SketchUp pro 2019 3D模建模軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SketchUp Pro 2019 3D模建模軟體

SketchUp Pro 2019 3D模建模軟體

  • SketchUp Pro 2019 3D模建模軟體
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    Our full-featured desktop modeler, built to make anything your imagination can create.
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System Requirements

Like many computer programs, SketchUp requires certain hardware and software specifications in order to install and run. These are basic requirements, though, so you may want to use our recommended suggestions to improve performance.

Windows 10, Windows 8+ and Windows 7+
• Software
    º An internet connection is required to install and authorize SketchUp and to use some of the features.
    º Microsoft® Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher.
    º SketchUp Pro requires .NET Framework version 4.5.2. For more information about the .NET framework, click here.
SketchUp requires a 64-bit version of Windows. Also, to install SketchUp, Windows 8.1 must be current with Windows Update.
Boot Camp, VMWare, and Parallels are not supported environments.
• Recommended hardware
    º 2+ GHz processor
    º 8+ GB RAM
    º 700MB of available hard-disk space
    º 3D class video card with 1 GB of memory or higher and support for hardware acceleration. Please ensure that the video card driver supports OpenGL 3.0 or higher and is up to date.
SketchUp's performance relies heavily on the graphics card driver and its ability to support OpenGL 3.0 or higher. To test your graphics card's compatibility, please download and run the SketchUp Checkup application. Historically, people have seen problems with Intel-based cards with SketchUp. We don't recommend using these graphics cards with SketchUp at this time.
  º 3-button, scroll-wheel mouse.  

• Minimum hardware
    º 1 GHz processor
    º 4GB RAM
    º 500MB of free hard-disk space
    º 3D class video card with 512 MB of memory or higher and support for hardware acceleration. Please ensure that the video card driver supports OpenGL 3.0 or higher and is up to date.

Mac OS 10.14+ (Mojave), Mac OS 10.13+ (High Sierra), and 10.12+ (Sierra).
• Software
    º An internet connection is required to authorize SketchUp and to use some of the features.
    º QuickTime 5.0 and web browser for multimedia tutorials.
    º Safari   
Boot Camp, VMWare, and Parallels are not supported environments.
• Recommended hardware
    º 2.1+ GHz processor
    º 8GB RAM
    º 700MB of available hard-disk space
Alert: Please be aware, SketchUp is unable to support case sensitive hard drives with our installation. If you use a case sensitive hard drive you'll experience crashes at launch which cannot be resolved.
     º 3D class video card with 1 GB of memory or higher and support for hardware acceleration. Please ensure that the video card driver supports OpenGL version 3.0 or higher and is up to date.
    º 3-button, scroll-wheel mouse  

• Minimum hardware
    º 2.1+ GHz Intel™ processor
    º 4GB RAM
    º 500MB of available hard-disk space.
    º 3D class video card with 512 MB of memory or higher and support for hardware acceleration. Please ensure that the video card driver supports OpenGL version 3.0 or higher and up to date.
    º 3-button, scroll-wheel mouse.


SketchUp Pro

建立、修改和分享 3D 模型
SketchUp 是可用於建立、分享和展示 3D 模型的一款軟體。無論您是要為您的房子設計新的陽台,為 Google 地球建立模型,還是向您的五年級學生傳授幾何學,您都可以使用 SketchUp 以 3D 方式來呈現您的想法。當您完成模型的建立時,您還可以匯出圖像、製作電影或列印成品的視圖。

一天之內即可讓您學會使用 SketchUp 開始建立模型。
如果您不知道工具的使用方法,即使再最強大的工具對您也毫無用處。大多數人在數小時內即可學會如何使用 SketchUp。數十個 影音教學課程、解釋詳細的 說明中心 和 即時培訓課程 讓希望使用 SketchUp 來建立 3D 模型的人都可如願所償。

使用 SketchUp 來建立任何您能想像到的物件模型。
重新裝飾您的客廳。為科學展覽建立一座火山。建立您公司的模型並將該模型放在 Google 地球中。我們的 SketchUp 設計可讓您在 3D 環境中更輕鬆地思考和與他人溝通。您可自行決定如何使用該軟體。請至 Google 3D 模型庫 看看其他人正在建造什麼樣的模型。

SketchUp 有顏色、線條和文字提示的進階引導系統功能,您不用輸入座標即可讓您追蹤您所在位置及目前的作業程序。如同您在實際生活中所使用的工具一樣,雖然 SketchUp 工具的數量不多,但是麻雀雖小,萬事俱全。這讓您的學習更加容易,使用起來更加方便且 (更重要的是) 更容易記住各功能的使用方式。

Advanced Grapher v2 方程式圖形繪圖軟體

Advanced Grapher是一個專門繪製方程式圖形的繪圖軟件,可以製作出多種方程式的圖形,非常適合國中,高中甚至大學相關科系的學生使用,對於學習數學一定能有事半功倍的效果

Advanced Grapher v2 方程式圖形繪圖軟體

DeltaGraph v7 統計圖表軟體

Deltagraph 是一套功能強大的統計分析工具,提供了資料視覺化能力和優秀的圖表選擇及容易圖表定義功能,使其成為 Windows平台下最全面的圖表工具

DeltaGraph v7 統計圖表軟體

Edraw Network Diagram Software 億圖網路拓撲圖軟體

網絡圖軟件是網絡工程師和網絡設計師以更高效、更有創意和更省時的方式繪製詳細網絡文檔的最佳選擇。 億圖網絡圖軟件重量輕,但功能強大。 軟件的整體設計很直觀,讓創建各種網絡圖變得輕而易舉。

Edraw Network Diagram Software 億圖網路拓撲圖軟體