Attrasoft DecisionMaker 數位神經網路系統軟體-網路工具軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Attrasoft DecisionMaker 數位神經網路系統軟體

Attrasoft DecisionMaker 數位神經網路系統軟體

  • Attrasoft DecisionMaker 數位神經網路系統軟體
  • 編號
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  • 介紹
    DecisionMaker is Attrasoft's application of neural network technology. DecisionMaker analyze tremendous amounts of information available through a database or a spreadsheet, learning relationships and patterns. This enables DecisionMaker to detect subtle changes and predict results.
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Attrasoft DecisionMaker 

DecisionMaker is Attrasoft's application of neural network technology.DecisionMaker analyze tremendous amounts of information available through a database or a spreadsheet, learning relationships and patterns. This enables DecisionMaker to detect subtle changes and predict results.

What is Neural Network technology?
Neural network technology is software that functions much like the human brain, in that it has the capability to learn, accumulate knowledge, and apply this knowledge to new situations. Through a combination of observations and adaptive pattern matching, neural networks have the capability to learn and draw conclusions.

How do DecisionMaker "learn"?
DecisionMaker learn by observation. They must observe enough example behavior to identify the underlying patterns. Through this ongoing, self-learning processDecisionMaker can acquire far more knowledge than any expert in the field. For example, DecisionMaker can become a medical expert in any medical field in minutes.

What are some potential business use for DecisionMaker?
Attrasoft is delivering this breakthrough technology in a variety of ways. For example, a spread sheet user or a database user can utilize DecisionMaker as the basis for sophisticated business/medical information analysis, such as predicting future demand for products, enabling businesses to produce just the right amount at the right time. Please see the examples below. (You can easily image thousands of applications like this).
Attrasoft DecisionMaker uses the data in your database to help you make business decisions. 
It does not matter what kind of database you have. What seems complicated to you, is not complicated to the Attrasoft DecisionMaker. After putting your data into the DecisionMaker, then in 2 clicks, suddenly your complicated problem will seem very simple.
Attrasoft DecisionMaker can:
  •   •  Decide whether to grant a loan to a customer, student *
  •   •  Decide whether a patient has cancer *, heart disease *, thyroid disease *, ...., or not
  •   •  Decide whether to hire a person or not
  •   •  Decide how likely a patient is going to get cancer, heart disease *, ....,
  •   •  Decide the classification of a virus/bacteria within a group of virus/bacteria *. 
  •   •  Decide how much a house *, a car *, a boat, ... , is worth
  •   •  Decide whether your supervisors evaluate your employees fairly
  •   •  Decide whether your system (electronics systems, computer networkretail store, sexual harassment situation) is healthy
  •   •  Decide supermarket price predictability based on accumulated database
  •   •  Decide which career a child should choose 
  •   •  Decide the outcome of a random event, like a horse race, ...
  •   •  dentify an item in Forensic Science *, ...
  •   •  Sport Predictions:   Soccer game, Horse race, ...


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PRTG Network Monitor v24 網路流量監控軟體

PRTG 是一款專業的網絡監控軟體,可以監控企業內部網絡、伺服器、應用程式、設備等,並提供實時的性能數據和報告。使用 PRTG,您可以輕鬆地監控網絡中的所有設備,以及應用程序的性能和可用性。它可以自動發現網絡設備和應用程序,並提供詳細的報告和圖表,使得用戶可以輕鬆地識別網絡中的問題和瓶頸。該軟體還支持多種通知方式,如電子郵件、短信、聲音等,讓用戶可以及時地得到警報和提醒。此外,PRTG 還支持多種語言和支援監控各種不同平台,提供了豐富的培訓和技術支持,使得用戶可以輕鬆地掌握網絡監控技能。如果您是一名網絡管理員、系統管理員、技術支持人員或學生,PRTG 將是您不可或缺的工具。

PRTG Network Monitor v24 網路流量監控軟體

Nagios XI 5 遠程監控軟體

Nagios XI 5 於 2015 年 9 月發布。該版本包括對以前版本的重大改進,包括升級的監控引擎、高級可視化和報告功能、增強的監控嚮導、預打包的附加組件和全新的 Web 界面。 Nagios XI 是市場上最強大的基礎設施監控解決方案。 XI 簡化了 IT 基礎架構監控,提高了效率,並為 IT 經理和管理員提供了對其網絡環境和數據中心的更高可見性。

Nagios XI 5 遠程監控軟體