
DataDesk DDRP 資料統計分析軟體
數據分析是部分探索和部分直覺。隨著數據集的不斷增長,圖形化實時數據分析變得前所未有的重要。Data Desk是一個經過時間考驗的工業,研究和教育工具。它不僅提供了理解一個數據所需的工具,還提供了更一般地理解統計數據的方法。憑藉世界一流的文檔和多年的數據可視化開發,Data Desk是一個理解的平台。