Nagios XI 5 遠程監控軟體
- Nagios XI 5 遠程監控軟體
介紹Nagios XI 5 於 2015 年 9 月發布。該版本包括對以前版本的重大改進,包括升級的監控引擎、高級可視化和報告功能、增強的監控嚮導、預打包的附加組件和全新的 Web 界面。 Nagios XI 是市場上最強大的基礎設施監控解決方案。 XI 簡化了 IT 基礎架構監控,提高了效率,並為 IT 經理和管理員提供了對其網絡環境和數據中心的更高可見性。
Nagios XI 5 Remote Monitoring Software
Comprehensive IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Provides monitoring of all mission-critical infrastructure components including applications, services, operating systems, network protocols, systems metrics, and network infrastructure. Hundreds of third-party addons provide for monitoring of virtually all in-house applications, services, and systems.
The powerful Nagios Core 4 monitoring engine provides users with the highest degree of monitoring server performance. High-efficiency worker processes allow for nearly limitless scalability and monitoring effectiveness.
Provides a central view of your entire IT operations network and business processes. Powerful dashboards provide at-a-glance access to powerful monitoring information and third-party data. Views provide users with quick access to the information they find most useful.
Proactive Planning & Awareness
Automated, integrated trending and capacity planning graphs allow organizations to plan for infrastructure upgrades before outdated systems catch them by surprise. Alerts are sent to IT staff, business stakeholders, and end-users via email or mobile text messages, providing them with outage details so they can start resolving issues immediately.
A powerful GUI provides for customization of layout, design, and preferences on a per-user basis, giving your customers and team members the flexibility they want.
Ease of Use
Integrated web-based configuration interface lets admins hand out control of managing monitoring configuration, system settings, and more to end-users and team members easily. Configuration wizards guide users through the process of monitoring new devices, services, and applications – all without having to understand complex monitoring concepts.
Multi-Tenant Capabilities
Multi-user access to web interface allows stakeholders to view relevant infrastructure status. User-specific views ensure clients only see the infrastructure components they’re authorized for. Advanced user management simplifies administration by allowing you to manage user accounts easily. Provision new user accounts with a few clicks and users automatically receive an email with their login credentials.
Extendable Architecture
Multiple APIs provide for simple integration with in-house and third-party applications. Thousands of community-developed addons extend monitoring and native alerting functionality. Custom interface and addon developments are available to tailor Nagios XI to meet your organization’s exact needs.
Powerful Monitoring Engine
Nagios XI uses the powerful Nagios Core 4 monitoring engine to provide users with efficient, scalable monitoring.
Updated Web Interface
Your new dashboard provides a customizable high-level overview of hosts, services, and network devices.
Advanced Graphs & More
Administrators can easily view network incidents and resolve them before they become major catastrophes.
Capacity Planning
Automated, integrated trending and capacity planning graphs allow organizations to plan for upgrades.
Configuration Wizards
Fast Wizards! Simply enter the required information, and you’re up and monitoring with a few simple clicks.
Infrastructure Management
Improved Bulk Host Import, Autodiscovery, Auto Decommissioning, Mass Acknowledgment & much more
Configuration Snapshot
Save your most recent configurations. Archive it. Revert back whenever you like. Never lose it again. Relax.
Advanced User Management
Easily setup and manage user accounts with only a few clicks then assign custom roles to ensure a secure environment.

Nagios XI 5 is currently supported with the
following Linux distributions for 64 bit
installations only:
CentOS 7/8
Oracle Linux 7/8
Debian 9/10
Ubuntu 16/18/20 (LTS)
Processor: 2+ GHz
HD:40 GB
Other: A redundant disk subsystem

Nagios XI 5遠程監控軟體
強大的 Nagios 酷睿 4 監控引擎為使用者提供了最高程度的監控伺服器性能。高效率的工人流程允許幾乎無限的可擴展性和監控效率。
提供整個 IT 運營網路和業務流程的中心檢視。強大的儀錶板可一目了然地訪問強大的監控資訊和第三方數據。視圖為使用者提供了快速訪問他們發現最有用的資訊。
強大的 GUI 可按每個使用者定製佈局、設計和首選項,為您的客戶和團隊成員提供所需的靈活性。
集成的基於 Web 的配置介面使管理員能夠輕鬆地將管理監控配置、系統設置等的控制權分發給最終使用者和團隊成員。配置精靈引導使用者完成監控新設備、服務和應用程式的過程 - 無需瞭解複雜的監控概念。
多使用者訪問 Web 介面使利益相關者能夠查看相關的基礎設施狀態。使用者特定檢視確保客戶只看到他們授權的基礎設施元件。高級使用者管理簡化了管理,允許您輕鬆管理用戶帳戶。提供新用戶帳戶,點擊幾下,用戶會自動收到帶有登錄憑據的電子郵件。
多個 API 提供與內部和第三方應用程式的簡單整合。數以千計的社區開發的增件擴展了監控和本地警報功能。自定義介面和增補開發可用於定製 Nagios XI 以滿足您組織的確切需求。
納吉奧斯 XI 使用強大的納吉奧斯酷睿 4 監控引擎為使用者提供高效、可擴展的監控。
更新的 Web 介面
高級圖形 & 更多
改進的批量主機導入, 自動發現, 汽車退役, 大規模確認 - 更多!

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NoMachine 7 基於我們在過去幾個版本中引入的創新功能和增強功能。本次更新對用戶界面進行了重大改進、底層增強和許多其他改進,進一步提升了所有平台上的用戶體驗。以下是您在 NoMachine 7.0 中會喜歡的一些功能的概述。
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